Following the non-binding referendum vote for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, one Kentucky congressman thinks it's time for America to opt out
"Death of a Nation," the latest film from Dinesh D'Souza, makes some extreme claims that will surely ruffle more than a few feathers on both the Left and the Right: President Trump is the new Abraham Lincoln and the Democratic Party was once too racist even by Nazi standards.
President Donald Trump said on Thursday he would support a coronavirus relief bill, as lawmakers in Congress seek to hammer our an agreement to help Americans hit by the economic fallout of the deadly disease before the end of the year.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced on Sunday that she has tested positive for COVID-19, demonstrating again that even those who take the most
Where’s the outrage? Photos and Video taken by Denver reporters show presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump hung with a ...
Organizers of a long-running initiative to secure California's secession from the United States now say they want to give away nearly half of the state, including all of its federal land, to form an “autonomous Native American nation.
The most conservative judge on the US Supreme Court was once a dedicated black militant who memorised the speeches of Malcolm X.
Voting rights groups sue over alleged 2019 purge, while the state investigates allegations of improper voter registration ahead of Georgia’s January runoff election.
No wonder parents are speaking up.
The growing utilization of dextrose in the manufacturing of various drugs, including sodium-glucose, sodium chloride compound, glucose injections, lactic acid, etc., is primarily driving the dextrose market.
Will careless security-clearance holders get a pass? Time will tell.
As corruption continues at the DoJ/FBI, it is important to know the name of an operative who is working behind the scenes in a powerful position.
A Tehran Police official on Friday said indecently dressed mannequins that weaken "the culture of modesty and hijab" and "promote immorality" will be removed by the Police from shop windows.
The Democratic House could overturn results in Iowa and New York.
RICHMOND, VA—Terry McAuliffe is waiting for his 'Biden spike' of votes to come in and for all the media to accept it and declare him the winner of the Virginia governorship. But Democratic Party officials said their printers were down and they could print enough fake ballots this time. "We're
Three officers were reportedly shot after gunfire erupted in North Philadelphia early Wednesday as SWAT officers were serving a homicide arrest warrant, local reports said.
As sectarian tensions spearheaded by ISIS convulse the Middle East, and tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia only deepen, it is hard to imagine that...
2020 Democratic hopeful says he wouldn't let Washington 'foot the bill' if Jerusalem annexes West Bank settlements
The CIA has been telling American presidents since the Bush administration that Iran was not building a nuclear weapon.
Fair warning: companies that produce comfort foods, such as Bagel Bites, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and Cool Whip will be raising their prices in January.
The close poll results come despite millions of dollars in attack ads by Gov. Hochul, whose voters remain less committed than those supporting her Republican rival.
The police and Black Lives Matter may seem like strange bedfellows, but that’s not the case, claims longtime journalist Steven Waldman. In fact, Waldman thinks the two should join forces against “the most anti-police organization in America”: the National Rifle Association. “Both police and African Americans feel under siege,” wrote Waldman in a Monday article for The Washington Monthly. “The issue that can best unite these communities is one of the most divisive: gun control." Waldman suggested that the NRA also has repeatedly and systematically belittled the men and women in blue: “They peddle the lie that America’s police are so ineffective…that regular people must arm themselves. That’s at the heart of the increasingly dominant notion…that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good civilian guy with a gun."
DOJ official Bruce Ohr, former British spy Christopher Steele John Solomon strikes again! New emails obtained by Congress show Christopher Steele funneled information to the FBI through top DOJ official Bruce Ohr after the FBI ‘terminated’ Christopher Steele in November of 2016. Chairman Meadows tweeted: Critical development: NEW emails obtained by Congress show Chris Steele …
Planned Parenthood and NOW did not respond to requests for comment on a lawsuit filed by female athletes seeking fairness in women's sports.