
Rev. Peter Muhlenberg’s was the first of the Virginia regiments ready for combat service just two months after he declared it was time for the Revolution.


The Florida mom who ditched her family to join the raggedy Occupy Wall Street crowd turned out to be an even bigger loser on Thursday when a jury rejected her claims that cops violently arrested he...


U.S.—After facing mounting criticism over apparent hypocrisy within its ranks, the movement using the hashtag #BelieveAllWomen has come out with an extensive list of exceptions to its directive to always believe all women no matter what.While Americans from both sides of the aisle largely agree that women's stories shouldn't be dismissed out of h …


The Nike/Colin Kaepernick saga just took an unexpected turn, and the former NFL quarterback won’t like it. According to a report from the Center for Responsive Politics (and covered by Yahoo Sports), Nike is giving more


To my friends in Calgary and across Canada: I apologize on behalf of my fellow Americans for the United States government's actions. Why? Because after years of poring over the engineering, design,...


Fox News' Geraldo Rivera says his 11-year-old daughter helped him realize that Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall between the U.S. / Mexico border is a good...


Just when you thought the lawlessness of the most lawless administration in the history of the republic could not get worse, the U.S. Department of Justice files another legal brief, and it does.


Olbermann to NCAA, NFL: Leave Indiana Over 'Religious Freedom' Law


I have heard over and over again that the gay couple in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case are fighting for their “rights.” Curiously, nobody has been able to explain which rights, exactly.


It started Monday as a simple suggestion by former NFL quarterback Michael Vick that free agent Colin Kaepernick might rehabilitate his image with the league by cutting his afro. Now it's erupted into a war of words between ESPN and Fox Sports 1's Jason Whitlock, who called his former employer the "PC, Safe Space Network."


The Affordable Care act is having a devastating impact on already strapped rural hospitals, playing a role in many of them shutting their doors, The Washington Post reports.


Is profit a dirty word? Would the world be better off without them? Or are profits progressive -- the only thing that can move potatoes from Idaho to Manhatt...


“The dishonest media does not report that any money spent on building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will be paid back by Mexico later!”


CNN apologized for a producer who made a distasteful joke about Donald Trump's plane crashing. No one should expect The Washington Post will apologize for their Sunday magazine "humorist" Gene Weingarten writing poetry about the delight of dropping Trump out of an airplane to his death. Then Hillary Clinton stood up, and she smiled, too. “You know, I’ve a far, far better idea for you! Throw no cash. Throw out just one Donald Trump And bring joy to a hundred million people, chump.”


Hillary Clinton officially has been asked to turn over her private email server, which she used to send and receive emails while serving as secretary of state, for independent review.


Marvel Comics launched its new Captain America series on Wednesday. The title character gets very political in the story, which culminates with him beating u...


It is such a high, blessed relief to finally get to the bottom of the most pressing issue here in this age of $17 trillion U.S. debt, barbaric animals burning humans alive in cages, the systematic rounding up, rape and mutilation of young girls around the world and all these inconvenient blizzards and bone-chilling winds blowing giant holes in our faith in the newly founded Church of Global Warming.


A Jewish suburban mom, a doctor and a cop walk into a shooting range. That’s no setup to a punch line; it’s who you might find at the kind of New Jersey gun range where I took a basic pistol class ...