
This guy is something else...


Meghan McCain said she will be not "be bullied" or "intimated" as she called out "uneducated celebrities" who have attacked her for supporting Israel.


“Fictosexuals” are people who are sexually attracted to fictional characters.


Several people were injured in an explosion on a rush-hour subway train in London, which police said they were treating as terrorism.


The biggest hoax in American history happened right under our noses. Uncovering the plot to destroy a duly elected president, and what needs to be done now.


Not long after a cease-fire was brokered by Egypt in the days-long fight between Hamas and Israel, one of the terrorist group's leaders expressed gratitude to Iran for providing resources


The facts don't care about the media's feelings.


House Speaker John A. Boehner says former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton “ignored the law” in setting up a private email system and server as the nation’s top diplomat and that questions on the matter are “going to continue to haunt her until she comes clean.”


A federal judge has ordered a Michigan city to allow a nearby farmer to participate in its farmers market after concluding officials there likely illegally discriminated against him because of his faith. The case centers on the issue of same-sex ?marriage,? and it isn?t the first time since the U.S. Supreme Court created that status several years [?]


Review of the board game Dos Rios, Valley of the Two Rivers, reveals a challenging game for friends to sit around the table and enjoy.


Joe Biden announced Thursday that he believed Americans should be wearing masks outside their homes until after the November presidential election to blunt the death toll of the coronavirus.


Parents of students at Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School were furious after the school forced students to take a class on porn.


Is 'antiracism' possible?


National Review’s Jillian Kay Melchior reported Wednesday that, along with Al Sharpton and Melissa Harris-Perry, two more MSNBC stars are not paying their fair share of taxes. Touré Neblett, co-host of “The Cycle” owes the IRS a cool $59,000. Joy-Ann


Then why should any of us bother to not be racist again?


I debated whether or not to publish this piece because it’s about the complaints of a few dozen trolls. That’s actually why it’s important to say something.


Joe Biden once again took no questions from the press Tuesday as he rolled out a plan to expand services for the elderly and children during the coronavirus pandemic. “Thank you for listening…


A judge has dismissed an indictment against Steve Bannon over the objection of prosecutors who say it should stand despite ex-President Donald Trump's decision to pardon his former chief strategist.


The one-trick ponies at the New York Times are at it again...


“[I]f income redistribution policies are the solution to shrinking the gap between rich and poor, why do they fail so miserably in the states?”


Well, I guess that's expected.


We need a Federalist Society-type organization to train young conservatives to become federal bureaucrats if we want to slay the Big Government leviathan.


The Best in uncensored news, information, and analysis


Although he’s been out of office for 126 days, the legacy media cannot stop talking about former President Donald Trump. Even as Joe Biden’s presidency