This new report provides a deep insight into the global industrial enzymes market and the requirements for setting up a industrial enzymes manufacturing plant.
FBI whistleblowers have come forward with numerous examples of how the radicalized law enforcement arm of the Democratic Party has been rewarding 'Woke'
Ellen DeGeneres: Transgender Stingray in Disney's 'Finding Dory'
A group of counterprotesters gathered outside the California office of Rep. Maxine Waters Thursday, burning and stepping on an American flag after a group of far-right demonstrators failed to show up.
Jim Carroll, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, said Friday that the United States has seen a drop in drug overdose deaths for the first time in nearly three decades.
Democrat Joe Biden is reportedly seeking to de-emphasize using the U.S. Military, by far the most powerful military in the world, as a measure of national
Northern California health officials shut down another In-N-Out Burger restaurant location Tuesday for allowing indoor dining without checking patrons for proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test.
Not since the 2008 financial crisis has communist China’s yuan currency been as weak as it is now, which has prompted the People’s Bank of China to issue a warning about a coming dollar dump and yuan buyback. All major state-run banks in China have been told to prepare for this coming event, which will aim to […]
Has Barack Obama almost finished the mission of destroying American society as we know it as laid out in the Saul Alinsky book, 'Rules For Radicals'? The answer is yes and, if you've never heard of Saul Alinsky, you need to read this article to understand that if a ‘Rule' has not been completed by the end of his 2nd-term, that Hillary Clinton as president would finish the job! Read at The Political Commentator here.

Joy Reid fear-mongering…

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

  MSNBC’s Nance predicts the 2020 election will be compromised:   “This nation is going to be under attack, cyber-wise, unlike anything we’ve seen before. Not just disinformation &#…
Several newly-elected Republican House members, including New York’s Nicole Malliotakis, have banned together to create a group they’ve dubbed the “Freedom Force” — to…
Actor Dax Shepard says that he will not protect his young daughters' virtue when it comes to having sex — and has even had sexual discussions with his two daughters, who are just 6 and 8 years old. What are the details? During the latest episode of "Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard," the 46-year-old...
We usually don't think about the wonderful service fossil fuels provide in terms of being a store of heat energy for winter, the time when there is a greater need for heat energy. Figure 1 shows dramatically how, in the US, the residential usage of heating fuels spikes during the winter months. Solar energy is most abundantly available in the May-June-July period, making it a poor candidate for fixing the problem of the need for winter heat. In some ways, the lack of availability of fuels for winter is a canary in the coal mine regarding future energy shortages. People have been concerned about oil shortages, but winter fuel shortages are, in many ways, just as bad. They can result in people "freezing in the dark."
Rachel Maddow shows how the White House transcript and video of the Trump Putin press conference in Helsinki has been edited to remove the question asking Putin if he wanted Trump to win the election, part of a broader campaign of information warfare the Trump administration is waging with Russia against the American people.
Jeff Weaver, a senior adviser to Bernie Sanders's 2020 presidential campaign, on Monday pushed back against President Trump's accusations that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is working to "rig" the primary contest against the Vermont sena
Biden will move on all fronts to loosen immigration controls.
USA Today was caught stealth-editing multiple pieces after its sports columnist decried the "racist" Altlanta Braves team name.
I’m old enough to remember when history had a side. History, you see, had chosen to progress toward an international order that de-emphasized international sovereignty, elevated a bureaucratic and technocratic elite, and sought to solve international conflict through a combination of moral and economic pressure. Nations caused wars, so nationalism (and even patriotism) had to be set aside. Democracy unleashed bigotry, so “the people” mattered mainly when they agreed with the elite.   It was a system that worked remarkably well for the international upper class. Men and women dedicated to commerce enjoyed unprecedented access to international markets. Activists dedicated to social justice could engineer their societies without ever truly facing the accountability of the ballot box. The logic of the system was self-proving. It would triumph through the sheer force of its virtue. #ad#Unable to grasp the extent to which the new international order had endured and prospered not so much through its self-evident goodness but through the protection of American arms, it proved completely incapable of meeting the challenge when America chose to retreat. Vladimir Putin wanted no part of a system that sidelined Russia and viewed it as just one more economic and bureaucratic entity in a global superstate and decided to exert raw power to shape the world. He put boots on the ground in Crimea, and he dared the world to move him. He exerted his will in Syria, and he dared the world to stop him. In response, John Kerry actually said, “You just don’t, in the 21st century, behave in 19th-century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pretext.” It’s a comment that would be hilarious if it weren’t so impotent. Putin did as he liked, and “history” had nothing to say about it. EDITORIAL: Reflections on the Shock of Brexit At the same time, ISIS emerged — reminding a world that had already largely forgotten 9/11 what jihad looked like. To men who believed in divine favor for holy war, the new international order meant opportunity. European countries compete for the title of “moral superpower,” while ISIS merely calls them “targets.” It confronted a civilized world that had vowed “never again” with a new genocide, and that civilized world — possessing immense military power — largely chose ”compassion” over confrontation, opening its borders to floods of refugees whose ranks contain those who despise European culture, subvert European values, and rape and kill European citizens. Is it any wonder that citizens of one of the greatest and strongest nations in human history would recoil from an international order that was proving mainly that it could enrich an elite without seeming to lift a finger to preserve the nation’s core values and traditions — the very things that had made it great and strong? Is it any wonder that citizens of other great countries are —wondering what loyalty they owe to that same elite?  #related#And so we launch yet another phase in human history, where what’s old — nations pursuing their own interests — is new again. On one end of the European continent sits Russia, a nation that is flexing its muscles and seeking to reclaim its traditional power. On the other end is Britain, a nation that has reclaimed its independence and now faces an uncertain future defining its new relationship with the world.  Across the ocean, America faces its own crisis. Our technocratic elite has constructed its own self-serving system — one that mirrors the very system that Britain rejected yesterday. Our politics are more uncertain and chaotic than at any time in decades. We can’t predict what will happen. But one thing I do know — history never truly had a “side.” Instead, it is the story of action and reaction, and no outcome is inevitable.  Britain has acted. The world is set to change, and history can’t tell us what’s next.  — David French is a staff writer at National Review. 
President Donald Trump tweeted on Thursday that the United States would “impose large sanctions” against Turkey for its imprisonment of Christian pastor Andrew Brunson. Vice President Mike Pence made a similar announcement at a religious freedom event earlier in the day. Wait...who is this pastor and what did he do? Brunson, 50, is a Presbyterian pastor who preached in a Turkish church for 23 years. After a failed coup in 2016, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey began rounding up and imprisoning people he saw as being involved in that takeover attempt. Brunson was arrested during this time on what his supporters say are fabricated charges. The Turkish government accused him of not only being involved in the coup, but of colluding with Kurdish militants. He would spend the next two years in prison. While the Kurds have proven themselves to be invaluable allies to the United States in the fight against the Islamic State ?

Nadler: Bolton Subpoena 'Likely'

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

While speaking to reporters on Wednesday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) stated it is "likely" that former National Security | Clips While speaking to reporters on Wednesday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) stated it is "likely" that former National Security Adviser John Bolton will be subpoenaed by the House.

Lies and Violence | City Journal

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Averting our gaze from political hyperbole and violence empowers the mob.
Tucked away in the Democrats’ 3.5 trillion reckless tax and spending spree is a provision to waste $8 billion on the creation of a "Civilian Climate Corps."
Your average 7th-grader could tell you AB 2098 violates the First Amendment.