
The poll found 64 percent of Americans support public funding of crisis pregnancy centers for mothers, including 70 percent of Democrats.


Just hours ago, a heavily armed group of men said to have the appearance of Middle Eastern men, were arrested just outside of Los Angeles. The reason is a wake-up


This story is regularly being updated with details.A high school student from Plano was arrested on several charges related to an ISIS-inspired...


The Trump administration is set to tighten work requirements for recipients of federal food assistance, potentially rendering hundreds of thousands of people ineligible for the program by mid-2020.


Walmart announced it will be returning guns and ammunition to sales floors one day after the company said it would remove all firearm displays from its 4,700 U.S. stores to prevent theft amid social unrest. What they're saying: A Walmart spokesperson told Axios the retailer reversed the decision because the...


Plywood refers to a thin wooden board made of two or more layers of wood...


Elizabeth Warren in 2020 Told a Father He Would Not Get His Money Back with Student Loan Forgiveness
A clip has resurfaced Elizabeth Warren telling a father who paid off his daughter's student loans that he would not get his money back.


“I just donated to @tedcruz for President because he is the only true conservative left in the race. Donate here: https://t.co/K2RZRrPKJd”


"The Flynn redactions appear to have been done to protect a false statements case with no evidentiary basis. Others were done to hide apparent conspiracy to spy on and leak against Trump officials out of spite over the election results." -Sean Davis


CNN primetime hosts Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon celebrated Thanksgiving with the network’s lowest-rated week in primetime viewership in nearly three years.


Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced a new rule Saturday that will require people coming to New York to test negative for COVID-19 at least three days before arrival.


Another radical leftist masquerading as an educator has been exposed after she brazenly bragged about ignoring a new state law that bans teaching radical anti-American lies like Critical Race Theory (CRT). This from the thegatewaypundit.com. In


The legacy carmaker has just made a decision that its customers won't like.


Seven months ago, after he signed a pledge to support whoever won the GOP nomination, Donald Trump said, “I see no circumstances under which I would tear up that pledge.”
#ad#That was then. Today we see a different Trump. On Sunday, he told Chris Wallace of Fox News that while he wanted “to run as a Republican,” he wouldn’t rule out an independent or third-party race this fall. “We’re going to have to see how I was treated,” he warned.
GOP leaders should have known better than to have taken his pledge seriously. As the Associated Press pointed out in September 2015, his record on honoring contracts is at best spotty:
When lender Boston Safe Deposit & Trust refused to extend the mortgage on his Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago, he ceased making loan payments until the bank capitulated in 1992.
In his book The Art of the Comeback, Trump proudly recounts forcing his unpaid lenders to choose between fighting him in bankruptcy court or cutting him an additional $65 million check. Afraid of losing their jobs, the bankers folded, Trump says.
Reince Priebus, the chair of the Republican National Committee, has dismissed the chance of a Trump independent bid as “posturing.” Robert Eno of Conservative Review noted last week that Trump could be kept off many state ballots by “sore loser” laws that bar a candidate who has run in a partisan primary from running in another party in a general election. “If Trump were to wait until after the Republican National Convention to declare an independent candidacy, he could only compete for a maximum of 255 electoral votes,” Emo concluded. “This means he cannot win the presidency were he to wait until after [the] convention to run an independent bid.”
#share#But many Republicans worry that Trump could still play “spoiler” by merely threatening to run an independent campaign. “Sore loser laws don’t hold up well in court,” says Richard Winger, the editor of Ballot Access News. “They also aren’t easily enforced. John Anderson ran as an independent in all 50 states in 1980 after ending his Republican campaign, and not one of the sore-loser laws was enforced against him.”
Even if they were enforced, Trump could easily evade them. Winger says it would be easy to put Donald Trump Jr., the real-estate mogul’s son, on state ballots and make it known that if the Trump ticket won a state, its pro-Trump electors would in reality be voting for the elder Trump.
RELATED: To Defeat Trump, Let History Repeat Itself
It’s true that deadlines for collecting ballot signatures in several states will have passed by the time the GOP convention begins, but a man of Trump’s wealth could probably rent a ballot line on many states from several smaller parties that are already on the ballot. “In at least 13 states, parties ranging from Reform to American Independent could nominate Trump and give him a ballot position,” Winger says.
Of course, in such a scenario, Trump would know that he probably wouldn’t win a majority of the Electoral College. And by making it more likely that Hillary Clinton or another Democrat would win key swing states such as Virginia and Florida, he would destroy the Republican nominee’s chance of winning the White House.
RELATED: Why a Contested Convention Favors Cruz
Trump may indeed be bluffing about an independent candidacy, and RNC Chairman Priebus seems to think so. “Some candidates think that, you know, there’s leverage to be had over making these kinds of statements,” Priebus told ABC’s This Week today. “There’s no leverage over us. We’re going to administer the convention the same way. And if the candidate can get to a majority on their own, then they’re going to be the nominee. But no amount of leverage and statements are going to change it.”
Priebus went on to say that every GOP candidate had signed pledges to support the nominee in exchange for access to the RNC’s valuable voter data and registration lists. But raising that issue is probably a futile talking point.
#related#The real issue is how Priebus and his fellow GOP leaders will respond to the Trumpian squeeze plays. Already, Trump ally Roger Stone is warning that “Trump Nation” will organize “days of rage” at the GOP convention if their man is treated unfairly. “Days of rage” is a historic reference to the riots that broke out at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968.
As Donald Trump piles up more rookie campaign mistakes and his momentum stalls, he is clearly developing a Plan B for the Cleveland convention. Call it “The Art of Intimidation.”
Republican leaders shouldn’t twist convention rules in Cleveland to block Trump’s nomination. Nor should they disrespect his voters. But they also should call out the veiled threats from Team Trump for what they are: a form of political blackmail. And no party seeking a mandate to govern should surrender to such lowball tactics.
— John Fund is NRO’s national-affairs correspondent.


Conservatives have finally turned on the pontiff


The US Women’s Soccer Final viewership was down by ALMOST HALF this year thanks to the Trump-bashing, anthem protesting US national team. They cursed the US President and disrespected their Country — What did they expect? Megan Rapinoe led the team in hurling insults at President Trump. The liberals and their media loved it. Americans …


The press resents him because he exposes its bias.


It's good to be a member of the new royalty:


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was slated to appear at a $25,000-a-plate gathering in Oyster Bay, Long Island to support the gubernatorial candidate.


The FBI is reportedly seeking to interview many or all of the same aides in connection with its probe of the classified information in Clinton's account.


If black support for Trump gets into double figures, the Democratic Party will have to look for different themes than Russia and Stormy Daniels.


It was meant to alleviate the homelessness problem in the city of Portland. It could end up with people camping out on liberals' lawns.


With the election around the corner, the Republican Party campaign of President Donald Trump is looking for ways to win reelection over his Democratic Party challenger, Joe Biden. The Onion looks at key factors that could help Trump defeat Biden and retain the presidency. If Trump winning isn’t your preferred outcome, or you are a Biden staffer turning to The Onion for strategy advice, you can find out how Biden can beat Trump here.


The National Zoo in Washington D.C. announced Friday that all of its lions and tigers have tested positive for COVID-19.

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