Americans have a long laundry list of why not to vote for President Joe Biden in the next election. Inflation, skyrocketing gas prices, repeated threats of taking the Second Amendment away
Iran’s rulers have inflicted death by torture and gunfire on citizen protesters in a crackdown since the Dec. 28 street uprising erupted, the main opposition group said Tuesday.
Five Texans filed a lawsuit to force San Antonio to drop its airport ban and allow Chick-fil-A to open in the San Antonio airport. The lawsuit is the first to use the "Save Chick-fil-A" bill to prevent the government from discriminating on the basis of religion.
"...you're doing something really abhorrent..."
New York Times Magazine reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones was called out Thursday for claiming there is no need to "leave out context and inconvenient facts" from a strong argument when critics pointed out she did exactly that with her controversial 1619 Project.
The gcc canola oil market report provides a deep and thorough evaluation of the market, including value and volume trends and pricing history. Growth-inducing factors, market restraints and recent developments have also been analyzed in the report in order to provide deeper knowledge about the industry.
Republican Senator Bob Corker said the United States Senate is close to a deal to avert the federal government shutdown that will occur at midnight should a deal not be reached. “We’re down to a difference of literally three or four days,” he was quoted by The Hill as saying. Both options being discussed would ...
Andrew hits the streets of New York City to ask Americans to choose between four more years of President Trump and a recession and runs into fellow YouTuber,...
An OMB memo earlier this month said executive branch agencies have spent money on

Border wall | Fox News

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

In his campaign for president, Donald Trump promised supporters he would fight for the construction of a border wall between Mexico and the United States to prevent illegal border crossings.
Spread the love Robert Crimo is now in police custody after reportedly killed six people and left dozens of others wounded after he opened fire […]
Over the last couple of months Ted Cruz has attempted to make major inroads into the liberty movement where Rand Paul has had a particularly strong following. While Ted Cruz is a brilliant constitu…
On the one-year anniversary of the inauguration of President Donald Trump, we awake to find the government in shutdown mode. Thanks, in most part, to the Democrats and a few others. As we watched this playout over the course of the last two weeks Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina was front and center (a place he likes to be if you have every watched him work the Sunday morning show circuit). But he is not on the side you would think for a Republican senator. The question conservative voters in South Carolina have been asking for years resonates even louder today: Who do you really represent, Senator Graham? This shutdown of the Federal government did NOT have to happen. The Schumer Shutdown as it is appropriately being called was a desperate attempt by the Democrats and very left leaning Republicans like Lindsey Graham to force a deal on DACA. A deal is a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions. But a deal on DACA is not really what they wanted. The President was ready to compromise and negotiate a deal that both sides could agree to. He said just that in an unprecedented live televised meeting with members of both parties on January 9th. In yet another attempt to be relevant and in the spotlight, Senator Graham partnered with Schumer and others to bring the President a proposal on immigration reform that looked more like a platform for someone running on the Democratic ticket. It included everything that Democrats wanted related to DACA. What it did not include is anything that the President and conservative Republicans are interested in; border security, the end of chain migration, funding for the wall, just to name a few. The proposal was rejected outright with the President saying no deal. Good for him! What followed was a deliberate campaign launched by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham (and featured on every nightly newscast) to convince the people of this country that our President was not being true to his word. This after bringing the President a “deal” that included everything the Democrats want and nothing the Republicans want. No deal indeed. Then in an attempt to punish the President for not agreeing to their one-sided deal, Graham and his cronies attach DACA provisions to the budget bill thus forcing a shutdown of the Federal government. DACA is an important issue but one that has time to be worked out with true compromise. This week, in an interview, Senator Graham said he supports the “dreamers” and will fight for amnesty for all of them. At some point in this process Graham was quoted to say that “this whole thing has turned into a sh**show.” He’s right about that and we need to give him full credit for creating such a mess. Senator Graham, when will you start fighting for the values and issues of concern to the people you are supposed to represent? You clearly care more about the illegals than Americans. South Carolina constituents are tired of your theatrics and support of the liberal agenda.
Tinseltown is once again melting down. This time over the fundraiser Equinox's Stephen Ross is hosting for long time friend President Donald Trump. Must Read!
Never start a fight you aren't willing to accept the end result of.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim civil rights and advocacy group based in Washington, raised alarms last week over a grant program run by the US State Department, arguing that it would use taxpayer funds “to promote atheism in Muslim-majority regions of Asia and the Middle East.”
"...he was so sad about it."
The Senate filibuster is a check on Congress running rampant with destructive legislation on the American people. The framers would approve.
Actress-Comedian Sarah Silverman said she sees Jesus Christ in 16-year-old Swedish climate change alarmist Greta Thunberg.

Dismiss the case of Michael Flynn

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

This case in federal court has to follow the law.
House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack holds its first hearing Tuesday, kicking off what is likely to be a politically charged and contentious several months focusing on the violent day.
An explosion Wednesday at the mysterious Georgia Guidestones in Elberton, Georgia has caused significant damage to the stones.
A bizarre video of twice-failed Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ‘thanking feminists and activist bitches’ went viral this weekend. As TGP’s Kristinn Taylor previously reported, the video was posted by Alex Mohajer to Twitter and shows Hillary Clinton seated with a woman to her right at what appears to be a restaurant or bar, speaking directly …
Attorneys for Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Baroni in filings before the U.S. Supreme Court said prosecutors overstepped the law in bringing criminal charges in the Bridgegate scandal.