
County officials have stressed they have already taken some action against Telles.


This new ad will be running this weekend in Indiana blasting Donald Trump. And this time, you'll be petrified in the first sentence


A new study suggests that the birth rate is collapsing in the San Francisco Bay Area, partly due to high housing prices.


ATLANTA, GA—Churchgoer Jack Wilson shot and killed a mass shooter at West Freeway Church of Christ, preventing what could have been a much worse shooting.But CNN reported on the event with the headline and caption "Trump voter shot a mentally ill man in a Texas church," causing some to question whether CNN might be a biased source of news. …


Not only does Trump have a history of disclosing secrets, but he also checks the boxes of a classic counterintelligence risk.


ATLANTA, GA - The Director of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention issued a statement Friday reminding US citizens to trust the CDC to make important health decisions for them despite the agency’s glaring inability to use a single word that has defined 50% of the world’s population for millennia. The CDC stressed the impor ...


U.S. District Judge Mitchell Goldberg said Krasner’s office didn't sufficiently review a case it asked him to overturn, and misled him about its contact with the victims' relatives.


Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened to subpoena emails, phone records and other documents of Republican lawmakers on the House Intel Committee back in January, confirming previous reports Fox News Catherine Herridge reported: The emails memorialized a January 2018 closed-door meeting involving senior FBI and Justice Department officials as well as members of the House …


How much bigger and more extended must this war on Christians become before the West considers it a "genocide" and acts to prevent it? The day after Christians were beheaded in Nigeria, Pope Francis admonished Western society. About beheaded Christians?


The fearless source of news, opinion, and activism that you won't find anywhere else.


Former President Donald Trump knows who he wants to be the next governor of Massachusetts: former state Representative Geoff Diehl (R-Whitman). The pro-Trump Republican, who endorsed Trump before Super Tuesday in the 2016 primary, got an endorsement from the 45th president on Wednesday evening. Trump sent the endorsement to many of his supporters in an...

Ziram Price Trend and Production Cost 2022: Industry Trends, Forecast, Plant Cost, Land and Construction Costs, Raw Materials Costs 2027 | Syndicated Analytics – Xaralite
Submitted 2 years ago by peter perker • ziram-production-cost-analysis-price-trends-2022-2027
Ziram is mainly employed as an agricultural dithiocarbamate fungicide to control fungal diseases on the crops of stone fruit, pome fruits, vegetables, almonds, pears, peaches, raisins, and nectarines. It is also applied to the foliage of plants and utilized as a seed or soil treatment.


Former Mexican President Vicente Fox apologized Wednesday for the vulgar language he has used toward GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.


More teens are thinking about suicide, federal health officials say.


Oregon's top elected official on Friday announced the most extensive restrictions on in-person gatherings since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.


CNN sounded the alarm on President Joe Biden's tanking poll numbers Friday, describing them as “not good" and a “very bad sign” as they continue to trend in the wrong direction.


►https://youtu.be/wAKQdZchVvY►Robert Kiyosaki: "This Should Make You Nervous"►Watch Carefully: Jordan Peterson is definitely trying to tell us something!►Spe...


Will he spill the national security secrets he's told?


New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy responded to Sunday's deadly shooting at a Trenton arts festival by calling for new controls on guns. But the suspect’s gang membership -- and early release from prison after Murphy took office -- may have been bigger factors in an incident that left one person dead and 22 wounded.


Far from being the historic figure she and Time magazine imagine her to be, the climate-change spokeschild is attracting mockery.


During the early onset of covid-19 in the spring, government officials across the political spectrum widely agreed that government intervention and forced closure of many businesses was necessary to protect public health.


Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Friday suggested that his decision to move the auto maker's headquarters from Fremont, California, to Austin, Texas, was inspired by a Democratic assemblywoman who tweeted, “F--k Elon Musk," in 2020.


State Bank of India, the country’s largest lender, is opening special rupee accounts to handle Russia-related trade settlements in the local currency but is not the main bank for such business.


Actor Peter Fonda has a social media army and the Secret Service on his back after a twisted Twitter call to rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles.


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) had some strong words for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, arguing she was "lying to the American public"