Why is the special counsel trying to build an obstruction case based on lawful acts by the president?
In her inaugural address as the new president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake on Monday plans to discuss the Freddie Gray case and the subsequent unrest in Baltimore.
Trump said at the Republican debate that the BBB had given his school an "A" rating
WikiLeaks dump reveals internal disagreement among top aides to Clinton about her foundation summit in Morocco
Report: George W. Bush Says Ted Cruz 'Hijacked' the GOP, Admits He Would Be 'Formidable' Competition to Jeb
NOTE: This is all original color film, not B&W that has been colored, or stock footage made by a studio. This is the only known real color film of the attack...

Pope Hails Iran Nuclear Deal

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Speaking Sunday, Pope Francis hailed the pending nuclear deal with Iran as 'a definitive step toward a more secure and fraternal world.'

Apostolate of Death

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

On November 1, after posting a Facebook message stating, “Today is the day I have chosen to pass away with dignity in the face of my . . . .
An NYU professor claims that current "calls for civility are just a power play by those who feel that white supremacy is under threat."
On April 9, Michael Bloomberg delcared his friend Jeb Bush the best GOP candidate for president.
Obamacare's second enrollment period has been far less technologically embarrassing than the famous debacle of 2013 and 2014 --.02/17/2015 15:02:27PM EST.
In this episode, Uncommon Knowledge is honored to have retired four-star General James Mattis. General Mattis retired from the Marine Corps as a full general...
Late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel says he's not worried about losing conservative viewers after his emotional, political monologues on health care and gun control.
Yesterday Ferguson police shooter Jeffrey Williams' attorney, Jerryl Christmas, made the claim that his client was beaten by Saint Louis Police during his arrest. Attorney Christmas, and Ferguson p...
White Ribbon waved yet another red flag that they would prefer to see the bloodshed of men continue, than concede that men are also victims of violence.
Republican House leaders fanned out on the Sunday shows to defend a stop-gap measure to fund the Department of Homeland Security in their ongoing fight against President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration. They did not stray from talking points. TV audiences Sunday heard one specific number several times as hosts pressed the GOP lawmakers to justify the chaos over funding for the Department of Homeland Security. "The president said 22 times, 22 times, that he couldn't do what he eventually did," House Speaker John Boehner said on CBS’ Face the Nation. Both Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Majority Whip Steve ...
On Tuesday, before the final results of the Israeli election were tabulated, the New York Times, in utter disbelief that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might survive the manifold efforts by the Obama Administration and the leftist media to destroy him, released a piece that savaged the Israeli prime minster, with numerous figures whining about the tactics Netanyahu used to retain his post.
There's a scene in the first Madagascar movie--the animated film--where a group of penguins are staging a breakout from the zoo. In order to cover their covert activity from the prying eyes of human visitors, the lead penguin advises his comrades, "Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave." That's a pretty good analogy for Hillary Clinton's campaign for President thus far. She may have an army of highly-paid staffers working with all the diligence of military-minded penguins, but Hillary herself is mostly just smiling and waving for the cameras.
U.S. Navy Chaplain Wesley Modder says the Navy’s attempt to remove him from the military for alleged anti-gay statements is unlawful.
Scott Walker is making some controversial personnel decisions -- but voters in Colorado don’t seem that upset. Even after his campaign made news in Iowa, the Wisconsin governor remained the far-and-away leader in the Centennial State, according to an overnight flash poll conducted by VoterGravity.com.
What a lovely display of "tolerance"....
(FULL SPEECH AT BOTTOM) WKOW - Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wisconsin) got a lot of applause and ultimately a standing ovation at a New Hampshire Republican Party training event Saturday morning, but most ...
Insight from Sean Parnell, retired U.S. Army Ranger, Rob O'Neill, retired Navy SEAL who killed Usama bin Laden, Dakota Meyer, Medal of Honor recipient, and Marcus Luttrell, retired Navy SEAL and author of 'Lone Survivor.'
Unsurprisingly, gender-neutral bathrooms are part of this special snowflake's complaint. ... Read more