
Trump said Clinton's opposition to the ban proves she's unqualified to be president.


Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Well, this just makes official what we all knew would be true: the AP is reporting that according to their count, Donald Trump now has 1,238 delegates, one more than the 1,237 he needed to clinch the nomination. In honor of this occasion, here is video of one of the hundreds of times that John Kasich promised that no | Read More »


As the 2016 candidates battle over trade, the State Department keeps Hillary Clinton’s TPP emails under wraps until after the election.


I live in Oakwood, Ohio, the home of the Stanford sex offender. Communities like this one have a dark side.


With his remarks in Helsinki and at the NATO summit in Brussels, Trump has signaled a historic shift in U.S. foreign policy that may determine the future of this nation and the fate of his presidency.


Hillary Clinton's numbers have never been worse, but she's still in much better shape.


On Fox News with Bill O'Reilly, House Speaker Paul Ryan made a demonstrably false declaration about his efforts to pause the Somali refugee program.


WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump is one of the wealthiest men to ever run for president, but his campaign appears to be flat broke. What's more, fundraising reports show he's used about $6 million in campaign money to pay…


Chinese audiences won't be able to enjoy the new movie, "Christopher Robin," because Chinese authorities are in the midst of a "Winnie the Pooh" crackdown, eliminating the "silly old bear" from Chinese popular culture.


The Fulton County Board of Commissioners voted to accept a $6.3 million grant from the Mark-Zuckerberg funded Center for...


The tepid recovery from the Great Recession prompted many to conclude that low growth, or “secular stagnation,” would plague the U.S. economy indefinitely. However, the first three years of the Trump Administration prove that a prolonged period of low growth was far from inevitable. This increased growth has coincided with Administration policies like lower taxes, …


Somerville Veterans Memorial Cemetery is the final resting place for many who served our country. George Gatteny says the usual calm and tranquility was disrupted by the sights and sounds of disrespect.


At first, he couldn’t identify the sound. But Amir Atiabi, an inmate in Iran’s Gohardasht Prison, was curious. Over the course of several nights in 1988, he recalled, “strange noises that sounded l…


A recession is likely, but not certain, over the next four years. If Hillary Clinton is elected and cajoles Republicans in Congress to go along with a significant portion of her economic agenda, the odds and consequences of real damage are significantly higher.


Do these latest election “results” confirm that the fix is in and the vote is rigged?


Judging by Democrats’ reactions, you’d think James Comey had endangered classified national-security information or something.
“Apocalyptic” is the only adequate description of the Left’s reaction to Comey’s recent letter to Congress announcing new information in the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation. As letters go, it was light on detail, as Democrats have been quick to point out, though it would seem to be putting one’s nongendered garment over one’s head to suggest that it is a threat not just to Clinton’s chances at the ballot box on Tuesday, but to the survival of American democracy itself.
Yet that is just what several left-leaning politicos and commentators have suggested, from Harry Reid’s insinuating that Comey’s letter may have broken the law, to Michael Tomasky’s arguing that “this is shaping up to be a Third-World election” and that perhaps the Organization of American States should intervene. Tomasky even went so far as to hint that Iran — yes, Iran — is doing more to protect its electoral integrity than we are.
In July, the same James Comey contorted himself into rhetorical pretzels to avoid recommending Hillary Clinton be prosecuted for exposing classified information, despite laying out a compelling case that she would be facing serious charges were she possessed of any surname besides the one she has. He settled on saying that while she was “extremely reckless,” her actions did not constitute “gross negligence,” a distinction that remains unclear.
Democrats were miffed that Comey had the audacity to go even that far, but, all in all, he was praised as a fine public servant. As my colleague Andy McCarthy has explained at length, Comey’s press conference was an extravagant departure from Justice Department protocol, but Democrats were more than comfortable pardoning Comey’s excesses then, since he had acted in the service of helpful ends. He just wanted to “stay out” of the election, they explained.
But now? Following another departure from DOJ protocol, Democrats are incensed about the threat Comey’s letter poses to the foundations of our key institutions, and to our democratic (or was it Democratic?) government! On the matter of whether he himself is a bitter GOP partisan or simply “appeasing [Republican] bullies” (E. J. Dionne), opinions vary. But that he’s done something shockingly irresponsible, Democrats have no doubt. When Comey went rogue in July, he was just leaving the race up to We the People. But when he went rogue in October, he “put his thumb on the scales.”
This is the type of ends-justifies-means thinking that has guided Democrats since the beginning of this process, conveniently occluding their ability to recall that this whole problem is entirely of their own making. It was Hillary Clinton who set up a private e-mail server, almost certainly to evade federal transparency laws. It was Hillary Clinton who, in violation of the law, sent dozens of classified e-mails from the unsecured private account run through that server. It was Hillary Clinton who swore under oath that she had surrendered to investigators all work-related e-mails. It was Democrats who then went and nominated the woman under FBI investigation. And it was Loretta Lynch, a Democratic attorney general, who met with Bill Clinton behind closed doors on an airport tarmac in Phoenix and compromised any possibility of her trustworthiness when it came to this investigation.
Following in John Roberts’s footsteps, Comey wrongly thought that he could make a decision that would extricate him from his predicament, when there was no such option. The obvious choice should have been to follow the law, come what may — and had he chosen to do that, he would have avoided the current predicament.
But Comey’s missteps — many and large though they have been — were the result of Democrats who, from the White House on down, conducted themselves time and time again as if they were above the law.
The fact that they were right, not the FBI director’s letter to Congress, should be the real source of concern.
— Ian Tuttle is the Thomas L. Rhodes Fellow at the National Review Institute.


The Simpsons have confirmed that controversial character Apu will be cut out of future episodes.


When Donald Trump said last week that he will double the American growth rate, his skeptics scoffed. The left doesn't think 4% growth is possible, because they never came close to that target under Barack Obama.
But there's no law of nature or economics that says America is doomed to an


Why I'm holding off on a Presidential bid...


If liberals are horrified at Donald Trump’s emergence, they have their own team’s behavior to thank for lending Trump support.


President-elect Donald Trump announced Wednesday that Linda McMahon, wife of World Wrestling Entertainment founder Vince McMahon, is his nominee to head the Small Business Administration. Linda has a tremendous background and is widely recognized as one of the country's top female executives advising businesses around the globe. She helped grow WWE from a modest 13-person operation to a publicly traded global enterprise with more than 800 employees in offices worldwide. Linda is going to be a phenomenal leader and champion for small businesses and unleash America's entrepreneurial spirit all across the country, Trump said. Our small businesses are the largest source of job creation in our country, McMahon said. I am honored to join the incredibly impressive economic team that President-elect Trump has assembled to ensure that we promote our country's small businesses and help them grow and thrive.


A transgender police officer in Washington, D.C., who has repeatedly been praised as a community role model has also quietly been reprimanded for improper sexually-tinged antics with underage police i


Hundreds of young men from one of the migrant caravans headed toward the United States arrived at a border fence that separates Tijuana, Mexico and San Diego, California on Monday; some of them began illegally entering the U.S. after climbing the fence.