
The View’s Sunny Hostin: I Don’t Believe The Shooting Of ‘Fellow Republicans’ Will ‘Change Anything’
On Tuesday, The View co-host Sunny Hostin continued the peculiar media talking point that the victims in the Las Vegas shooting were "fellow Republicans," or in some way affiliated with the GOP:


President Joe Biden announced Monday that 20 broadband providers have agreed to lower costs and increase speeds for high-speed internet


James O’Keefe attempts to give Twitter Lead Client Partner Alex Martinez an opportunity to clarify his comments about Twitter not being profitable because of...


"Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning the way you might today distance yourself from news, national politics, or even taxes you don’t feel like paying. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted. The Fourth Turning necessitates the death and rebirth of the social order..."


On MSNBC's Hardball Thursday night, host Chris Matthews stumped DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) when he asked her what the difference is between a Democrat and a socialist.
"What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?" Matthews asked, leaving Wasserman Schultz at a loss for words.
"I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?" Matthews tried again. "A Democrat like Hillary and a socialist like Bernie Sanders."
Wasserman Schultz again was unable to answer and instead tried to tell Matthews what the difference between a Democrat and a Republican is.
"The more important question is what is the difference between being a Democrat and being a Republican," she said.
"What's the big difference between a Democrat and a socialist?" Matthews again asked.
"You're chairman of the democratic party. Tell me the difference between you and a socialist," Matthews reminded her.
"The relevant debate that we'll be having this campaign is what's the difference between a Democrat and a Republican," Schultz said.
Schultz, however, was able to tell the difference between a Democrat and a Republican.
"The difference between a Democrat and Republican is that Democrats fight to make sure everybody has an opportunity to succeed and the Republicans are strangled by their right-wing extremists," she said.


NBC revealed today an NBC poll conducted by Survey Monkey. In part because the polling doesn't lend well to the preferred media ratings narrative, NBC is bending over backward to say the poll is "...


The Iranian regime, including leaders Ayatollah Khamenei and Hossein Sheikh Al-Islam, disclosed confidential details from the nuclear negotiations. The regime ...


It was the story that sparked outrage across America. A bright 14-year old student brought a homemade clock into MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas to impress a teacher. But instead of earning


`Show me just what (Islamic Prophet) Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.'


On Real Time with Bill Maher, the conversation quickly turned contentious regarding the candidacy of Secretary Hillary Clinton. The panel — comprised of blog...


A memo on bypassing restrictions on work visas.


The former president is now seen as a critical asset to his wife's presidential campaign.


A recent graduate from Kean University was charged after posting threats to kill all black students on campus. Kayla-Simone McKelvey, ...


Of more than 30 female officers who have attempted IOC, most have dropped out during the combat endurance test.


“ (Mickey Mouse is a) three-fingered son of a bitch who has no soul, for Christ’s sake .”- Charles Bukowski With Disney’s recent acquisition of the rights to both Marvel Comics and Star...


Last week's televised town hall on guns and school safety has led to finger-pointing by the father of a Florida school shooting survivor and CNN.


Today is not only the grey morning after the election the night before, but also the fifth anniversary of a terrible savage act in the heart of Canada's capital. The photograph at right shows Corporal Nathan Cirillo of the Argyll and Sutherland


Urban Institute researchers found that premiums and out-of-pocket costs are still a major concern for people seeking coverage on the health care marketplaces.


A former CIA station chief says that former CIA Director John Brennan "is doing Putin's bidding" by publicly attacking and speculating about President Donald Trump. In an article at Cipher Brief, a na


House Speaker Paul Ryan will push his open borders agenda during his last months in Congress, telling the media that he is interested in passing an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.


Congress?s proposed relief package for Puerto Rico would require the island to be more forthright about its pension costs, but it would allow state and local governments to continue downplayi…


Some residents of a liberal city are being drawn to the Republican Party by frustration with a trifecta of problems: homelessness, record housing costs and high crime rates.


Taxpayers have long memories, especially when it comes to how their hard-earned money is spent. I bet taxpayers remember providing more than $812 billion to Citigroup and Bank of America, two Wall Street banks, in 2009 to bail them out during the 2008 financial crisis.


Donald Trump finally crossed a line he?s held short of until there was nobody left to offend. He went after Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Com…


Hugh Fitzgerald: Among Schoolchildren, or Islam Outreach in Japan Iran Accuses US of Backing the Islamic State and the