
Hillary Clinton is not running for president again, longtime advisers and confidants said on Monday as they pushed back on reports that the 2016 Democratic nominee is weighing another White House run.


WASHINGTON, D.C. — In recognition of Biden's tremendous accomplishment of going one full day without more classified documents found at one of his residences, the White House has proudly hung a banner saying: "1 Day Without Classified Documents Being Discovered At President's House."


Clinton Foundation Donations Plummeted by 37 Percent


You've likely seen the story …


Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.


Indonesian President Joko Widodo sought to ease tension in the world’s most populous Muslim nation by appearing at a rally of more than 150,000 people seeking to jail Jakarta’s Christian governor, an ally of his, over blasphemy allegations.


Scrambling for an explanation for Donald Trump’s victory, many in the media and on the left have settled on the idea that his supporters were consumers of “fake news” — gullible rubes living in an …


Geert Wilders is convicted of inciting discrimination against Moroccans, while an Arab plots a terror attack in Rotterdam. At least we’re focusing on the real threat!…


Barack Obama must find an excuse for Hillary Clinton losing a near-guaranteed presidential race. And he has: Vladimir Putin! White House spokesman Josh Earnest explained:


"The problem is with the people that populate the media."


Today in West Aleppo, the Syrian people celebrated Christmas with a parade, horns and festive atmosphere. Watch the video below.


The German government is seeking to create a center of defense against disinformation ahead of next year’s elections, in the wake of ongoing “fake news” and "Russian hackers" hysteria generated during the election cycle in the United States.


President Obama will have one last chance to force Judge Merrick Garland onto the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday — but it’s a legal gamble and one that has so many pitfalls that even those who say he could get away with it believe it isn’t worth the fight.


Martin Tolchin, a former New York Times congressional correspondent who helped found The Hill newspaper, has panned his former publication's call for an investigation into Tara Reade's sexual assault allegations against former Vice President Joe Biden.


In a Harper’s Bazaar interview published January 10, Madonna made the stunning claim that she is only one of a “handful” of politically vocal people in the entertainment industry. Say what?!


An "affirmative act of betrayal by the president of the United States."


Stand-up comedian Stephen Spinola decided he would join in the attacks on 10-year-old Barron Trump last Friday, as his father Donald Trump was being inaugurated.
In two tweets he later deleted, Spinola offered these gems of humor: “Barron Trump looks like a very handsome date-rapist to be,” and, “I don’t want my Mom to get raped, but if she does I hope it’s by Barron Trump. Small pp [sic] would be painless and we’d win lots of money in court.”


Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.


Hunter Biden on Thursday admitted and then justified the Biden family's multi-million dollar business with Chinese entities close to the Chinese Communist Party after years of denial.


Try to homeschool your kids and you may find yourself and your children kidnapped by the authorities.


Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello gives a beautiful reading of Innosanto Nagara's A IS FOR ACTIVIST, the board book for the children of the 99% ...


Mexico opened legal aid centers at its 50 consulates across the United States on Saturday to defend its citizens, the Mexican government said, amid worries of a crackdown on illegal immigration under U.S. President Donald Trump.


President Donald Trump is preparing to put forward a massive infrastructure spending bill, to the delight of big government statists in both parties looking to pay off the


Many readers will recall that in 1996 Hillary Clinton published a book — I won’t say she wrote it — called It Takes a Village, the title of which was supposedly inspired by an Afr…