
PURCHASE, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov 15, 2022--


The release of Hillary Clinton's tax returns revealed that 96% of her charitable donations went to her own Clinton Family Foundation.


“This is really important. Bernie’s promise to turn out a wave of new voters to vote for him hasn’t happened. The state with massive turnout was the one Biden won. And it has mainly been up in the suburbs elsewhere. https://t.co/m0UGFzV1Pw”


Teachers, first responders, and grocery and restaurant workers were among those recommended Wednesday to get the next round of scarce vaccines in California, as were florists and sawmill operators who fall into the same broad category of those deemed essential workers.


Sebastian Hughes A Dallas boy, 9, is the latest person to die after attending rapper Travis Scott’s Astroworld music festival on Nov. 5, the Associated


These endless investigations cost millions yet do nothing to help the lives of average Americans.


President Obama, under fire for golfing on posh Martha's Vineyard during a week of anguished cries for help from flooded Louisiana, ripped former President Bush 11 years ago when the Republican was seen as slow to react to Hurricane Katrina's crash into New Orleans. Obama, who had just returned from New Orleans, preached on the Senate floor about Bush's poor reaction to similar cries for help during Katrina. I can say from personal experience how frustrating, how unconscionable it is, that it has been so difficult to get medical supplies to those in need quickly enough, said Obama according to a transcript still being promoted on the internet.


“Christmas is cancelled” is the dreaded phrase that has hung over our obsessive coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic as we enter the holiday season.


In the name of furthering the cause of racial equity, the Art Institute of Chicago (AIC) recently fired all of its 122 active docents, 82 of whom worked as volunteer educators and tour guides, and the remaining 40 of whom were employed as unpaid “greeters” for school groups. In a


We have been discussing how attacking free speech has become an article of faith for many on the left. That includes embracing corporate censorship and recently even good old-fashioned state censor…


(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released 424 pages of FBI records, including an email revealing that recently fired FBI official Peter Strzok created the initial draft of the October 2016 letter then-FBI director James Comey sent to Congress notifying lawmakers of the discovery of Hillary Clinton emails on the laptop of disgraced former Congressman...


“Why should courts, charged with the independent and neutral interpretation of the laws Congress has enacted, defer to such bureaucratic pirouetting?”


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Jacob Chansley, also known as the 'QAnon Shaman', or 'Buffalo Hat Guy', has been sentenced to 41 months in prison. According to sources, he expressed his regret that he didn't do something more peaceful, like burning down a car dealership in Kenosha. 'Dude, I dunno what I was thinkin' man,' said ...


When it comes to wasting money, the Biden administration has few peers.


California State University (CSU) at Fresno hosted a three-day retreat for black students only, in an effort to promote social justice and inclusion.


“This make me want to throw up. The arrogance of this guy is unbelievabe. What’s the point of washing your hands if you are anywhere near Mini Mike and food? https://t.co/4cqfgbqrDe.”


Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.


The man known as "jump kick man" during the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse is 39-year-old Maurice Freeland, defense attorneys revealed to Fox News on Thursday.


Commentary Gloom is always annoying and almost never the best response to even the most upsetting developments. It's ...


If there’s one thing you’ve noticed about white nationalists, it’s that they have hands. And something they’ve been doing a lot with their hands lately is sending out secret messages in support of white supremacy. If you see anyone doing any of these hand gestures, you can be certain they are a racist and should …


The Democrats and their allies in the Mainstream Media outlets have spent the last quadrennial trying to maintain a narrow balancing act…


This over-plotted mess, confusing heroines with villains, resembles Democratic Party overreach.