
Mail-in ballots postmarked by November 2 must be counted up to two weeks after the presidential election, a Michigan judge ruled this week.


A rising number of economist have warned Joe Biden's policies could turn the U.S. into a Latin American type of economy. On Monday, Former International Monetary Fund Deputy Director Desmond Lachman said Biden's inflation, money printing and high government spending posed a problem for the U.S. economy.


A Canadian professor went on an unhinged Twitter rant as he attempted to get a flight attendant in trouble for not wearing a mask aboard the flight he was on.


A counter-protest in Portland meant to stand against an event called ‘March for Jesus’ did not end well for one participant, who was hit by a pickup truck


Reviewing a clip of U.S. Military veteran Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) talking to podcast host Joe Rogan, Hasan Piker of "The Young Turks" mocked Crenshaw's lost eye, a wartime injury, in vile fashion and said America "deserved" 9/11.


Former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton called on Senate Democrats to use every possible "procedural obstacle" to stop Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) from replacing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday's broadcast of MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show." | Clips


The Texas House voted to arrest Democrats who fled to Washington to kill the voting bill.


A fourth major law enforcement group in Florida has endorsed U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio over his Democratic opponent, Rep. Val Demings, the former police chief


For sure, we can use your financial assistance in this 2018 Red Oregon quest! Any contribution is deeply appreciated. Three important points: Because of internal campaign efficiencies (I am a professional business organization and telecommunication specialist), we will conduct a winning Primary campaign using perhaps one third of the total expenditures of all my primary … Continue reading "Donate"


After President Donald Trump's tweets on China and blasting Fed chairman Jerome Powell, not to mention the Dow dropping over 500 points, the president tweeted out a reaction to the news by... tro


While promoting one of her books back in 2016, the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg reportedly chastised former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick's national anthem protest, calling it "dumb and disrespectful" before comparing it to burning the American flag.


Originally appeared on USSA News. -NCS The Department of Homeland Security has a training course available to law enforcement, health care workers, and other government employees that will detail h…


Students in DeRay Mckesson's lecture on Transformational Leadership in the #BlackLivesMatter Movement received some extra reading material this week which makes the argument that looting is a viable form of protest.


President Donald Trump took a shot at former-president Bill Clinton on Thursday with a video that he tweeted out to his 44 million followers showing that he warned about the dangers of North Korea acquiring nuclear weapons only a few years after Bill Clinton praised his own deal with the North Ko


Ben Shapiro engaged a member of the audience in a powerful discussion. A left-leaning student posed a question on why a fetus is regarded as human life.


The virtual 72nd Emmy Awards hosted by Jimmy Kimmel on ABC drew 6.1 million viewers, a 20% drop compared to last year’s host-less version, according to TheWrap.


Bad News: Teachers Are Teaching CRT. Good News: They're Teaching It About As Well As They Teach Math
U.S. - There is really bad news for parents who are sending their kids to government schools: many teachers are, in fact, teaching critical race theory to kids, telling them that everything must be analyzed through the lens of race and oppression. This is not good. Children may begin to exhibit signs of racism as they start to think that skin color is ...


WASHINGTON, DC—In a shocking turn of events, the Supreme Court has reversed its earlier decision...


It is increasingly apparent the GOP needs to nominate Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for president next year. The party’s difficulty in finding a broadly acceptable candidate for speaker, combined with the su…


The ocean floor is likely sinking due to climate change, rendering sea level rise measurements over the last 20 year grossly inaccurate, Dutch scientists claim.


On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin renewed a previous attack on former Donald Trump administration members as she declared that they should be "shunned" for the rest of the lives, and that the Republican party should figuratively be "burned down" so that there are no "survivors," punishing Trump's "enablers."


As much as the world wants Damon Lindelof to return and take control of season 2 of HBO’s Watchmen, he just won’t budge — even after the series won the top Emmy limited series pri…


The unconventional choice was met with a furious response.


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams Arkansas leaders for banning most abortions following the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade in a landmark decision last week.


Ted Cruz Argues that the GOP Establishment is Terrified of Obama