
MSNBC is giving a daily show to reporter Ayman Mohyeldin, who sparked backlash in 2015 after accusing Chris Kyle of being "racist."


In the wake of the appalling Times Square shooting, Mayor Bill de Blasio is diving deeper into denial, insisting the city “is a very safe place” even as he suddenly declares, “We need Congress to h…


On Friday's broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "America's Newsroom," Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) said that America has done the same thing with its | Clips


On Monday, President Donald Trump finally explained to the American people why an expansion of U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan is necessary to defend our national-security interests. Now that President Trump has become the third consecutive commander-in-chief to increase America’s commitment in Afghanistan, it’s time for lawmakers from both political parties and in both houses of Congress to press the administration for the details.
Trump’s address to the nation on the course of the Afghan campaign was long on aspiration but short on actual policy ...


The end of the Mueller melodrama has marked the beginning of real fear in Washington.


Trump ally and former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach was defeated by Rep. Roger Marshall, calming Republican leaders' worst fears in the race against Democratic state Sen. Barbara Bollier.


A Muslim community group in Queens disinvited Andrew Yang from a Ramadan event on Tuesday and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez harangued him over social media amid mounting outrage over the mayoral hopeful’s public support for Israel’s deadly airstrikes on Palestinians this week.


The Left is always accusing conservatives of being racists and conspiracy theorists if they ever bring up the southern border.


Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton famously told reporters in 2014 that when they left the White House they were “dead broke. Hillary Clinton’s net worth is estimated at $32 million. This week the Clintons continued their suffering. Bill and Hillary sold their summer vacation rental home in the Hamptons for $29 million. The Washington …


U.S.—A new pair of Microaggression Goggles has been made available for people who want to find something offensive in any situation.The goggles are available on Kickstarter. The promotional video claims that the goggles are able to actively identify threats to political correctness and alert you when you're about to be dangerously oppressed."Are …


Now, the DeSantis Administration is preparing to award more than $130 million contract to the same company in charge of the troubled unemployment system.


Whenever someone questions how well-informed Fox News viewers are, you can now point them in the direction of a new poll that shows they are quite informed, actually. The Heartland


Commentary The nomination of the latest U.S. Supreme Court judge is over and successful, but it will be ...


Confidential documents call the anarchists that seek to counter white supremacists "domestic terrorists."


Let's hope Bernie Sanders knows more about our allies that his advisers do.


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday suggested that Gov. Andrew Cuomo was wrong to call on wealthy New Yorkers to return to the city amid the coronavirus pandemic and an uptick in crime.


On Friday's "PBS NewsHour," New York Times columnist David Brooks argued that saying that you stand with Israel used to be easy if you were a Democrat, | Clips


President Joe Biden has accomplished in just 14 months what many thought was impossible — surpassing President Jimmy Carter as the most incompetent steward of the American economy.


President Donald Trump and first …


We’ve left the definition of criminal conduct to the eye of the prosecutorial beholder.


Seventy-five years ago, the United States dropped an 8,900-pound bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. It was a horror, but it was a moral horror.


Sky News host Cory Bernardi says US Climate Envoy John Kerry is a "hypocritical green evangelist". Mr Bernardi said for Mr Kerry a "little bit of slavery" is...


Disney is poised to rank among the worst-performing stocks in 2022 after the company became embroiled in a high-profile political controversy.


Tampa The hurricane options my wife and I are currently wrestling with are like an onion. Peel away one layer of complication and there’s another layer. Peel that one away and… well, you get the idea. Stay or go is the first question. The prospect of a category 4 or 5 storm would seem to make that decision easy. Get out of Dodge. Period. Paragraph. We have a full tank, and a hardy soul from my gym who is sticking it out here has agreed to take the cat. So when is lift off? But hang on. Fleeing Irma would
