
The United States, President Obama said at the U.N. General Assembly last week, “worked with many nations in this assembly to prevent a third world war—by forging alliances with old adversaries.” Presumably, the president was not referring to his deeply flawed Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the recent agreement that the White House has marketed as the only alternative to war with a soon-to-be-nuclear Iran.


"Regulations actually benefited the regulated industry at the expense of consumers." Watch as Susan Dudley explains who really benefits from regulations and ...


The Department of Homeland Security is readying a plan to expand a program that pays U.S. employers to hire foreign STEM students taught in America, a move that could end up punishing American college grads and even the elderly, according to an immigration think tank.
In pushing to allow more foreign students into the so-called optional practical training program, DHS said that it will help businesses and colleges by keeping those foreign students in the U.S. following their American-taught science, technology, engineering, and math, or STEM, curriculum.
But the Center for Immigration Studies said it will punish American STEM students competing for those same jobs. And, they added, in adjusting how the foreign students are categorized as employees, they get out of paying payroll taxes used to help fund programs like Social Security and Medicare.


"The stakes of this election are high"


Luckily House Republicans weren’t in charge when Jesus was a refugee.


I'm left with the burning conviction that my family and community are safer and freer because I own and carry a firearm.


Some California residents are questioning whether they want to continue to be part of the woketopia created by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom. This week,


“Final Delegate count:
@realDonaldTrump 336
@tedcruz 233
@marcorubio 113
@JohnKasich 27
@RealBenCarson 9
#SuperTuesday #GOPPrimary”


President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the US military will be used to guard the US-Mexico border. "We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That's a big step," Trump told reporters


John Kasich and Ted Cruz are so politically distinct that they have exchanged nary a mean word about the other as they appealed to different poles of the Republican Party.


A series of blasts throughout Brussels on Tuesday have killed multiple people.


Refugees with a residence permit barely have a job, Dutch newspaper “De Telegraaf” reports. Almost 90% of refugees, who received their residence permit in 2014, were unemployed two and a half years later, according to figures from the Dutch statistics office CBS. While 11% of refugees do work, a large majority of them still don’tRead More


Iran front group: Barring Iraqis & Syrians from visa waivers is


Jason Riley has now joined the long and distinguished list of people invited — and then disinvited — to give a talk on a college campus, in this case Virginia Tech.Mr. Riley is a Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a columnist for the Wall Street Journal and, perhaps most relevantly, author of a very insightful book titled Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed.In short, Jason Riley’s views on race are different from the views that prevail on most college campuses. At one time, 50 years ago or earlier, exposing students to a different viewpoint was considered to be a valuable part of their education. But that was before academia — and the education system in general — became virtually a monopoly of the political left.Today one can literally go from kindergarten to becoming a graduate student seeking a Ph.D., without ever hearing a vision of the world that conflicts with the vision of the left.


Senate Republicans and Democrats vented their frustration again Thursday over President Trump’s tariffs, which they said are hurting farmers and businesses.


Reddit users discussing the Orlando shootings on the site's primary subreddit for breaking news stories say they're being censored.


"There is a growing tide of anger in the country, directed against Trump and the reactionary, anti-people agenda of the Republican Party."


This week, President Trump went on a Twitter rampage -- rightly so -- over the firing of FBI agent Peter Strzok. Strzok, you'll recall, is the agent who was tasked with overseeing both the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the Russian election-interference investigation.


CHOMSKY: The film opens with Galadriel speaking. “The world has changed,” she tells us, “I can feel it in the water.” She’s actually stealing a lin...


Blue Lives Matter reports that more than half of Baltimore’s 32 mayoral candidates have criminal charges on their records. The original report comes from WBFF. Days before former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh was due to be sentenced in federal court for conspiracy to commit wire fraud and tax evasion, WBFF reported about all the sketchy …


President Donald Trump unleashed some unusually early morning tweets on Tuesday, citing a report from a conservative website to rip Google for allegedly biased


President Trump’s Supreme Court pick Judge Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday. Democrats and protesters interrupted the the hearing for hours. Dozens of liberal protesters were arrested and dragged screaming from the committee hearing. Screaming leftists continued to disrupt the hearing for several hours. Now this? Several doctors from Texas attended the ?