
When people get contempt and condescension, they're more inclined to put all their trust in leaders like President Donald Trump.


Suspect in shooting death of Temple University student arrested for carjacking in July then released
The 17-year-old suspect in the murder of a Temple University student over the weekend was arrested and charged earlier this year for a “gunpoint carjacking” -- but he ended up being released after prosecutors withdrew the case because a key witness failed to testify in court, a report says.


You have to hand it to the Left. It is a powerful machine and global network that knows how to get what it wants. It consists of masterful organizers and propaganda artists. It is unparalleled in spreading its (toxic and destructive) political ideologies and brainwashing billions of people to…


Top Talkers: After a bruising weekend, Donald Trump debated Hillary Clinton Sunday evening in St. Louis. While Trump certainly appealed to his base, did he w...


Hundreds of Harvard Law alumni signed a letter urging the university to remove Kavanaugh as a lecturer at the school.


Appeals to science are inevitably rationalizations for decisions that are fundamentally political.


Legal experts are scratching their heads about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s push to prevent President Trump from having the nuclear codes, saying it would curtail the chain of command.


Syndicated Analytics latest report titled “Pectin Manufacturing Plant Project Report: Industry Trends, Manufacturing Process, Plant Setup, Machinery, Raw


Employees in four states are violating federal laws and assisting the left by providing voter information, a legal group argues.


Virginian Sen. Mark Warner has flip-flopped on his position on an assault weapon ban. He voted against it in 2013 but now is a co-sponsor.


Through the garbled word soup of fancy buzzwords and bureaucratic newspeak, officials in Washington state are basically saying they are preparing to ration health services, with those whom the state seems as less desirable to receive less attention and care. In the age of what’s pretty much Bernie Sanders’s wet dream of socialized healthcare, there…


Dr. Omar Hamada on Dec. 1 said that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 may provide natural immunity without ...


'Public safety is under attack to advance their open borders agenda.'


100 years ago, as a result of the tireless efforts of Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood opened its doors for the first time. Although Sanger is memorialized by many women as a paragon of the feminist movement, she actually condoned eugenics, racism and state regimented family planning.


“Which office do I go to get my reputation back?” -- former Labor Secretary Ray Donovan.
No such office exists. There is no office where a person can go to get back his or her good name...


Cumulus Media is clamping down on claims about election fraud across their network of radio stations, threatening to fire hosts who continue to push such claims.


Syndicated Analytics latest report titled “LED Bulb Manufacturing Plant Project Report: Industry Trends, Manufacturing Process, Plant Setup, Machinery, Raw Materials, Investment Opportunities,...


New York authorities have charged the New Year’s Eve machete attacker, Trevor Bickford, with two counts of attempted murder of a police officer and two counts of assault, according to the New York Police Department. Bickford, 19, allegedly attacked three police officers outside the Times Square New…


The anti-Trump Lincoln Project is getting busy compiling what could only be described as a political enemies list. Stuart Stevens, an adviser to the group, recently tweeted “we are constructing


Syndicated Analytics latest report titled “Nail Polish Manufacturing Plant Project Report: Industry Trends, Manufacturing Process, Plant Setup, Machinery, Raw


Let the productive people pay for the non-productive people.


Then-Special Envoy Chris Stevens at the Tibesti Hotel in Benghazi in April 2011. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis)(CNSNews.com) - The State Department’s second-ranking diplomat in Libya on the day that terrorists attacked the U.S.