Sen. Cory Booker on Monday introduced a bill that would study the possibility of reparations for descendants of slaves, embracing a push that recently has caught the interest of fellow 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.
Laurence Tribe trashing a woman and her degree ... stay classy, Larry.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." -- Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. President Joseph R. Biden Jr. recently announced his determination to use his powers as the chief execu
Kenneth Starr didn't mention the meeting to spare Hillary Clinton's feelings after Vince Foster's death in 1993, he told Ronald Kessler at the Annapolis Book Festival on Saturday.
Climate change isn't causing wars, making disasters worse, or causing food shortages. A visit to the Congo illustrates why that is.
Breonna Taylor’s mother Tamika Palmer slammed the Black Lives Matter movement on Wednesday and called the organization a “fraud” in a Facebook post. Palmer gave credit to friends, family, and local members of the community for supporting her family after 26-year-old Breonna Taylor was killed during a botched police raid in March 2020 in Louisville, […]
This is jobhop
Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar joked in a newly resurfaced clip about people saying Al Qaeda and Hezbollah in a menacing tone and questioned why the same isn’t applied when saying America.
Top communist party leaders in China are known as the 'red aristocracy', and, for all their professed belief in equality, they like to ensure a gold-plated future for their children.
Vandals smeared a home in Santa Rosa, California, with pig blood because a defense witness in the Derek Chauvin trial used to live there.
Supreme Court abhors compelled speech because it "diminishes autonomy, stymies the search for truth, and extinguishes the debates necessary for the continuous improvement of our Republic," judge says.
Air conditioners have become an indispensable part of modern living, providing respite from scorching summers and creating comfortable indoor environments year-round.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi characterized the more progressive wing of House Democrats led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, as "like, five people" that do not represent all progressives, including herself -- adding that freshmen Democrats "know that we have to hold the center."
Last week, in their nightly crossover CNN’s Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo entertained themselves by mocking conservatives and Trump-friendly media for using what they consider scare tactics to alarm th…
Rep. Devin Nunes told Maria Bartiromo on FNC's "Sunday Morning Futures" the Chinese view the U.S. under the Biden administration as a joke. REP. DEVIN NUNES: Well, the Biden administration seems to be going into the policy, instead of, like Ronald Reagan used to say, peace through strength, I think their policy is speak loudly and carry a twig. So, you ask, what do the Chinese really want? What the Chinese are most interested in is, right now, the United States is the world's reserve currency. The Chinese would like to have that, although they're manipulators too. But what they want to do, if they can just get it so that people do not trust the U.S. currency, they will benefit tremendously. And so what the Biden administration is doing, it's not really -- it's not just globally. It's also how much money they're borrowing here in Washington, where we're printing money. So the Chinese do not take Biden seriously, because the Chinese understand propaganda. They understand that the White House and the Democrat -- the socialist Democrats get up every day and they plant stories. Ninety-five percent of the content in this country is left-wing. And they build these narratives. And then, of course, it's filtered through social media. So the Chinese really do understand how this -- how this process works. So what are they doing at the Biden administration? They're laughing, because they don't care what the narratives are here in the United States of America. What they're looking at is, how do you devalue the American dollar? And they're working on it every day. And the socialist Democrats in this town are helping them every day. BARTIROMO: And I haven't seen any movement here in terms of a digital dollar. You mentioned their efforts to create the digital yuan. This is something Peter Navarro said on "Mornings With Maria" last week. Basically, this is going to enable China to control the blockchain, control so much in the world. NUNES: Well, it's why you're seeing -- you will start to see a lot of movement into the so-called cryptocurrencies. I really do doubt that China will be able to ever be the world's reserve currency, because they are so corrupt. But I also think the conventional wisdom here, when you look at China, Russia, Iran, what's happening in Afghanistan, is that the conventional wisdom in this town is that, well, the Russians are just bluffing, oh, the Chinese will really never take over Taiwan. Look, when our adversaries say things, like Xi Jinping has said on multiple occasions, that Taiwan is part of China, we ought to believe them. And what happened in Alaska, them being -- our people being dressed down, is quite simply unbelievable. And it gets back to what I said there. Their policy seems to be, their strategy is, is speak loudly and carry a twig.
While some interpreted his remark as a joke, others suggested it could be seen as offensive to Ireland
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Abortion advocates tried unsuccessfully to weaken Ohio's heartbeat bill with a series of amendments this week, including one that would have allowed only Africa
Here in America, blacks are currently being reconceptualized as no longer our fellow citizens but now as our own sacred cows, entitled to wander wherever their whims lead them with nobody daring to tell them no.
Chauvin was found guilty of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter.
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