Republicans are starting to attack President Joe Biden’s dubious idea of paying illegal immigrants $450,000 as atonement for America enforcing its own
Biden, whose presidency was supposed to mark a return to international esteem, was slammed as "useless and nasty" by a leading UK newspaper.
They’re marching on US flags in Iraq. After we just helped them liberate Fallujah! Iraqi military and police in the ...
By LEONARD PITTS, JR.  All she asked was that someone pray for her. As relayed on Twitter by the activist Brittany Packnett, the unnamed woman certainly had good reason to seek help, divine or otherwise. She was one of the...
Trump Cleans House As He Fires Sondland As well, This story is developing.According to the NYTimes, President Trump and his aides wasted little time
The House of Representatives voted 228-164 to pass the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act Friday morning, the first time either chamber of Congress has ever voted to decriminalize marijuana.
For four years, liberals, especially the blue-check brigades in media and politics, referred to former President Donald Trump in the vilest terms, and
The growing consumer inclination towards recycling plastic waste and the implementation of stringent regulations by government bodies that mandate the use of such activities are primarily driving the GCC PET packaging market. Additionally, continuous improvements in transportation and distribution infrastructures and the rising investments in packaged food production are further catalyzing the market growth.
“Many critics of the FBI’s decision claim that lower-level individuals caught mishandling classified information have been subject to prosecution and severe penalties. But 81 percent of all voters believe powerful people get preferential treatment when they break the law,” notes a new Rasmussen Reports survey.
Lawsuit claims Trump administration policy on federal family planning funding and abortion providers is unconstitutional.
Post with 0 votes and 137 views. Y'all catch Nancy on The Chris Farley Show last night?
COVID fatigue is instigating a new resistance movement: Americans who don't buy what politicians and the media are ordering them to do.
I keep harping on the obvious, but Grandpa Badfinger is getting worse. The other day he was sharing with the baffled pontiff some sort of story about Satchel Paige. Tomorrow,
The U.S. Selective Service System, or SSS, which by law requires young men to sign up for the pool of potential military conscripts, recently spelled its
Bernie Sanders keeps telling young people how he will give
President-elect Joe Biden’s pick to lead a task force that will address racial disparities in the coronavirus response, suggested earlier this year that advising protesters to stay home in the wake of George Floyd’s police custody death would undermine the fight against police brutality – even though the country was experiencing a resurgence of COVID-19 cases.
Kaylee Greenlee  Around 400 inmates at the Washington, D.C., jail will be transferred to a federal prison in Pennsylvania after accused Capitol rioters
Ukraine's capital Kyiv region was hit by Iranian-made kamikaze drones on Thursday as Russia's deadly attacks against the country continues. Mykolaiv was also hit overnight.

The 10th Amendment in One Lesson

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the pe...
In an outrageous display of censorship and bias, Facebook recently implemented a massive, total ban on posts and messages about and inclusive of our CodeIsFreeSpeech.com project.
The White House plans to divert $3.8 billion from across the Department of Defense to build Trump’s long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today filed a lawsuit against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the United States Supreme Court. Paxton essentially seeks to throw out the votes and…
A resolution sponsored by Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) in support of the Cuban people and their struggle against communist tyranny passed in the House on Wednesday 382 to 40. The nay votes …
The increasing power outages due to rising natural calamities and bad weather are among the primary factors augmenting the GCC solar generator market. Besides this, the escalating demand for economical, minimal cost investment, and zero pollution energy storage systems are further catalyzing the market.
Predictably, some in the media sprinted to their corners minutes after news broke on Sunday that multiple Baton Rouge, Louisiana police officers had been shot dead with an MSNBC guest lashing out at “maniacs running around our country saying crazy things” concerning President Barack Obama and not individuals committing such atrocities but the guns they’re able to use to carry them out.