BART chooses virtue signaling over public safety
The top two congressional Democrats demanded Thursday that special counsel Robert Mueller testify to Congress about his investigation into President Trump, saying they don’t trust the attorney general to be fair.
Schnatter praised president Trump as a 'leader' in an interview with Just the News.
During an appearance on FBN's "Mornings with Maria," Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) insisted the hypocrisy of so-called woke corporations like Nike, the NBA, Major League Baseball and some of the airlines, which all do business with an oppressive Chinese government while being critical of alleged injustices in the United States needed to be highlighted. | Clips
Police released video footage of a man wanted for drawing a swastika on a building near Grand Central Station earlier this month officials said.
Join the Mug Club: http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub What happens when @NotGayJared and I go undercover to a college #SJW Socialist "Conference"? Not what...
The FBI was investigating Michael Flynn's possible relationship with the Russian government earlier than previously known, Robert Mueller's report revealed.
Democrats Don't Have the Winning Hand | RealClearPolitics
Look, I don’t think I need to remind you that we drag CNN, Don Lemon, and Chris Cuomo a lot here. They deserve it most of the time since their
Russia-Ukraine War drives the NATO summit and, thanks to Russia, NATO may become much more active in Eastern Europe.
Options for dealing with North Korea are limited by not just China but the economic decisions of the American people.
Far-left Senator Bernie Sanders shocked many on Monday night as he lobbied for the restoration of voting rights for the Boston Marathon bomber, as well as those guilty of sexual assault. But you wouldn’t know this if you relied on the network morning shows. ABC, CBS and NBC, despite a combined six hours of available air time on Tuesday, ignored the startling comments, remarks that even baffled liberal CNN host Chris Cuomo.
The Lincoln Project has paid out more than two million dollars, to date, to firms owned by its founding members.
Cops in California fatally shot a man who pointed a loaded gun at them in front of his terrified 7-year-old stepson — who repeatedly screamed, “He’s my dad!” during the dead…
When politicians in Washington D.C. planned to infuse the economy with trillions of dollars in Wuhan coronavirus "relief funds," fiscal conservatives warned about the inevitability of widespread fraud and abuse. Once
Let’s begin with a thought experiment. Imagine if one of America’s largest and most-respected pro-life organizations tweeted birthday greetings to Robert Dear, the terrorist who attacked a Planned Parenthood clinic in 2015. Imagine the reaction if an allegedly mainstream conservative organization said “happy birthday” to Dylann Roof, the white-supremacist murderer who slaughtered nine innocent people in Charleston. How would the media respond? What would the tweets reveal about the character and intentions of the people running the organization? Should well-meaning Americans continue to support groups that applaud violent, vicious terrorists? The answers are obvious ...
It seems that the only trick in former Vice President Joe Biden's deck is demagoguing racial issues.
NORTH CHARLESTON, SC—Kanye West has promised free Chick-fil-A for every American if elected president this November."If you vote for me, you're gonna have that delicious number one with the lemonade," he said as he held up a bag of takeout from the popular chicken sandwich restaurant. "It's so good, for real." He then opened t …
The Washington Post's Glenn Kessler said Sen. Tim Scott's family was actually privileged to own the land they picked cotton on instead of sharecropping.
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio is urging the Biden administration to account for how hundreds of billions of COVID-19 relief dollars were spent. The Florida
"Are you a U.S. citizen?" Only in self-defeating, sovereignty-eroding America is the idea of asking whether people living in America are American citizens for the American census a matter of controversy.
Four days, six comment requests, and one follow-up story later, The Atlantic issued major corrections that confirmed The Federalist's investigation,
New York’s “no bail” reforms keep producing rank injustice — and making the city markedly less safe. Judge Denise Johnson just cut loose reputed gang member Takim Newson, 32,…