By SARAH WESTWOOD, Washington ExaminerBill Clinton pushed the State Department to allow him to accept speaking fees for events in North Korea and the Congo while his wife was secretary
Earlier today Josh Caplan at The Gateway Pundit posted on Gloria Allred?s last ditch effort to swing the Alabama senate race to Democrat Doug Moore. WE CALLED IT! Gloria Allred Accuser **ADMITS** She Tampered With Roy Moore’s Yearbook ‘Signature’ (VIDEO) Allred dragged out discredited Moore accuser Beverly Nelson to Good Morning America to hit Judge ?
DETROIT – U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) spoke to ethnic media reporters last Friday in a teleconference. The conference gave 5 ethnic media outlets an oppo
What did the scientific literature say before the issue became political?
 A recent poll suggested the majority of Americans have become fed up with Joe Biden's weak immigration policies. Of the more than 900 American adults who were surveyed by The Washington Post and ABC News, 51 percent disagreed with Joe Biden's handling of the immigration crisis at the U.S. Mexico border.
If you are among the 8 in 10 Americans who believe the economy is tanking, relax. Never mind that the...
America got a first-hand look at how Mr. Trump’s deportation plan would be administered when Univision’s Jorge Ramos unwittingly volunteered to demonstrate the process at an Iowa press conference.
Have you noticed that if you fail to do, think, and vote exactly the way that the liberals and their Fredocon minions demand, youre a racist, sexist, homophobic, child molesting, greedy, NRA terrorist determined to murder kids?
On Saturday's CNN Newsroom, during an interview with former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, CNN host Ana Cabrera failed to inform viewers of some very important facts as she discussed the Colorado Democrat's successes in passing gun control in his home state in 2013. As the CNN host asked the Democratic presidential candidate about the issue of how to get at least some Republicans to go along with such measures, she failed to note that violent crime has increased substantially in Colorado every year since the passage of more gun control in 2013.
President Trump took to Twitter late Monday to issue a stern warning to Iran that an assassination attempt or attack against the U.S. in retaliation for the airstrike that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani earlier this year would be met with a counterattack that “will be 1,000 times greater in magnitude.” 
A Business Insider list of former President Donald Trump's officials highlights where these figures are working since departing the administration.
Tuesday is Flag Day, which commemorates when the United States adopted the flag on June 14, 1777. Muriel Bowser, though, D.C.'s Democratic mayor, had a particularly noteworthy way of celebrating
Obama DOJ to Fast Track $3.2 Million in Tax Dollars to Each Charleston Victim’s Family
Is Mueller getting closer to Trump or has his investigation proven its bias?

Video: America Is a Force for Good

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

It's important for Americans to know the truth about the world outside our borders.
Three Pittsburgh Black Lives Matter protesters are facing charges after cops identified them as the angry individuals seen in viral videos cursing white diners at a restaurant--and in one case, drinking one diner’s beer, according to reports.
One of the first major victims of the spread of COVID-19 was the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. Once
Americans near the National Mall in Washington, D.C., shared their thoughts on whether elderly political leaders should hand over power to younger figures.
"The problem for Republicans is clear: It’s the turnout, stupid. The GOP should be seeking to engage its base, not deflate it. The reaction of Republican elites, however, has been exactly the opposite."
Ilhan Omar responded to accusations of incest levied against her in a tweet, amidst facts that she had married her own brother to elude US immigration laws
The Al Jazeera English newsroom. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. The US Department of Justice has declared the Al Jazeera Media Network …
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Haiti’s interim government said Friday that it asked the U.S. to deploy troops to protect key infrastructure as it tries to stabilize the country and prepare the way for elections in the aftermath of the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse.
Florida first lady Casey DeSantis made an exultant return to the campaign trail Monday evening in support of Gov. Ron DeSantis following her battle with breast cancer.
Democrats to the White Working Class: We Hate You, Please Vote for Us
Stage and screen star Sir Ian McKellen (pictured with House of Cards star Kevin Spacey) has spoken out about the sex scandal in film and theatre, claiming women are partly responsible.