
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that the national eviction moratorium mandated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is unconstitutional.


Hunter Biden's payments to a Ukrainian woman linked to an Eastern European escort ring were flagged by JPMorgan Chase in late 2018 and early 2019 in a report filed with the federal government, according to a new report.


The GOP establishment is in full-scale panic mode over Donald Trump.


The federal government is on track to borrow nearly $1 trillion this fiscal year — President Donald Trump's first full year in charge of the budget.


Surveillance footage has captured Rick Moranis, 67, being punched in the head in a random attack on Thursday morning. He went to a local hospital with pain in his head, back and right hip.


Cops responding to the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting ran away from gunshots as 19 children and two teachers were left to die in classrooms, new footage of the horrifying attack revealed, which lef…


Ted Cruz was on Fox News last night where he made the startling claim that Obama and Hillary don’t even want to defeat ISIS. Watch below: He’s right in saying that neither even care to …


The anonymous whistleblower complaint has been released to the public Thursday morning after select members of Congress reviewed the report Wednesday night.


During the season premiere of NBC's "Saturday Night Live," guest host Chris Rock opened the show with a monologue that took a jab at President Donald Trump over his COVID-19 diagnosis. | Clips


A former Planned Parenthood director accused the company of practicing “deception” in drumming up business for the abortion industry. | Health


Pope Francis said in an interview Tuesday that President Joe Biden's claims to be a faithful Catholic are "incoherent" because he publicly advocates for abortion.Pope Francis to Joe Biden: No,


The New York Times ran an editorial saying it's time to ban and confiscate "weapons of war"


"In defense of Coalition and partner forces, the Coalition conducted strikes against attacking forces"


Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old climate change activist from Sweden, has become quite the household name over the last month or so. She gained a following after she stood before parliament and lectured them on global warming and climate change with a threatening message: “I want you to panic.”“I want you to act as if the ...


By Benjamin Braddock In these uncertain times, fewer things are more uncertain than the virus itself. One group behaves as if it is the deadliest biological agent in human history (that is, unless there is a riot to attend). The other group seems to doubt that there even is a virus. But near


Portland is the largest police department in the country that doesn't equip officers with body worn cameras.


A group of House Democrats has joined together in a letter urging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to support an effort to block the Supreme Court from scrutinizing the constitutionality of the Women's Health Protection Act, a piece of pro-choic...


Radio host Mark Levin has fired a Dec. 8 warning shot at Sen. Marco Rubio as he escalates his campaign-trail criticism of rival Sen. Ted Cruz.


Rep. Nancy Pelosi is so committed to the rights of illegal immigrants that she took to the floor of the House two nights ago and spoke for 8 hours on their behalf. Yesterday, her performance drew the applause of Karen Tumulty of the Washington Post.


Joe Biden's campaign has released a 24-minute video from former first lady Michelle Obama where she tears into President Donald Trump's record and accuses him of 'racism.'


Sebastian Hughes Mexico sued several U.S. gun manufacturers in federal court Wednesday, accusing the companies of “actively facilitating” the flow of


A suspect was arrested Friday evening following a bomb threat at the San Francisco International Airport International Terminal, which would have to be evacuated.


This is my first time posting a deal so hopefully I have everything right.
Buy a Taurus G2S 9mm handgun for $279.99 and get a Rossi RS22 .22RL rifle for free. A $149.99 value.
Reserve online at ...


Joe Biden is a pro-choice Democrat, but does he believe abortion is immoral? Voters should know.