A Texas restaurant chain is the latest business to make sure the "PC Police" are on notice before they walk in. As an Ohio bakery posted on its door last mon...
Turkish F-16s began bombing targets in northeast Syria’s Ras al-Ayn and Sarekaniye as a full-scale operation begins. 
Related poll shows just one-third of voters aware FBI lied to a judge to obtain wiretaps against 2016 Trump campaign associates.
On Tuesday's broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "The Story," New York State Assemblyman Ron Kim (D) said he still plans to hold outgoing New York Gov. | Clips
Planned Parenthood just removed a section from its website that explained how treatment for ectopic pregnancies is not the same as abortion – raising suspicions about the abortion chain feeding into misinformation about pro-life laws banning the life-saving treatment. Live Action News first discovered the change, reporting Thursday how the information was removed from Planned […]
The staff and contributors of The Federalist tell you about the books they most enjoyed in 2015, with enough recommendations to fill your 2016.
It’s always a treat when liberals condescend to try to understand the rest of us. They get out their IQ tests and personality surveys, crunch some numbers and use science! to explain our inherent inferiority. The latest exercise, by lefty psychology prof John Ehrenreich, is particularly enlightening.
Obama and Joe Biden — Best of Friends… Until they weren’t. It looks like the Bromance is over. The Joe Biden campaign defended drug addict Hunter Biden’s gig as a board member of Ukraine’s Burisma Holdings. Joe is famous for getting the prosecutor fired who was investigating his son’s Ukrainian business dealings. Today the Biden …
Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden made false claims on Saturday while speaking to reporters before he boarded his campaign plane.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is quietly using a small regional airport in central Texas to disperse large groups of illegal immigrants throughout the U.S. after releasing them from detention facilities in other parts of the state, city and federal sources confirm. Local authorities in the city where this is occurring, Abilene, are being …
We have been assured by the Justice Department and the Biden administration that violence around the abortion issue from protesters on BOTH sides will be taken seriously.
He is unpopular, he says, because "I do things." The voters love that on a résumé.
Another clear example that runs in direct contrast of a fascist dictator is the tax cut championed by President Trump and the GOP. Can anyone give one example in which a dictator fights for legislation to keep money in the pockets of their people?
The Bernie Sanders campaign announced Saturday in an email to supporters that it will host a "Bernie's Back" rally next weekend.
Stephen Moore, one of President Donald Trump’s top economic advisers, said during a radio interview on Sunday that our country doesn’t need another massive,...
Comply with A.B. 5, or quit being a truck driver.
Our romance with Iran was supposed to bring peace. Now, we might be in for an all-out Sunni-Shiite war in the Middle East. In President Obama’s seven years in office, hostilities between Iran and S...
CNN insists the student, who helped save lives during the shooting, is lying.
Hours before Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential primary debate and just days after she swore off big fundraisers, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., announced that she would no longer be accepting campaign donations of more than $200 from big businesses and challenged her fellow White House hopefuls to be more transparent about how they’re funding their own campaigns.
Sleepy Joe Biden delivered remarks on the economy at a drive-in campaign event in Toledo, Ohio on Monday. It was a bad day for Sleepy Joe. Biden forgot he’s running for president and told Ohio voters he’s running for the senate. Old Joe told Ohio voters to go to a website that doesn’t exist. Then…
Officials say Taliban fighters have entered Kabul and are seeking the unconditional surrender of the central government.
Just 23% of Iowans hope Joe Biden runs for president again, a Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll finds. His job approval rating is at a new low.
On Monday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders continued to ignore CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta, at which point he tried shouting at her as the briefing ended.
Walkable cities? Mixed-use developments? It's no socialist pipe dream.