
The only people who care about Jan 6 are still the only people who have ever really cared about Jan 6. Sorry, not sorry.


Yeah, so you’ve read the headline. No criminal activity. No charges brought. And a cheap shot fired across the bow of the Fourth Amendment, not to mention Vermont’s own Constitution. Tech Dirt But let’s travel back further to set this up. Twenty-one-year-old Gregory Zullo was supposedlypulled over for having his license plate registration sticker (incidentally) covered by?


'Hunter will readily comply with any and all guidelines or standards a President Biden may issue to address purported conflicts of interest.'


Clear and concise, this is a battle worth fighting.


One simple tweet asked the only question necessary — in just six words.


Stacy Rine, spokeswoman for the Oklahoma City VA Health Care System, confirmed the investigation in response to questions about a recent USA Today article that detailed allegations of poor patient care provided to five veterans who sought treatment there.


Perhaps a sense of deja vu has crept into the Kremlin’s thinking. It is obvious that the Russian military is worried about America’s missile defense, worried about an arms race it can’t win, and worried about President Trump’s unpredictability and determination to rearm the depleted U.S. military.


Gov. Newsom signed the bill delaying start times for teenagers against the opposition of school groups that said districts know best how to set schedules.


The Democratic party has changed. What used to be a patriotic and American party is now the party of illegal immigration, abortion, and socialism.


Josiah Enyart got fined $1,000 after quitting Comanche Elementary School over mask mandates and critical race theory training in his school district.


Democrats Plan To Give Illegal Immigrants ID Cards To Get US Benefits, 50% Believe Civil War Coming. Without Borders you have no country, with no shared laws...


Former British spy and anti-Trump dossier author Christopher Steele once alleged that Russian agents “within the Democratic Party? were involved in hacking the Democratic National Committee. The New Yorker reports: On July 26, 2016, after WikiLeaks disseminated the D.N.C. e-mails, Steele filed yet another memo, this time claiming that the Kremlin was “behind” the hacking, which ?


DOJ Obtained Cell Phones of Central Figure at Origin of Russia Probe


This will go down as one of the greatest moments of ACB's hearing.


It's America’s longest war. It’s also one that’s been largely forgotten in the media until now. Afghanistan got its place in the spotlight, but intermittently over the last decade of


A Washington, D.C., jury of Steve Bannon’s peers found him guilty of contempt of Congress last Friday. Bannon vows to appeal. Why?


The Democrats are holding a forum tonight against the national college championship, so you probably don’t know about it. And that’s a good thing because they’re actually asking q…


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s underage accuser was much younger at the time of their relationship than was first thought, her father tells The Chronicle. Some in the public discourse pegged…


This is a wonderful tool for families who are struggling to deliver important lessons about racism in a way that'll make sense to kids.


DONALD Trump slammed Joe Biden and George W Bush as US troops continue to withdraw from Afghanistan, saying America has “never been so humiliated.” Trump took shots at both the start of…

Macaroni Manufacturing Project Report 2022: Manufacturing Process, Plant Cost, Raw Materials, Business Plan, Plant Setup, Industry Trends, Machinery Requirements 2027 | Syndicated Analytics – Xaralite
Submitted 2 years ago by peter perker • macaroni-manufacturing-plant-project-report-2022-2027
The macaroni manufacturing plant project report covers industry performance, manufacturing requirements, project cost, project economics, profit margins, key success and risk factors, expected returns on investment, etc. This report is a must-read for all those who have any kind of stake in the macaroni industry.


Gerald "Jerry" Smith grew up in Nevada and went to work for the Bureau of Land Management right after college. As a local, he figured he was uniquely suited to work with the ranchers who have long resented the federal government's role in land management here.


Sanctuary city policies coming to your community?