
Ever since Trump became president, families have been ripped apart, relationships have ended, people have suffered from PTSD and marginalized groups of people no longer feel safe. This is indeed a dark time in America’s history and we can’t guarantee who will and won’t make it through Trump’s presidency. In the case of Robert Callahan …


A freelance NBA photographer from Houston is in the hot seat after he shared an offensive meme about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on his Facebook page shortly after the pair announced they were 2020 running mates.


The move is the latest step to ramp up diversity and inclusion initiatives within the State Department.


For the past two years now, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has aggressively lectured us about wearing masks, social distancing, vaccination, and even boosters.
We’re t...


This is part of an occasional series exploring gun culture in Pennsylvania. For the first time in nearly two decades, a majority of Americans favor the protection of gun rights over expanded gun control and believe firearms help prevent being a victim of crime, a study by the Pew Research Center reports. The survey shows 52 percent of respondents saw gun rights as more important than controlling gun ownership, up from 45 percent in 2012. Additionally, 57 percent of respondents said guns help prevent becoming a victim of crime, up from 48 percent in 2012. The shift in attitudes about firearms has come as gun sales have increased nationwide. In Pennsylvania, the rise in sales and transfers (person-to-person transaction overseen by a dealer) over the past few years has been dramatic. State


Special counsel Robert Mueller's pre-dawn raid was meant to intimidate Paul Manafort as much as it was meant to gather evidence ...


Americans in 1913 showed by their votes they had forgotten the purpose of the Framers’ design for the Senate. We've done even worse.


Kamala Harris this week was finally asked about her attacks against Joe Biden during the Democrat primary debates. Kamala Harris accused Biden of racism and slammed him for his support of segregationists. Late night host Stephen Colbert asked Kamala about “haymakers” she landed on Biden during the debates. “Senator Harris is a surprising choice considering…


U.S. - World-renowned fact-checking website Snopes has unveiled a brand new fact check rating called 'False For Now.' This will allow them to provide a rating for claims that are just conspiracy theories uttered by deranged far-right people until they later turn out to be true.'At Snopes, it's important for us to keep up with the un ...


The Supreme Court appears poised to allow states to eliminate abortion rights. Gov. Gavin Newsom vows "to fight like hell."


Ed Miliband is “easily the most dangerous man who has ever come within touching distance of becoming our Prime Minister,” commentator Christopher Booker has said. Writing about Miliband’s record as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change from 2008


On Monday, North Korea's top diplomat, Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho, said that North Korea reserves the right to shoot down U.S.


On Thursday’s episode of “The Michael Knowles Show,” the host discusses President Donald Trump’s answer on whether or not he would turn over documents from a foreign government regarding political opponents. Video and partial transcript below.


Sunday, Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer demanded that Mitch McConnell bring back the Senate early


Andrew Kerr Patrisse Cullors, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, will depart from her…


The study, which is based both on desk research and multiple waves of qualitative primary research,


“Hope for Republicans there still is. #MayTheFourthBeWithYou #StarWarsDay @StarWars -TW”


Congressional Democrats escalated the battle over former Sheriff Joe Arpaio Wednesday, filing briefs urging a federal judge to ignore President Trump’s pardon and carry out sentencing for the controversial lawman.


Bill Whittle finds three reasons to break up companies that use algorithms to suppress free speech.


President Trump on Monday urged Republicans not to place marijuana legalization initiatives on state ballots out of concern that it will increase Democratic turnout in elections. The president, who has rarely weighed in on cannabis policy without being prompted, said in extemporaneous remarks at a campaign event that he blames marijuana legalization efforts on former […]


In the real world, Cruella’s would be an unfathomable, serial-killer-esque crime that would get wall-to-wall news coverage of the psychopath who attempted it.


If you’ve never been to Goochland, Virginia, you’re missing out.
In Goochland, there is a large residential facility with free medical care, free college courses, and wellness programs for...


All the net job gains among females since the beginning of the recession have gone to foreign-born women, according to data released Friday from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Whatever becomes of the inevitable investigation of an ISIS fighter's claim of a plot to infiltrate the U.S. border, the published report about what he said should serve as a wake-up call to American decision-makers and voters, regardless of partisan sentiment, to look at the border crisis as about much more than Central Americans with children.


Guided missile was found in shipping container at busy international hub...