
The $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill contains millions in wasteful spending, including $575 million for "reproductive health."


The FBI actually released a few documents — but they were just already-public letters from members of Congress demanding answers in the Uranium One case.


The suspension comes as numerous posts erupted on the app calling for more people to inflict violence


The platform suppressed true information from doctors and public-health experts that was at odds with U.S. government policy.


Cancel the third debate. The dark and gloomy showdown in St. Louis last night was so depressing... The Trump effect has ruined politics this year.


They expect harm to their careers - but had a lot of fun submitting hoax papers.


South Korea started out with 30 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of February 17, 2020. Media reports surfaced on February 18 that a 61-year-old Korean woman tested positive for the virus in Daegu, South Korea’s third-largest city. Dubbed “Patient 31,” this particular case not only represented a critical point that led to the rapid transmission of the virus through the rest of Korean society. It also came to serve as a warning to the rest of the world by underscoring the grave consequences of failing to practice social distancing and self-isolation. South Korea saw a steep spike of case numbers in the following weeks and reached its peak daily case count on February 29 – forty days after its first confirmed case on January 20 – with 909 new cases and up nearly 500 from the previous day. It became the second most infected country after China by early March. South Korea undertook a massive public and private sector effort to fashion a national response to the pandemic. Korea’s drive-through testing started picking up media attention around the world and hailed as an ingenious measure to protect healthcare workers from exposure while providing expeditious results to prospective patients. Now, two months after the first confirmed case, South Korea is commended for its exemplary response in efforts to contain the outbreak. Through timely development and approval of a functioning diagnostic test, frequent dissemination of information and public resources, heightened border control, and meticulous contact mapping through patient questionnaires and GPS-based mobile applications, South Korea’s efforts to “flatten the curve” are seemingly working. While the United States outranked China on March 26, 2020 as the country with the highest number of infected patients with an upwards of 84,000 confirmed cases, Korea now sits tenth on the roster of nations with the highest numbers of coronavirus cases. To document this trajectory of South Korea’s national response efforts against the spread of COVID-19, the CSIS Korea Chair created a timeline of events outlining policies and other measures implemented to date. The CSIS Korea Chair would like to thank medical professionals, healthcare personnel, volunteers, experts, journalists, delivery workers and all those at the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic who work tirelessly to provide essential services to the public during this time.


Candace Owens Sounds Alarm About Big Teach & Went Viral" They Want To Sileint Us! LAWYER React


"A constitutional guarantee subject to future judges’ assessments of its usefulness is no constitutional guarantee at all.”


RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Utah: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein vs. McMullin


In what for generations to come will likely be considered one of the most important speeches ever given on the floor of the US Senate, Susan Collins ,the Senator from (R-Maine) announced Friday she would support Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. ? Mr. President, I will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.? The Senator argued the presumption of innocence is ingrained in the American consciousness and is relevant to advice and consent. She said now is not the time to abandon due process and the presumption of innocence. ?That such an allegation can find its way into the Supreme Court confirmation process is a stark reminder about why the presumption of innocence is so ingrained in our American consciousness,? she said. We encourage everyone to scroll down and read her entire speech, it may if just for a moment make you smile and reassured that the system put in place by our founders is working as it was intended. She delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor: COLLINS: Mr. President, the five previous times that I have come to the floor to explain my vote on the nomination of a justice to the United States Supreme Court, I have begun my floor remarks explaining my decision with a recognition of the solemn nature and the importance of the occasion. But today we have come to the conclusion of a confirmation process that has become so dysfunctional it looks more like a caricature of a gutter-level political campaign than a solemn occasion. The President nominated Brett Kavanaugh on July 9th. Within moments of that announcement, special interest groups raced to be the first to oppose him, including one organization that didn’t even bother to fill in the Judge’s name on its pre-written press release – they simply wrote that they opposed “Donald Trump’s nomination of XX to the Supreme Court of the United States.” A number of Senators joined the race to announce their opposition, but they were beaten to the punch by one of our colleagues who actually announced opposition before the nominee’s identity was even known. Since that time, we have seen special interest groups whip their followers into a frenzy by spreading misrepresentations and outright falsehoods about Judge Kavanaugh’s judicial record. Over-the-top rhetoric and distortions of his record and testimony at his first hearing produced short-lived headlines which, although debunked hours later, continue to live on and be spread through social media. Interest groups have also spent an unprecedented amount of dark money opposing this nomination. Our Supreme Court confirmation process has been in steady decline for more than thirty years. One can only hope that the Kavanaugh nomination is where the process has finally hit rock bottom. Against this backdrop, it is up to each individual Senator to decide what the Constitution’s “advice and consent” duty means. Informed by Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist 76, I have interpreted this to mean that the President has broad discretion to consider a nominee’s philosophy, whereas my duty as a Senator is to focus on the nominee’s qualifications as long as that nominee’s philosophy is within the mainstream of judicial thought. I have always opposed litmus tests for judicial nominees with respect to their personal views or politics, but I fully expect them to be able to put aside any and all personal preferences in deciding the cases that come before them. I have never considered the President’s identity or party when evaluating Supreme Court nominations. As a result, I voted in favor of Justices Roberts and Alito, who were nominated by President Bush, Justices Sotomayor and Kagan, who were nominated by President Obama, and Justice Gorsuch, who was nominated by President Trump. So I began my evaluation of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination by reviewing his 12-year record on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, including his more than 300 opinions and his many speeches and law review articles. Nineteen attorneys, including lawyers from the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, briefed me many times each week and assisted me in evaluating the judge’s extensive record. I met with Judge Kavanaugh for more than two hours in my office. I listened carefully to the testimony at the Committee hearings. I spoke with people who knew him personally, such as Condoleezza Rice and many others. And, I talked with Judge Kavanaugh a second time by phone for another hour to ask him very specific additional questions. I have also met with thousands of my constituents, both advocates and many opponents, regarding Judge Kavanaugh. One concern that I frequently heard was that Judge Kavanaugh would be likely to eliminate the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) vital protections for people with preexisting conditions. I disagree with this contention. In a dissent in Seven-Sky v. Holder, Judge Kavanaugh rejected a challenge to the ACA on narrow procedural grounds, preserving the law in full. Many experts have said his dissent informed Justice Roberts’ opinion upholding the ACA at the Supreme Court. Furthermore, Judge Kavanaugh’s approach toward the doctrine of severability is narrow. When a part of a statute is challenged on constitutional grounds, he has argued for severing the invalid clause as surgically as possible while allowing the overall law to remain intact. This was his approach in his dissent in a case that involved a challenge to the structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (PPH v. CFPB). In his dissent, Judge Kavanaugh argued for “severing any problematic portions while leaving the remainder intact.” Given the current challenges to the ACA, proponents, including myself, of protections for people with pre-existing conditions should want a Justice who would take just this kind of approach. Another assertion I have heard often is that Judge Kavanaugh cannot be trusted if a case involving alleged wrongdoing by the President were to come before the Court. The basis for this argument seems to be two-fold. First, Judge Kavanaugh has written that he believes that Congress should enact legislation to protect presidents from criminal prosecution or civil liability while in office. Mr. President, I believe...


CUPERTINO, CA - Apple has removed all apps from the App Store and the iOS platform since any one of them could be used to incite violence.The new iPhone will just have a blank screen, to ensure you can't incite violence with it.'Phone calls and text messages? You can plot violence. Books? You can be radicalized and then plot violence. Maps? You ca ...


The elevating urbanization levels and the hectic schedules of the consumers are some of the primary factors driving the cup noodles market.


A man sentenced to 40 years in prison for murdering his parents and stabbing his dog to death has claimed a trans identity and is now listed as a female by the Maine Department of Corrections


Btw, this isn't an attack video on Casey, I'm just using him as an excuse to make a politics video (and because some parts of his video were mental) But Pres...


Liberal media outlets are furious that I stated in my podcast, and during my NRATV show, that conservatives should strategically “own the Libs.” Here’s my short answer to them, “get used to it.”


The Justice Department inspector general found problems with all 29 FBI FISA warrant applications.


In China, 22 miners are trapped in a gold mine after an accident


TALLAHASSEE, FL — This week, Ron DeSantis was inaugurated to serve another 4-year term as Florida's 46th Governor following his overwhelming reelection last November. During the proceedings, an obnoxious heckler began booing and shouting, forcing security to escort him out of the audience.


Tax dodger and riot starter Al Sharpton had a bone to pick with GOP nominee Donald Trump, on his MSNBC Sunday show Politics Nation, for playing coy with accepting the outcome of the election. Sharpton brought on Trump’s Senior Campaign Adviser Boris Epshteyn to browbeat him over the comments saying, “Boris, just how big would Clinton's win have to be for Trump to admit it is, quote, “Not questionable?”” But Boris quickly turned the tables and left Sharpton confused by merely mentioning the explosive new Project Veritas videos.