
A Border War: Destroy The Cartels

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Editor’s Note: With President Trump finally taking a step towards going after the cartels in an overt fashion by possibly designating them a terror org, we are re-running this old essay of La…
Trump’s rallies convey a larger message: America is roaring back and its future is bright. Optimism is his most important theme
A majority of President Biden's nominees to ambassadorships thus far have been political appointees, frequently for big Democratic donors and key party players, at a rate higher than his predecessors.
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm was mocked as out of touch after she touted the Inflation Reduction Act as providing tax rebates for Americans to weatherize their homes.
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The Supreme Court is saving one of its biggest cases for last.
Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong waved American flags, sang patriotic songs, and even held up photos of President Donald Trump during a massive “Thanksgiving” rally in the city-state’s center, in an expression of gratitude for Trump’s decision to support and sign legislation expressing America’s explicit support for the demonstration. “U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday […]
If only those French people would stop trying to live their lives and think for themselves.
At last night’s event at the Met, a host of celebrities enjoyed themselves without masks while the staff that waited on them were all masked. Why?
Analysts have predicted that the Republican Party could regain the majority in the House of Representatives by a wide margin.
In the aftermath of the Brussels terrorist attack, President Obama is showing more anger toward Ted Cruz — who suggested patrolling areas where Islamic radicalization is occurring — than at the terrorists themselves, the Republican candidate said this morning. Speaking Thursday in Buenos Aires, Obama likened Cruz’s proposal to the totalitarianism Cruz’s father fled in Cuba. “You know, it’s rich saying Obama attacking me when he just got back from going to a baseball game with the Castros, celebrating and toasting a communist dictator who tortures and murders his citizens, who oppresses them and who is rabidly anti-American and who spreads terrorism throughout Latin America,” Cruz said in an appearance on Fox News Sunday. “As the president noted, yes, my father was in prison and tortured in Cuba. So was my aunt. She was imprisoned and tortured by Castro’s goons in Cuba.” “And yet, what President Obama has done, what Hillary Clinton has done, what John Kerry has done is sent billions of dollars to the enemies of America, billions of dollars to the Castros, that they will use to increase repression, increase spreading terrorism throughout Latin America, and over $100 billion to the Ayatollah Khamenei in Iran,” he continued. ”That money will be used to fund Islamic terrorists that are coming to murder Americans, murder Europeans, to murder Israelis. And it will be used to fund their nuclear program and their ICBM program, which is designed to murder millions of Americans.” “You notice Obama and Hillary seemed more mad at me than they are at ISIS, than they are the terrorists who are murdering,” Cruz told guest host Shannon Bream. 
Enthusiasm for the Democratic Party is waning among millennials, as its candidates head into the crucial midterm congressional elections, according to the Reuters/Ipsos national opinion poll.
Joe Biden began an eight-day bus tour across Iowa. The tour is named the "No Malarkey" tour, and to no surprise, it's not resonating with young voters.

Norm Macdonald: Blunt-Force Truth

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

It’s hard to figure out why we sometimes internalize the deaths of people we never knew personally. Maybe it forces an awareness of our own mortality we often try to
Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, August 23, 2022 As corporate media tributes to  anointed patron saint of Covid Anthony Fauci greeted his announced exit from government “service,” a doct…
It doesn’t take much to fool the stupidest of Trump-humping morons, but someone actually took some initiative and used their hoax account to give them something to lie about some more. Here&#…
Special counsel’s office has also discovered irregularities in tax filings for a newspaper route president had in 1958

John Solomon on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

“Adam Schiff arbitrarily releases my phone records as a 1st Amendment protected reporter. State Department bureaucrats reportedly monitored my social media. A witness gratuitously drags a 13-year-old boy into impeachment. Whatever happened to civil liberties, privacy and decency?”
President is 'the final garrison against the world dictatorship'
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) announced Thursday morning she was "swatted" at her home in Rome, Georgia, for a second night in a row.
The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday approved a proposal to expand a telephone subsidy for low-income Americans to include Internet access, after a deal to cap the cost of the plan collapsed.
Immigration officers have arrested a Guatemalan national who mowed down and killed an FBI agent and an arson investigator on a Maryland highway last year.
On Friday, far-left activist Greta Thunberg struck a somber, defeatist tone while speaking to fellow climate activists gathered at the United Nations climate talks in Madrid, Spain. The Swedish teen complained that school climate strikes have “achieved nothing” and claimed that opponents of her radical agenda are trying to “silence” her and her supporters. Thunberg […]