
Its interesting that in the Washington lexicon its somehow treated as being unpleasant or being a trouble maker to try to honor the commitments you have made to your constituents, and to urge your colleagues to do the same."


GOP should tell him to pound sand


The more they try to dismiss this story, the more I want to know what really happened.


A new report on Joe Biden's Afghanistan evacuation disaster, in which Americans were abandoned to be under the thumb of the Taliban and tens of billions of dollars worth of American war equipment was turned over to the terror group, explains the military probably could have prevented the suicide bombing that killed 13 service members.


Former President Trump said his team was “cooperating fully” in the Justice Department’s probe and said the FBI’s raid at Mar-a-Lago was “out of no where and with no warning.”


The Reason a Law School Graduate Is Suing Her Alma Mater May Have You Shaking Your Head in Disbelief
A California law school graduate is suing her alma mater for fraud after she failed to get a job as an attorney following her graduation in 2008. According to San Diego’s KGTV-TV, Anna Alaburda, 37, claimed that Thomas Jefferson School of Law misrepresented it’s post-graduate employment statistics...


We were one of the fastest growing European news sites on Facebook with at least 30,000 people joining us every month. On some days 5,000 people joined us, but those days are gone after Facebook decided to censor us, suspend us and threaten us. While we’ve changed nothing in our postings, Facebook’s behaviour towards usRead More


Top black state lawmakers are seeking a task force to look into the matter.


Anyone who has read this byline over the years knows that I'm not in the prediction business. I rarely take the precious space this fine website grants me to tell


Ailan Evans Amazon is creating a team dedicated to actively locating content that violates its policies and removing it from its cloud hosting platform,


UPDATED: SEE BELOW… Left wing radicals shut down the Donald Trump rally in Chicago last night. Jim Hoft provided extensive ...


Senator Tim Scott blasted Facebook and its apparent censorship of conservative views as he demanded to know what was ?unsafe? about two black women who support President Trump. The South Carolina Republican was referring to Diamond and Silk, aka Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, who accused Facebook of discrimination and censorship after being labeled “unsafe to the ?


The Left Is Trapped In A Paranoid Delusion State, And It's Getting WORSE. Nancy Pelosi recently spoke out about the impeachment inquiry and stated that "all ...


Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said that if Democratic nominee Joe Biden defeats President Trump in the upcoming White House race, and Democrats take control of the Senate, Biden should spend “no more than three weeks” attemptin


Democrats may impose a national plastic tax to finance their $3.5 trillion ($3,500,000,000,000) tax and spending spree, according to a leaked Senate Finance Committee document.
The document lists a "Plastics Excise Tax" which will "impose a $.20 per pound fee on the sale of virgin plastic." Virgin plastic is a vital material in medical devices and products, clothing, toys, and thousands of household products.


At least 45 people were shot, six of them fatally, during the weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's (D) Chicago.


CNN reports that the Conservative Solutions PAC, the big-spending super PAC supporting Sen. Marco Rubio's Presidential campaign is not spending any money for TV ads after Tuesday's Florida primary.


There is a war brewing, not just against the Russians and the long-suffering Syrians, but against reality itself- waged by our own governments.


Rich Manhattanites are fleeing the city so fast because of the pandemic and deteriorating quality of life in the Big Apple that moving companies can barely keep up with them.


Donald Trump is set to return to Iowa next month where he will hold a rally in Des Moines, a source familiar with the former president's political operation has confirmed to Fox News.


Democrats’ current love affair with the Espionage Act will likely subside.


BREAKING: Marco Rubio will be a private citizen in January