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The media has a commitment to activism, in particular, to view and dissect everything through the prism of critical race theory


The Tea Party was demonized for far less.


Did Donald Trump do anything impeachable that he just might have forgotten about? That’s the gist of an actual question to the President on Thursday by a local reporter. Scott Thuman of ABC 7 in Washington wondered, “As you look back over the past six months or year, have you had any recollection where you've wondered if anything you have done has been something that might be worthy of criminal charges in these investigations or impeachment as some on the left are implying?"


シンジケート・アナリティクスの新しいレポート「木製ベニヤ製造工場プロジェクトレポート2024:業界分析(市場パフォーマンス、セグメント、価格分析、見通し)、詳細なプロセスフロー(製品概要、ユニットオペレーション、原材料、 […]


The Trump administration has refused to withhold grants from so-called sanctuary cities.


Three serious issues have been found in the audit of the returns of the November 3, 2020 general election in Maricopa County, AZ.


My phone rang the other day, and the caller had a real man-bites-dog story - the unusual event journalists relish. "You said in your column you wanted to know if there was anybody living in San Francisco who supports President Trump," said a woman's voice. "Well I am, and I do. What do you want to know?" I like bluntness, and I immediately liked Vicky Berol, a Cow Hollow resident who when asked her age, said "past maturity." The retired insurance broker and I got to talking, and she had many reasons for supporting the president whom I despise. "I like that he is not a politician - that's No. 1," she said. "I like that he is a successful businessman.


Arizona has started its own busing campaign to deliver newly arrived illegal immigrants straight to Washington, following in the footsteps of Texas, which pioneered the policy last month.


CNN Live Stream | President Trump Latest News Today


A study by two marketing researchers estimates the effects of political advertising.


This is a short clip from the Great One who said tonight that we've got to defend people like Trump who are speaking out, who are being attacked so viciously by those who are twisting their words. ...


"I'll just kind of rearrange the pencil on the podium here."


Let’s start by stating the obvious: Hillary Rodham Clinton would be a formidable presidential candidate in 2016. Mrs. Clinton’s credentials as secretary of state, as a United States sen…


Former President Jimmy Carter plans to discuss his recent cancer diagnosis Thursday for the first time since revealing last week that he was ill.


An immigration watchdog said Facebook is barring their reports on jobs going to immigrants.


Don't believe people who tell you "the science is settled" on climate change. Studies of scientists show the opposite.]


The Espionage Act calls for a 10-year prison term for anyone who fails to tell his or her 'superior officer' when a security breach occurs through 'gross negligence' – a legal term for 'carelessness.'


FacebookTwitterGoogleEmailAt a stump speech on Friday Ted Cruz told a hilarious story about being hounded by the media about who he thought should be the next Speaker of the House. After tiring of …


“Hypocrisy ? I fired John Kasich from the 1976 Reagan Campaign ... For selling pot to other field men”


Erika Christakis, the associate master of Silliman College whose Halloween email to students sparked conversations about race and discrimination on campus, will no longer teach at Yale.


Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren skipped the Tribal Nations Policy Summit this week in Washington DC. The Massachusetts liberal lied about her heritage in order to land a job at Harvard. The Daily Caller reported: Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who has claimed to be Native American, is conspicuously absent from a Tribal Nations Policy Summit this week. …


If you have ever wanted to read a politically-correct primer on how the liberal media works, look no further than this helpful how-to straight from the horse’s mouth: the Huffington Post. Senior media editor Gabriel Arana explained in the article, “5 Ways Journalists Can Avoid Islamophobia in Their Coverage,” that 1. Journalists shouldn’t provide opposing points of view when covering Islam; 2. Journalists shouldn’t use the word “Islam” when talking about terror; and 3. All journalists should have a “close” Muslim friend to make sure their reporting is friendly to the faith.


The interior minister for the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, within which Cologne is situated, has said people of a right wing persuasion discussing the mass sexual assaults on New Years Eve online are equally “awful” as the attackers and rapists