Remaining unvaccinated will cost you a hefty fine if you live in this country.
Satire: I’ve been accessory to the serving of enough saturated fats, cholesterol and refined sugars to endanger the health of a large bear
Going absolutely nuclear on The Young Turks and every #SJW leftist asshat simply boiling Trump's historic victory down to "racism" and "sexism". Allow me to ...
CNBC host Jim Cramer was slammed by critics for claiming that the government “has a right” to force citizens to obey it.
Florida is threatening to suspend licenses for businesses failing to provide proof of E-Verify compliance.
This is my confession -- and explanation.
The new poll of likely voters from SurveyUSA and the Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics shows Democratic incumbent Joe Donnelly and Republican challenger Mike Braun in a tight race.
Whitmer has been trying to raise her profile because she is hoping former Vice President Joe Biden might select her as a running mate.
Kamala Harris cemented her place in history on Wednesday, becoming the first woman and the first woman of color, to be sworn in as the vice president of the United States. 
Mike Rowe, known to many as the hard-working host of Discovery Channel's "Dirty Jobs," which ran for eight seasons, has finally offered his opinion on the presidential election. In typical Rowe fashion, it's honest, and flat-out refreshing in the face of the social media hysteria we've been seeing since Tuesday. A woman named Carol Savoy sent Rowe a question on Facebook:

VOTE Republican On Election Day!

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Before you vote in November you need to know the ugly truth about the democrats.
Andrew Cuomo has made it clear that he will not seek the Democratic nomination for president, however, he did say the idea was "flattering."
President Joe Biden warned senior administration officials Wednesday that they'd better respect one another and work together for the good of the country - or else."If you're ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect,...
A whistleblower has revealed that the ruling class of the United States is behind the food shortages and attacks on the food supply chain. Eco Health Alliance whistleblower, bioterrorism expert, military veteran, and scientist Dr. Andrew Huff has a possible explanation for the food supply fires. Dr.
U.S.—More colleges across the country have been renaming their liberal arts degrees "non-essential worker degrees" in a bid to be more honest about what exactly the course of study entails."We wanted to be a little more honest about what you can expect from a liberal arts program -- sorry, a non-essential worker program," said Charles …
WASHINGTON, D.C. - After national outrage in response to tens of thousands of National Guard troops being sent outside to sleep in freezing parking garages, Biden issued a statement begging the troops to be patient while he writes up the order to send them to much warmer climates in Iraq and Syria.'Listen, ya bunch of dumb pony soldiers,' sa ...
Outrage is mounting after a truck driver was sentenced to 110 years in prison after he was found guilty in a 2019 Colorado crash that killed four people.

A World Without Affirmative Action

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

We need creative thinking and real problem solving to address inequality in education.
Forty members of Congress sent a letter to the White House on Monday encouraging the government not to send those $1,200 checks to illegal aliens.
BEIJING - Sources within the Chinese government confirmed today that the spy who was assigned to date Rep. Eric Swalwell and get information from him abruptly returned to China and begged to be sent to a labor camp instead.'Please -- don't make me go back!' she begged after returning to China in 2015. 'I'll do anything! I'll brea ...
His opposition to Build Back Better gives Biden a chance to change course.
A small number of classified documents was found in former Vice President Mike Pence's personal residence in Indiana earlier this month, according to reports.
Protesters Harass Chicago's Trump Tower for Second Week