Joe Biden has a dirty little secret that he doesn’t want the American people to learn about: avoiding tens of thousands of dollars in taxes.
Charlies Daniels in Iraq in 2016. (Charlie Daniels Band Photo)
A new report was released by Sky News on Turkey’s COVID-19 Coronavirus early hydroxychloroquine treatment strategy and the results are clear. The early treatment program in Turkey relies on hydroxychloroquine as the first step in the therapeutic process. Covexit.com reported: Sky News’ story about “Turkey’s COVID Detectives” by special correspondent Alex Crawford is remarkable. It…
A curious thing happened this week after a federal judge struck down the Biden Administration’s mask mandate for airplanes and mass transportation: nothing. In such high-profile litigation, t…
Men are the stronger sex, and crises such as these offer men the opportunity to put their strength in service of others.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez voiced outrage that The New York Times published a "glamour shot" of Hope Hicks as she weighs a congressional subpoena.
Members of Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour express regret about ‘unethical’ methods
If the Left continues to ignore the righteous concerns of parents, the school budget realities and political consequences will only get worse.

Three Cheers for Toxic Masculinity

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

From Harvey-flooded Houston to the Hamptons, what the feminists call “toxic masculinity” is helping make America great again. As soon as the high winds abated, while the rains were still deepening the flood waters, dozens and then hundreds of them came, unbidden, to rescue their fellow Texans. Then more arrived from the “Cajun navy.” We’ve all seen the pictures of them. Men, many in camo hunting gear, driving their 18- or 20-foot boats propelled by outboard motors to rescue people from the homes flooded by the storm. One AP photo went viral. It showed a woman, baby cradled in her
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There is very little new under the sun. The monument and statue destruction that we are witnessing has been witnessed in other times and other places. A tyrant’s first battlefield is to rewrite history. Most notable were the political purges of Joseph Stalin. The Soviet government erased figures from Soviet history by renaming cities — […]
President Joe Biden has a secret account — which was easily found — on the peer-to-peer payments app Venmo, raising concerns about privacy and security.
An exclusive by The New York Times‘ political correspondents Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin reveal never before heard audio of a conversation between House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, Wyo. Rep. Liz Cheney, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and other Republican leaders in the aftermath of the January 6, 2021 Capitol unrest. While McCarthy initially […]

As the Mockery Dwindles

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

The beginning of the disintegration of the entire assault on Trump based on the theory that he is mad will incite Ryan & McConnell to lead the GOP Congress off suicide watch ...
The Nordic welfare model, long the envy of many across the world seeking an egal...
Does the July jobs report signal a V-shaped economic recovery? Special assistant to the president and NEC chief economist Joseph Lavorgna weighs in.
... claiming they are countering (fictitious) right-wing army of "trolls and sock puppets"
On his Friday CNN show, Don Lemon and correspondent Leyla Santiago condemned Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for banning math textbooks that contained Critical Race Theory. When giving examples, including a bar graph alleging conservatives are more racist than liberals, it was still DeSantis that was accused of culture warring.

The Bodyguards of Kim Jong-Un

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

‘Why did we lose this war?” asked James Burnham of Vietnam in National Review in 1972. One reason, he wrote, was that “We failed — that is, our leadership failed — to comprehend this Indochina struggle as one campaign or subwar in the global conflict. Since we did not set it within its global frame of reference, our leaders could neither develop a comprehensive strategy to win it nor make it comprehensible to the American people.” That is a fair description of the geopolitical situation more than four decades later ...
Rod Thomson Most of the media won’t get it, probably even when it happens, but all of the signals are pointing to President Trump getting deals with both China and Mexico — and they will be better deals than what
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot devoted personal attention to clearing a beach party but could not stop looters from ransacking downtown.
Climate change, gun violence and Uncle Sam’s growing debt — they’re among the biggest topics in politics, yet Americans don’t have a very good grasp on what the actual numbers say. And those who favor CNN or MSNBC know even less than do those who favor Fox News, according to a new poll commissioned by a conservative think tank.
White House officials and Democratic strategists privately worry about Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter, especially whether Trump will return to the platform.
The people are ready to take back power from Washington, D.C.