Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., jumped back into the national news cycle Tuesday — after several quiet months — by condemning some of President-elect Donald Trump’s potential picks for top jobs.
Its time to give current university system the Old Yeller treatment, except normal Americans will giggle when this rabid mongrel gets put down..03/02/2015 22:55:11PM EST.
The latest advancement in victimhood links 'queer theory' with illegal immigration.
President Donald Trump on Tuesday touted historic breakthroughs in diplomacy with North Korea. Defying the doubters, recent developments have given Trump good...
It is interesting to watch journalists and political pundits pick up on buzzwords that have a scientific gloss to them. It makes them sound smart, unless of course you know the backstory. A good ex…
When your boss takes credit for your work, he pays you. When Obama takes credit for creating 500,000 jobs that already exist, he expects you to pay him. $100 million dollars. Minimum.
We have a story we're going to release this coming week and I've never thought about this before but I am afraid for my life on this one.
Madonna, at Women's March on Washington, uses several expletives, says she has thought about "blowing up the White House"

Trump – The Winner Takes it All

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The winner takes it all The loser standing small Beside the victory That's her destiny
An interview with Bat Ye'or, a foremost historian of the Middle East.  Giulio Meotti

Douglas Murray | Mass Migration

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Subscribe for more! Like & Share if you Enjoy! Thanks for Watching! Douglas Murray making perfect sense on Europe and its future. Song: Tony Anderson - Spiri...
The Media Research Center released a powerful and devastating video Friday addressing what Eric Holder would call a "false narrative" that took hold regarding Ferguson: the "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" myth. The fable of the innocent victim raising his hands and being gunned down by police was false from the start, and has since been thoroughly debunked. Even Chris Hayes himself has been forced to admit as much. 
The alt-right celebrated Hillary Clinton’s speech yesterday on the alt-right by posting a host of memes on Twitter purporting to explain what #AltRightMeans.
A 22-year-old first time candidate beat one of Connecticut's longest standing Republicans.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, like all departing federal employees, was required to fill out and sign a separation statement affirming that she had turned over all classified and other government documents, including all emails dealing with official business. Fox News Megyn Kelly reported Wednesday evening on the requirement and that a spokesman for Clinton had not responded to a request for comment, including an explanation of when the former chief U.S. diplomat signed the mandatory separation agreement or, if she didn't, why didn't she. The Washington Examiner also asked Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill for comment late Wednesday but had received no response from him early Thursday. Clinton did not respond when asked about the issue earlier this week by the Associated Press. The issue was first raised Monday by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus.
Stunning and brave. Even if she does need to make up her mind about that sexuality ;) TOUR: http://yiannopoulos.net READ: http://www.breitbart.com/milo/ LIKE...
A federal appeals court judge dubbed the IRS not trustworthy during oral argument Thursday as he and his colleagues tried to figure out whether tea party targeting is still going on.
A car was spray-painted with anti-Donald Trump graffiti and then set on fire in southeast Portland.
A political cartoon riffing on the Mideast conflict appeared last week on a global-studies Regents exam — sparking cries of ­“anti-Israel propaganda” from some lawmakers, teachers and students. The…
Six members of the notorious extremist group Antifa was arrested in Portland, Oregon during the #HimToo rally, One of which was arrested after repeatedly punching and spitting on Trump supporters, who are seen in footage standing by non-violently and taking the abuse.
Beginning with the unrest after the August 2014 shooting of Micheal Brown and that which followed the grand jury verdict in favor of Officer Darren Wilson, gun sales in Missouri are through the roof.
Fox News chief Washington correspondent James Rosen has once again teamed up with a team of hackers to dig deeper into Hillary Clinton's use of private emails, this time demonstrating that there were
Jenner is still learning how best to be an advocate for the trans community.
On Wednesday, The Daily Caller's Peter Hasson published a piece pulling back the curtain a little more about why exactly Tomi Lahren "