
Republicans and Democrats offer starkly different assessments of the impact of several of the nation’s leading institutions – including the news media, col


The tech leader's history of unreasonable data collection would carry over into the White House and lead to an increase in federal privacy violations.


Allan Jones, CEO of Hardwick Clothing and Check Into Cash payday loan company, announced on Tuesday he is through with sponsoring the wardrobes and advertising on the NFL. Hardwick Clothing is America’s oldest suit maker. In his statement Jones said, “Our companies will not condone unpatriotic behavior!” The Times Free Press reported: Two years ago, …


Satan. The Devil. The lion seeking whom he may devour. The thief who comes to only to steal and kill and destroy. The crafty serpent. Satan, the fallen, the arch-enemy of God. In these evil days, why is no one talking about him? So little ink is spent on Satan, the evil force who works in direct opposition to God. Even devout, regular churchgoers rarely hear about Satan. Yet Satan's presence is everywhere in ways subtle and overt. Who thinks of amassing guns and killing as many people as possible while enjoying a concert in Las Vegas after a seemingly


The Southern Poverty Law Center bills itself as a watchdog of hate groups. But is this just a cover for its true aims? Journalist and author Karl Zinsmeister explains.


Gotta love hecklers on live TV!


Sen. Jeff Flake said Tuesday he won’t run for re-election next year, complaining that he’d been pushed out by the “coarseness” of President Trump and saying there’s no room someone like him in the GOP in Washington anymore.


What significance should we put on the justification public killers give for their actions?


Paul Krugman's latest column uses the 10th anniversary of hurricane Katrina as a pretext to attack the Republican presidential field.


Many of the previously uninsured are actually worse off financially under the Affordable Care Act, a study finds, and that's bad news for companies from Aetna (AET) to Cigna (CI) and Anthem (ANTM).


The fascinating history.


Sen. Ted Cruz suggested Wednesday that Republican primary voters should be the ones moderating GOP debates, rather than liberal TV hosts who were roundly criticized during Wednesday night's Republican debate on CNBC.
Why is it that we keep having debates where the moderators … no one in their right minds thinks any of the moderators actually will vote in a Republican primary? Cruz asked on Sean Hannity's show on Fox. In my view, Republican primary debates ought to be moderated by people who would vote in a primary.
Cruz tossed out Hannity's name as one possibility, along with conservative talk radio show hosts Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh.
Hannity replied, I'm in, adding that he could speak for the other two men that they would be in as well.
I'd ask Reince Priebus, Hannity said of the Republican National Committee chairman, who himself voiced his displeasure with the CNBC moderators shortly after the debate.


This is an entry from the December 1, 2015 Live Blog


Carlson: Media's "aims are much darker" than they appear. (Screenshot)“Blustery charlatans in the media” actually have much “darker” aims than stopping violence, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson warned Thursday.


Kyle Kashuv, Parkland shooting survivor and the loudest voice on the pro-gun side of the debate amongst his peers, was scheduled to appear on CNN today. However, according to Kashuv, the appearance was canceled by CNN itself. Kashuv, who has frequently advocated for more security in schools versus restriction of gun rights, tweeted out the cancelation, explaining that it was due to a link he | Read More »


Emma Gonzalez is not budging in her fight against gun violence.


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Under intense pressure from their left-leaning constituents to do something about the dangerous, Christian-founded restaurant chain, Democrats in the House of Representatives unveiled legislation Tuesday that would make it a hate crime to eat at Chick-fil-A. The CFAHATE Act Of 2018 would make it a hate crime punishable by federal law to dine at ?


Taxpayers paid for one scientist to have a bee sting his penis, and paid other researchers to figure out that cheerleaders look more attractive in a group than individually, according to a painful new survey of wasteful spending being released Tuesday by Sen. Jeff Flake.


McCain minority staff director Henry Kerner to IRS official Lois Lerner and other IRS officials: “the solution is to audit so many that it becomes financially ruinous” (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released newly obtained internal IRS documents, including material revealing that Sen. John McCain’s former staff director and chief counsel on the Senate...


The co-founder of Portland Resistance, a prominent Antifa group, was sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to two felony charges of sexual abuse of a 17-year-old boy in March, and being found guilty of one count of sexual abuse of a 17-year-old girl in a jury trial last week. “I can tell that you’re sincere ?


The Whigs chose power over principles when they nominated Zachary Taylor in 1848. The party never recovered.


The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) announced today that the remains of a U.S. serviceman, captured during m the Korean War, have been identified and will be returned to his family for burial


Cops, media hide Idaho girl's sex assault by Muslim migrants


An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official had to explain to a Democrat senator during a hearing on Tuesday that illegal aliens are illegal aliens because they have broken federal immigration laws.


Police in New York City are looking for an African American man who they say attacked a man on a city bus just because the victim was white.