
We watch my dad, my mother and I. We watch to see whether his arthritic knees are hurting him, for cuts to his head that don’t heal, or for some other secret hurt...


Science is critically important to society for making decisions about everything from where to locate nuclear power plants to creating foundations of knowledge that will yield new treatments for di…


Trump issues order banning certain types of race training from federal contractors, grant recipients
Trump in a tweet announcing the order said "Americans should be taught to take PRIDE in our Great Country, and if you don’t, there’s nothing in it for you!"


Liberal Western states need to learn to live with their neighbours. Heavy-handed intervention from Brussels is not the answer


The left simply lost the intellectual and political fight over the direction of the Supreme Court but can’t bear to admit it.


WASHINGTON—Following the announcement by Texas state officials to cut Medicaid funding for the nonprofit organization, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards assured supporters Tuesday that it has plenty of fetus cash to keep going for a while.


Here are three steps to protect the children


Protesters inflamed by the decision not to charge cops for Breonna Taylor’s death took their anger out on a couple dining in Florida.


CNN, struggling with horrible ratings and powerful hits to its credibility, has turned to a subscription model.


A federal appeals court has upheld a 2020 California law requiring property owners who have legally evicted tenants to pay their tenant's last month's rent.


Jeopardy contestant Becky Sullivan's clever Final Jeopardy answer is going viral. On the show Friday, Sullivan guessed 'pansy' as the answer to a question about the name of a flower that is also a dis


Hollywood actress Jennifer Lawrence said that the nation has to transport past its modernpolitical “divide and anger”. all through an interview with fashion Lawrence said that there “desires to be a bridge” among folks that fluctuate on political questions. “we will’t keep this divide and anger. There are troubles affecting us as human beings, no longeras liberals and not as Republicans. We must shield the foundation of


Greetings from the Mark Steyn Cruise, currently sailing the beautiful Inside Passage of Alaska. Across the continent and an ocean, Westminster continues to be roiled by Brexiteers and Remoaners locked, like the latter seasons of Dynasty, locked in ever


Delegations from Serbia and Kosovo have agreed to name a lake in a disputed territory after President Donald Trump.


A former convicted drug dealer and FBI informant on Tuesday filed a $100 million lawsuit against the Detroit Police Department and several retired FBI agents for allegedly coercing him into


Commentary While the Australian legal tradition cannot lay claim to the historical depth it has in the United ...


A John Podesta email includes an attachment of a letter sent by Senator Grassley to Loretta Lynch demanding an investigation into Uranium One. A.G. Lynch ig


That's the result of silicone spreading to the brain.


A Democrat operative says postal workers who despise Trump will sometimes throw in the garbage mail-in ballots.


The White House on Friday announced that President Joe Biden would award Olympic gymnast Simone Biles the Medal of Freedom.


After the oil giant stops contributing to her family's foundation, the Democrat slams the company's climate record.


White House press secretary pushed back strongly against accusations that the president's merit-based immigration policy is racist, saying:
"No, it is not" about race, she said. "It actually levels the playing field and is the opposite of what you are suggesting."
QUESTION: Just picking up on that. Does a Good Deal include preferring white immigrants from Norway than black and brown immigrants from Haiti?
SARAH SANDERS" Not at all of, it is the opposite. By definition a merit-based system is color blind. It is not based on any of that criteria. It is not based on race, it is not based on religion, it is not based on country of origin. It is actually based on the merits of whether or not this person will be contributing to society.
So it erases all of those things and makes it a much more fair system.
Instead of picking and choosing, trying to meet different quotas of different countries, it is a merit-based system, and frankly it is a system that most Democrats supported and voted for just years ago.
But now this president is championing it, they are I think showing just absolute signs and definitions of what hypocrisy looks like. The bottom line is we want a deal on DACA. They want a deal on DACA We want a deal on border security. They want a deal on border security. They said they support these things. They've also said they support merit-based immigration. I don't see what is complicated here. We all want the same things.
Democrats need to quit playing politics and start doing what they were elected to do, and that is governing. They need to come to the I believe it was a real deal based on the parameters tha were discussed in the meeting that you saw, and let us try to get something done for the American people.
QUESTION: But he did mention country of origin. The fact of the mater is, the countries that he mentioned, one is very white and the others are very not white. That's about race, is it not?
SANDERS: No, it is not. The president has laid out what he wants to see in an immigration process. That is a merit-based system. You cannot argue with the priority that he has laid out, and what that looks like and how it levels the playing field and is the opposite of what you're suggesting.


Celebrate diversity! The Qur’an depicts the Jews as inveterately evil and bent on destroying the well-being of the Muslims. They are the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); they claim that Allah’s power is limited (5:64); they love to...


Now that President Trump has picked Amy Coney Barrett for the SCOTUS seat, it’s time to get busy with our most important immediate task – rubbing liberals’ noses in how


Unless we’re talking about your winning smile, if you own something it means you can sell it. If you can't sell it, quite simply, you don't own it.