CDC Director Dr. Redfield The CDC admitted this week that the mortality ratio for the COVID-19 virus is simlar to the mortality rate of 1957-1958 flu pandemic. CDC, 5/21/20 https://t.co/tgHPRpK769, concedes infection fatality ratio (IFR of) “Covid19/Wuhan flu” is = 0.27%*, almost= to 1957-58 pandemic H2N2 flu in U.S., i.e., 0.26%** h/t @ElonBachman BUT NO…
The U.S. national debt will swell to nearly $30 trillion if Democrats are able to ram through their COVID-19 relief package via budget reconciliation.
The fake news spread like wildfire the last couple of days after NPR falsely reported that Justice Neil Gorsuch refused to wear a mask on the bench.
The rising consumer health concerns regarding the high prevalence of coronary heart diseases, obesity, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, etc., are primarily driving the sunflower oil market. Furthermore, the increasing utilization of sunflower oil in the confectionery and bakery sectors to manufacture shortenings and margarine that are usually used in cookies, muffins, cakes, etc., is also catalyzing the market for sunflower oil.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange released an official denial of any contacts with Trump election officials on Monday. Assange said he never provided election information to people in the Trump campaign and specifically named Don Jr., Manafort, Mike Flynn and Mike Flynn Jr and others. WikiLeaks posted the official denial to its Twitter account Monday with …
Democrat Beto O’Rourke tried to get the upper hand late Friday, mocking the gradual reopening of the Texas economy from coronavirus shutdowns as “Dangerous, dumb and weak.”
Members of President Joe Biden’s team are reportedly seeking the help of Asian-American groups in a last-ditch effort to save his budget chief nominee, Neera Tanden, as the likelihood of her being confirmed by the Senate continues to shrink. 
Horrific murders are prompting Angelinos to question the progressive approach to public safety.
Members of the Republican House Education and Workforce Committee and House Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education subcommittee held a series of Friday roundtables with Florida parents to garner support and input on the recently introduced “Parental Bill of Rights,” which is headed to the…
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called on President Trump to withdraw Bill Barr?s nomination for Attorney General Wednesday, saying Barr?s previous criticisms of King Mueller disqualifies him to lead the Department of Justice. The Senate Judiciary Committee set confirmation hearings for President Trump’s AG nominee Bill Barr for January 15th and 16th. William Barr, former ?
It is a Chinese Communist Party ploy to conflate the communists with the Chinese people, and the U.S. must seek to widen the divide between the two.
After a string of off-the-wall and unsettling statements by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, it might be time to ask if he's completely nuts.
California and New York were the first areas in the country to take steps toward vaccine passports last ...
New York's Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul is demanding that the courts grant her authorization to detain citizens in "quarantine camps" against their will.
Reported FBI investigation of whether Trump was working on behalf of Russians was run by anti-Trump fanatics. There's no evidence Trump betrayed US.
The Justice Department on Wednesday urged President Trump to veto legislation to reauthorize surveillance authorities used by the FBI just hours before a scheduled vote in the House, marking the latest curveball that puts the legislation in limbo. 
Sen. Rick Scott of Florida is taking aim at “establishment: Republicans who he charges are trying to take the GOP “backwards.”
A member of the California Reparations Task Force vowed the committee's recommendations will be "breathtaking" as the group continues to meet.
The United Nations is making a ?mockery? of human rights issues, charges George Igler, a commentator at the Gatestone Institute. ?Today, the most senior transnational body responsible for preserving ?human rights,? the United Nations Human Rights Council, housed within the Palace of Nations in Geneva, is arguably a pathetic joke,?he recently wrote. While not issuing a [?]
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday said the sexual harassment allegations against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo are “credible.” The California representative joined a chorus of Democrats…
Biden, who has had a long history of snapping at anyone who even mildly challenges him, called Fox News reporter Peter Doocy a “stupid son-of-a-bitch” for asking a straightforward question about ri…
TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew will testify before Congress on Thursday as the social media platform looks to avoid a potential ban or divestment from its China-based parent company.
They suggest not just inadequate manners or polish, but inadequate thought.
A drone operated by Customs and Border Protection was reported flying over Minneapolis on Friday morning as protests roiled the city over George Floyd's death.