U.S. - A landmark study conducted by Columbia University has found that The U.S. Supreme Court has now spread more COVID misinformation than your crazy aunt who shares conspiracy theories on Facebook. 'This is very startling,' said Dr. Holson Bogtruggles, who conducted the study. 'Because your Facebook Aunt is insane. Facebook has an en ...
Some people’s understanding of what the DOE does is limited to watching the series Stranger Things.
The Trump administration provided adequate justification for its decision to end a program that reunited hundreds of immigrants from Central America with family members in the U.S., a federal judge ruled Monday.
Ministers are looking at how to ease the lockdown. How cautious should they be?
Rapper Jay-Z and tech mogul Jack Dorsey are launching a roughly $24 million fund to help develop bitcoin. The Brooklyn-born artist and the Twitter CEO are putting 500 bitcoin into an endowment call…

Justice Sotomayor phones it in

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor may want people to think of her as a “wise Latina,” but she displayed very little wisdom throughout the court’s oral argument in National Federation of Independent Business v. Department of Labor on Friday.
The conservative polling organization, that recently ignited a firestorm about the state of race relations in America, fired back at critics on Tuesday. Rasmussen Reports posted a video in which head pollster Mark Mitchell explained why the firm did its controversial poll, which asked two…
Requiring her to step down from her position as the new speaker no later than 2022.
A Tesla departure might presage another large exodus from the business-unfriendly state.
Vice President Kamala Harris claimed in a new interview that the Biden administration is "starting from scratch" on a national vaccination strategy amid the coronavirus pandemic, despite Dr. Anthony Fauci saying otherwise last month.
Baltimore man expresses shock over plea deal following burning down his ex-girlfriend's house.
Late in 2021, as President Joe Biden’s administration seemed impotent to solve the supply-chain crisis, especially concerning cargo ships, Gov. Ron DeSantis encouraged companies to use Florida’s ports. Now, cargo carriers have joined tourists and refugees from blue states as the latest group to fall…
Trump-hating Democrat, John Lewis didn’t pay property taxes on his nearly $1 million D.C. townhouse according to the sleuthing done ...
A federal judge in Texas threw the health coverage of some 20 million Americans in limbo late Friday by ruling Obamacare must be scrapped because Congress struck the penalty for failing to obtain insurance coverage.
This column was written for the News & Observer of Raleigh, North Carolina, which declined to run it. The COVID-19 pandemic has led each of us on differ
It’s no longer clear that Jewish Americans can tolerate each other in the tent when to comes to domestic politics or bipartisanship
He's had a long career of demagogic speeches, but he outdid himself with his cynical rant in Georgia.
U.N.’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization calls for global guidelines for regulating social media platforms.

Today's Front Pages | Newseum

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Every morning, more than 800 newspapers from around the world electronically submit their front pages to the Newseum to be part of Today’s Front Pages online exhibit.
The former POTUS should start being addressed as "Former President and Current Revisionist-in-Chief, Barack Obama" [Read More]
Republican Sen. Richard Burr has stepped aside as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee amid an investigation into his stock sales during the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak. 
Changes to the law instituted by the military junta last week could allow Suu Kyi to be detained indefinitely.
A video showing multiple packages reportedly looted from Los Angeles trains has gone viral with over 2 million views. CBS
A network of bots has been busy over much of the past year singing the praises of Donald Trump on Twitter while targeting political rivals Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, according to a …

Communist Antifa Leader Unmasked

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Pseudonymous fomenter of violence “Jose Martin” and “Chepe” is actually Joseph “Jose” Alcoff.