The party’s post-2014 midterm election autopsy calls for a “values-based” narrative and more outreach to white Southern voters.
Backed by a group of both Republicans and Democrats, Maine Sen. Susan Collins unveiled legislation Tuesday to prevent terrorists from obtaining guns. And backers say the bill has an actual chance of garnering the 60-vote majority required to pass in the Senate. Collins, a moderate Republican senator, called the deadly shootings in Orlando and San …
A top pro-amnesty leader suggested that Florida Governor Jeb Bush may be better than Hillary Clinton on amnesty issues. Gaby Pacheco, a DREAMer and amnesty advocate who has already influenced the White House on its executive amnesty programs, proclaimed that
The sister of the Muslim teen who lied about being harassed to avoid parental punishment for breaking curfew posted a Facebook rant blaming the NYPD and the media for her sister’s lies. Sara Seweid…
Berkeley Police Quitting in Mass After City Routinely Sides with Antifa, Force Down 35% in One Year
On Wednesday, Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro sat down with Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report for a thoughtful conversation on the issues of the day.
Just weeks before Secretary of State John Kerry held new nuclear talks with Iran’s foreign minister in Geneva, Iranians were hanging Kerry's boss in effigy at a huge Tehran-sponsored rally marking the Islamic Revolution’s 36th anniversary, an event that critics say underscores the absurdity of the ongoing diplomatic effort.
5 times Democrats undermined Republican presidents with foreign governments | WashingtonExaminer.com
On Monday, 47 Republican senators led by Tom Cotton, R-Ark., released an open letter to Iran's leaders noting that any deal the regime signs with President Obama without the approval of Congress could be revoked by a future president or changed by Congress. The White House went into a tizzy trying to portray the move as somehow unprecedented â a view that has found a friendly audience with the media.
Vice President Joe Biden claimed the letter ignores two centuries of precedent and threatens to undermine the ability of any future American president, whether democrat or republican, to negotiate with other nations on behalf of the United States. The New York Daily News featured an editorial blasting the letter on its front page, with photos of the senators and the bold-faced headline TRAITORS. A more muted NBC roundup called the move extraordinary â if not unprecedented. In reality, whatever one's view of the letter, to call it unprecedented is to ignore history. The reality is that on many occasions, Democrats have reached out to foreign leaders to undermine the foreign policy of a sitting Republican president.
PETER HITCHENS: We do not notice the systematic infiltration of our upper echelons by wave after wave of anti-British Marxists but believe thin, unproven stories about the KGB.
Prior to his speech at CPAC Thursday afternoon, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) didn’t mince words. He bluntly told reporters how ner.02/27/2015 10:05:16AM EST.
Supporters of political newcomer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) were unable to surmise how all of the monetary freedoms she is promising will be paid for.
The drills are being held in the strategically critical Strait of Hormuz, which accounts for a third of all global seaborne oil trade.
The girl who recorded & posted video to Facebook of a vicious attack on a white girl & her little brother is Toshonna Ferguson, Gotnews.com has learned.
A West Virginia State Police trooper issued Dimitrios Patlias a warning for failing to drive within his lane, just before seizing more than $10,000 in cash from him and his
In a Facebook post on Tuesday, actor Kevin Sorbo, known for his more recent roles in the family-friendly films “Let There Be Light” and “God’s Not Dead,” called out actor Jim Carrey on socialism, saying, “Socialism didn’t create Hollywood. Capitalism did.”
Eighteen academic studies, legal rulings, and media investigations shed light on the issue roiling America.
Gay Marriage question, click this... @2:00 mark. “Hardball” Nov. 20th 2002 from the Page Hall auditorium at the Albany Downtown Campus. TRANSCRIPT: http://ww...
They respond to Trump like a junkie would: not by rationally accepting the situation, but by ripping out all the copper wiring.
A Synagogue came under attack in London last night by an unknown group that smashed windows and had to be fought off with chairs. The incident is the latest incident in a string of anti-semitic attacks across Europe that have led many
Chuck Schumer is a politician—a skilled and successful one. Which means that today’s announcement, following months of wildly uncharacteristic silence, that the senior Senator from New York is opposing the Administration’s nuclear deal with Iran is first and foremost a reflection of his calcul...
Dave Brat may be cast as an anti-establishment firebrand, but his philosophy is classical liberalism.
MANCHESTER, N.H. --- We sat down this morning with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who is making his first New Hampshire campaign swing as a likely presidential candidate this weekend along with Jeb Bush. Naturally we asked him how he can compete against Bush, who appears to be raising immense sums of money, and about Marco Rubio's suggestion that, as a senator and foreign relations and intelligence committee member, Rubio has a key advantage over current or previous governors on foreign policy.
http://www.pi-news.org/ Donald Trump warns of the Muslim Problem