A Pennsylvania judge has ruled that the borough of Pottstown no longer is allowed to keep secret all its records about a program it created that demanded renters allow city inspectors into their homes.
Dr. Anthony Fauci said it isn't a "mistake" for theFDA to limit booster recommendations, but his comments on the subject differed just days ago.
During Friday’s White House press briefing, deputy director of the White House National Economic Council Bharat Ramamurti defended the legal basis for using a law passed in the aftermath of
If the Republican front-runner heads into the party's convention leading the delegate count, but is denied the nomination, his supporters may sit out the general election.
A California federal court has denied Cloudflare's request to exclude evidence related to its termination of neo-Nazi site Daily Stormer from the upcoming piracy liability trial against ALS Scan. The CDN provider fears that mentioning the site at trial could cloud the perception of the jury, but District Court Judge George Wu was not receptive to this argument.
RUSH: What these people are doing is casting aspersions on the integrity of our elections and our election system.

The Voters Should Know This

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Text "VOTE" To 88022 https://bit.ly/2Ht1seh
Inflating disposable incomes and rising living standards of consumers represent some of the primary factors catalyzing the GCC perfume market. The availability of premium categories of different fragrances and perfumes is also propelling the demand for good-quality perfumes.
The methyl chloride production cost analysis report covering supply chain analysis, primary process flow, raw material requirements, operating cost, capital Investment, industry trends and revenue statistics, manufacturing process, reactions involved, and operating and capital costs.
John Kasich's campaign in on terminal glidepath
London Mayor Sadiq Khan is cracking down on the wave of violence that is plaguing London from … eating. On Thursday, Khan announced he was proposing a ban on junk food advertising posted on the entire Transport for London network:
Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz delivered a troubling picture of missteps taken during the FBI’s investigation into Trump campaign associates on Wednesday, saying his findings should not be viewed as a vindication of the b
Bestselling author and producer Stephen King is blaming President Donald Trump for a divided America, claiming that it is the president's fault that the United States is the most divided it has been "since the Civil War." Still, the It author says election polls could be wrong about Trump's chances to win reelection like they were in 2016. 
Schools in recent years have periodically been the centers of controversy over the practice of prayer in public, specifically whether or not, and to what extent, school authorities may take part in such displays of faith.
The ethylene glycol production cost analysis report covering supply chain analysis, primary process flow, raw material requirements, operating cost, capital Investment, industry trends and revenue statistics, manufacturing process, reactions involved, and operating and capital costs.
?An anonymous group of conservative billionaires is ready to place their bets on a man dubbed ?Mad Dog,? hoping to draft him into the presidential race to confront Donald Trump,&#…

Islam—Facts or Dreams? - Imprimis

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

We must deal with the facts of Islamic supremacism. But we can only defeat them if we resolve to see them for what they are.
It is far easier for the right to compromise on economics than for the left to compromise on culture, religion, and nation. Conservatives need to remember.
When Durham resident Del Cornno Prince went to cast his ballot, he was told he already voted.
President Biden is taking heat for spending 40% of his days in office “on vacation” after he was away from the White House for two-thirds of August.
Donald Trump and his team appear uninterested in doing the work everyone has been reporting for weeks that they need to do in order to win.
A new report suggests an imminent Inspector General (IG) report may rule that FBI and Justice Department officials broke the law in their handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. - fbi | Big Government
Fox News Exclusive: Chris Wallace presses former FBI Director James Comey on IG Horowitz's bombshell revelations about the DOJ's FISA system on 'Fox News Sun...
Update: The Antrim County Clerk said in a press release that they are looking back at yesterday's results and will have a clear answer on the ballots this