On April 9, 2016, the Boston Globe journalists imagined the horrific, dark future world of April 9, 2017. The Globe put together a fake news front cover with Donald Trump as president. One year later, the headlines haven’t aged well. This headline slimed Trump: “U.S. soldiers refuse orders to kill ISIS families.”
In case you missed it, after Senator Jeff Sessions became the Attorney General, then-Governor Robert Bentley appointed Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange to fill the seat, and chose to dump the…
When the Almighty set about to make Bostonians he made them from sturdy stock.
Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren told MSNBC Donald Trump won because of “ugly stew of racism.” Democrats are convinced they will ...
Economists expected a gain of 190,000 jobs in April and the unemployment rate to rise to 4.6%.
So far, Democrats are striking out everywhere.
SANDY, Utah (ABC4 Utah) - Utah Republicans emotionally say goodbye to Congressman Jason Chaffetz this weekend. He was choked up as well.
For many Americans, Memorial Day is nothing more than a cookout. But it began as a way to honor those who died in the Civil War, and heal a broken country.
A fact-checking organization deems Jon Stewart's remark "false"
Not long after top-secret documents from the National Security Agency made their way onto the internet news site The Intercept on Monday, the Justice Department arrested NSA contractor Reality Winners. The 25-year-old veteran worked on a military base in Georgia, but online she had a long history of being heavily Anti-Trump, an apparent social justice warrior, and a supporter of Iran over the U.S. During their evening broadcasts, the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) either played down her political attitudes, or outright ignored them as they reported on what she did.
Trump also twice declined to confirm the existence of White House recordings of the conversations.

Singing a Hwasong

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

North Korea reached a milestone on the Fourth of July by launching its first ICBM, the “Hwasong-14.” Fired on a steep trajectory the missile flew for almost forty minutes before coming down about 800 miles from the launch pad. On a shallower trajectory, it could have reached Alaska. The launch was accompanied, as usual, by a taunt from Kim Jong Un. This time he said the launch was a message to “the American bastards.” Days before his inauguration, Mr. Trump wrote a tweet that said of North Korea’s ambition to develop an ICBM, “… it won’t happen.” Now it has.
If you want someone to lead Canada by building sturdy global alliances in defence of liberal democracy, Justin Trudeau is exactly the wrong person for the job
There are not one, but two competing movie projects attempting to glorify an underground abortion collective in Chicago operating four years before the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in 1973. One radical feminist at the Jezebel blog proclaimed this was a wonderful development “in a particularly fragile time for abortion rights...Considering our current administration, I’d say the more media we can get about underground abortion collectives, the better!”
It's hard to feel sorry for the most popular girl in school.
The FCC is reviewing its network neutrality rules including prohibitions on blocking content. The federal government should no longer be in the business of ensuring that evil websites—from ISIS to the Ku Klux Klan—have unfettered access to the schools and homes and minds of America.
Rush Limbaugh: 'We Are on the Cusp of a Second Civil War'
Pope Francis urged political leaders on Monday to defend migrants, saying their safety should take precedence over national security concerns and that they should not be subjected to collective deportations.
Please subscribe to the Listen N Learn podcast where you'll find fair-minded analysis from the nationalist, conservative, populist perspective lacking in the...
Trump says he wants to ensure that the Gulf Coast communities are "receiving full support and cooperation from the federal government."
An op-ed on Wednesday signaled that the senator plans to buck leadership on this issue.
Bill Gertz: iWar: War And Peace In The Information Age America is at war, but most Americans don’t know it. Covert information warfare is waged by world powe...
WASHINGTON -- President Donald Trump's request that Congress protect illegal immigrants is not a change of heart, but something Trump has always supported, according to White House press secretary Sar
Its pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that the future belongs to conservatives after all, its we conservatives who are reproducing. And the liberals? Well, just look at them. They make the gang at The Weekly Standard look butch.