All in all, a pretty fun week for conservatives. Marco Rubio made a classy and inspiring entrance into a Republican field that is already impressive and energizing, and sure to become even more so.
Some in the mall were happy to see the protesters.
Astro Labe, 38, has been charged with one count of common assault.
Roland Fryer has been announced as the most recent recipient of the John Bates Clark metal, one of the most prestigious awards in economics. This is a useful time to reflect on his research showing that good schools matter. To many, this might seem to be a strange claim to [...]
The disgraced New York Democrat had exchanged illicit messages with a teen.

Scott Walker Strikes Again

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

For a quarter of a century, Republican presidential candidates have uttered variations of George H. W. Bush’s high pitched pledge: “I want to be the education president.” It has gotten them exactly...
Before stardom, James Franco was just a fast-food employee eating fries straight from the hopper.
Heritage Action for America and Club for Growth have joined the “No D.C. Exemption" campaign.
She is so unpleasant to colleagues, she’s causing high turnover at the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, sources say.
It's early in the campaign cycle, but it's never too early to speculate on who will win in 2016. Though most of my friends are "Ready for Hillary," I am confident that Marco Rubio will be the next president of the United States.
Chris Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action, accused Hillary Clinton of “hypocrisy” for her stance on gun control and criticism of the NRA, telling “Fox News Sunday” that Clinton “will never spend a moment … without armed security” or “live in a high crime area.”
The San Diego division of Customs and Border Protection tweeted out pictures on Wednesday of four different
As their struggles persist and political excitement dims, Hillary Clinton faces a challenge to inspire these voters.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is calling on Republicans in the House—and the grassroots nationwide—to oppose efforts by House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to revive Obamatrade via a tax increase hidden inside the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) portion of the deal.
It seems lately that only international reporters have the courage to challenge their prominent left-wing guests’ talking points. Case in point, BBC HARDTalk host Stephen Sackur’s interview October 16 with liberal activist and actress Jane Fonda. Sackur put Fonda on the spot multiple times, asking her to respond to critics who called her a traitor, and explain Hollywood’s virulent anti-Trump activism that has alienated so many Americans.

I Want To Be A Republican So Badly

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Republicans are the worst. Okay, are you significantly riled up yet? I was once told that if you had to give a speech, you should start it with an incendiary first line to captivate your audience. Given that 97% of TFM’s readership identifies as a Republican according to a poll I just made up, I?
Mike Pence’s ascent to the second most powerful position in the U.S. government is a tremendous coup for the radical religious right.

Jindal announces 2016 bid

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Louisiana governor is the 13th Republican candidate for the White House.
AVS WinVote machines used in three presidential elections in state ‘would get an F-minus’ in security, said computer scientist who pushed for decertification
Lido Pimienta, a Colombian-Canadian singer, …
This guy will never learn...