
Sen. Mitch McConnell is a friend of the farmer. The six-term Kentucky Republican proudly touts his agricultural achievements, including his two Golden Plow Awards from the American Farm Bureau. Now the newly minted majority leader is set to take on a new battle for farmers that pits him against some...


A widespread power outage reportedly affected much of Washington D.C. Tuesday, including White House and the State Department facilities.


Michael Kruse’s article is bad journalism, but it is simply the latest and sloppiest entry in a growing genre: the new American Gothic.


A 2012 inspector general report revealed that Hillary's State Dept. forced a U.S. ambassador to resign for setting up an unsanctioned private e-mail system.


Amidst the devastation and tragedy, in California, heroes have emerged. Here are nine people who's bravery I'm thankful for.


Scholar also calls for sabbatical year from travel - 'no big conferences, no academic flying.'


“That was barbaric what they did. They are barbarians,” one of the victims said.


A Kentucky man shot down an $1800 drone hovering over his sunbathing daughter and was then arrested and charged with first degree criminal mischief and first degree wanton endangerment.


The protectionist tariffs Donald Trump has proposed would impose huge costs on the working-class Americans they're supposed to help.


Republican Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and Marco Rubio of Florida have released a blueprint for federal tax reform called “The Economic Growth and Family Fairness Tax Plan.” First, we should not embrace the language of progressive socialism in believing tax reform should have as a goal to advance “family fairness.” The plan should simply be entitled “The American Growth and Opportunity Plan.” That said, the Lee-Rubio plan is a great improvement over the current system.


The White House press secretary “is using her official position to interfere with the freedom of the press,” former White House ethics chief Richard Painter said.


Has anybody noticed that the Kellyanne Conway and the Trump Administration have been blaming Obama for all their botched policies? Related: Muslim Travel Ban...


The Southern Poverty Law Center bills itself as a watchdog of hate groups. But is this just a cover for its true aims? Journalist and author Karl Zinsmeister...


George Soros Spent Over $10 Million In 3-months Lobbying Against Trump
Submitted 7 years ago by Blue Pill Sheep • soros trump washington open society swamp deep state secret society secretsociety george soros
George Soros Spent Over $10 Million from October - December 2017 in Lobbying Against Trump. In total George Soros's Open Society Policy Center poured in a record $16.2 million into lobbying efforts in 2017


Victims of Released Criminal Immigrants to Testify Against Obama Policies -


Hillary Clinton rode in to New Jersey today to help save Senator Menendez’s campaign. Then she ran into a garage pillar! You just can’t make this up! VIDEO: LIVE LOOK at @HillaryClinton trying to save @SenatorMenendez. (Spoiler alert: she crashes.) #NJSen pic.twitter.com/7poUpIYxl6 — The Senate Majority (@NRSC) October 16, 2018 Senator Menendez trails GOP challenger …


Politicians who promise to “give” health care & benefits to people aren’t really promising to “give” at all. They’re promising to take from others to fulfill their promises ...


The increasing murder rate in South Africa has left the country's police minister comparing the nation to a "war zone."


Whoopi Goldberg and the rest of The View crew come to a startling conclusion that both of these statements can't be true: 1) Hillary Clinton is the paragon of


Nancy Pelosi said Trump had behaved as if he were "above the law" in ordering precision strikes on Friday targeting Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.


A powerful U.S. Senate investigatory committee has launched a bipartisan probe into an American nonprofitâs funding of efforts to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the Obama administrationâs State Department gave the nonprofit taxpayer-funded grants, FoxNews.com has learned.


A BBC presenter found herself in the middle of a Twitter storm after claiming a radio documentary on climate change was balanced because it did not feature any sceptic voice. (h/t Bishop Hill) Climate Change: The Inconvenient Facts, which is


Unfortunately, the American people have been duped into electing a president who clearly is not Patriot grade.


Michael Eric Dyson: Trump 'Excretes Feces of His Moral Depravity' Into Country He Turned Into Toilet
Fast-talking Georgetown professor and New York Times’ contributor Michael Eric Dyson was the guest on ABC’s The View, June 4, where he proceeded to “educate” the panel and viewers about the differences between bigots and racists, and how Republicans were seemingly both.