A Donald Trump tweet seems to extol the virtue of ignorance
DC: CNN’s Brooke Baldwin went on a rant against liberals harassing and discriminating against Trump supporters and staffers Monday on CNN. A former Jimmy Carter staffer was on Baldwin’s show and shrugged off the recent harassment of press secretary Sarah Sanders at a Virginia restaurant. “I would not have protested against Sarah Sanders, but I’ve...
The Biden transition team is in the process of vetting Rep. Deb Haaland (D-N.M.) for the Interior secretary post, sources told The Hill on Tuesday.
Public schools and the auditoriums of school boards increasingly host the skirmish lines in our culture war. And, it seems, liberals are unhappily reaping
The growing number of individuals diagnosed with respiratory, dermatological, and dental disorders across countries is primarily driving the essential oil market. Besides this, the emerging trend of naturopathy as an alternative to medicines that use natural and non-invasive treatment methods is further augmenting the global market.
Ralph Drollinger | My prayer is that this Bible study will help provide you with the ability to cogently identify the differences between two dueling worldviews.
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A group called Move Oregon's Border is leading an initiative to have Oregon's rural counties secede from the rest of the state and join Idaho.
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The Biden family was selling U.S natural gas to China long before Joe Biden became president, who was ...
When you differ from people you admire you have to question yourself. After all, what is the purpose of admiring people if they aren’t capable of influencing you? So, I have had to challenge my belief — stated from the outset of the Republican presidential debates — that if Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination, I will vote for him over Hillary Clinton or, for that matter, any Democrat. #ad#I devoted many hours of radio and many columns to criticizing Donald Trump. His virtually assured nomination has therefore caused me grief as an American, a Republican, and a conservative. That his character defects, gaps in knowledge on some important issues, and having no set of identifiably conservative principles came to mean little to so many Republican voters has been quite troubling. (Though I might add that the fact that virtually all Democrats ignore the even worse character of Hillary Clinton and the idiotic ideas — and the rejection of everything that has made America unique — of Bernie Sanders is even more troubling.) #NeverTrump conservatives such as (in alphabetical order) Jonah Goldberg, Bill Kristol, Ben Shapiro, Bret Stephens, and George Will, are not merely people I admire. They are friends and colleagues. Jonah Goldberg, Bret Stephens, and George Will have made multiple videos for Prager University — videos with many millions of views. Ben Shapiro and I have spent Shabbat together. I have had the privilege of writing for Bill Kristol’s The Weekly Standard and having him on my show many times. And I have enthusiastically promoted their books. These people are special to me not only as thinkers but personally. But in the final analysis, I do not find their arguments compelling. Take the argument from “conscience.” I don’t find it compelling because it means that your conscience is clear if you made it possible for Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat to win. In fact, the “conscience” argument is so weak that, to his credit, Jonah Goldberg, in a column published two days ago, titled, “Sorry, I Still Won’t Ever Vote for Trump,” wrote: “If the election were a perfect tie, and the vote fell to me and me alone, I’d probably vote for none other than Donald Trump.” Shouldn’t all Americans vote as if their vote were the deciding vote — even those whose votes “don’t count” because they live in states so left-wing that if Lenin headed the Democratic ticket, those states would still vote Democrat? The choice this November is tragic. As happens often in life, this choice is between bad and worse, not bad and good. The choice this November is tragic. As happens often in life, this choice is between bad and worse, not bad and good. But America has made that choice before. Forced to choose between bad and worse, we supported Stalin against Hitler and supported right-wing authoritarians against Communist totalitarians. It seems to me that the #NeverTrump conservatives want to remain morally pure. I understand that temptation. I have it, too. But if you wish to vanquish the bad, it is not possible — at least not on this side of the afterlife — to remain pure. The most moving interview of my 33 years in radio was with Irene Opdyke, a religious Polish Catholic woman who became the mistress of a married Nazi officer in order to save the lives of twelve Jews she was hiding in the cellar of the Nazi’s house in Warsaw. There were some Christians who called my show to say that she was wrong to do what she did, that she had in fact sinned, since she knowingly committed a mortal sin. In their view, she compromised Catholic/Christian doctrine. In my view — and I believe the view of most Catholics and other Christians — she brought glory to her God and her faith. Why? Because circumstances almost always determine what is moral — even for religious people such as myself who believe in moral absolutes. That’s why dropping atom bombs on Japan was moral. The circumstances — ending a war that would take millions of more lives — made moral what under other circumstances would be immoral. In the 2016 presidential race I am not interested in moral purity. I am interested in defeating the Left and its party, the Democrats. The notion, expressed by virtually every #NeverTrump advocate, that we can live with another four years of a Democratic president, is, forgive me, mind-boggling. With at least one and probably more additional leftists on the Supreme Court, a Republican presidential victory in 2020, even if that would happen, would mean little. All the Left needs are courts, especially the Supreme Court. Left-wing judges use their position to pass so many left-wing laws that they render who controls Congress and even the White House almost irrelevant. Here then are nine reasons — there are more — why a conservative should prefer a Trump presidency to that of a Democrat: 1. Prevent a left-wing Supreme Court. 2. Increase the defense budget. 3. Repeal, or at least modify, Dodd-Frank. 4. Prevent Washington, D.C., from becoming a state and giving the Democrats another two permanent senators. 5. Repeal Obamacare. 6. Curtail illegal immigration, a goal that has nothing necessarily to do with xenophobia or nativism (just see Western Europe). 7. Reduce job-killing regulations on large and small businesses. 8. Lower the corporate-income tax and bring back hundreds of billions of offshore dollars to the United States. 9. Continue fracking, which the Left, in its science-rejecting hysteria, opposes. For these reasons, unlike my friends, I couldn’t live with my conscience if I voted in any way that helped the America-destroying Left win the presidency of our endangered country. I just don’t understand how anyone who understands the threat the Left and the Democrats pose to America will refuse to vote for the only person who can stop them. — Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. His latest book, The Ten Commandments: Still the Best Moral Code, was published by Regnery. He is the founder of Prager University and may be contacted at dennisprager.com. © 2016 Creators.com 
Rising Wages For Blue-collar Truckers Are A Threat To The Nation’s Economy, Says Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post. “The challenges facing the industry, including trucking companies rapidly raising prices as they raise wages, have special power to affect the entire economy,” writes Heather Long. Her article, headlined, “America’s severe trucker shortage could undermine the prosperous economy,” continued: delivery delays are common, ?
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By Valerie Volcovici and Emily Stephenson BISMARCK, N.D. (Reuters) - Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, promised on Thursday to roll back some of America's most ambitious environmental policies, actions that he said would revive the ailing U.S. oil and coal industries
In an attempt to bring some balance and "fairness" to the #WalkAway movement, in which clear-thinking liberals explain why they've abandoned the Democratic Party, author and podcast host Andrew Klavan took some time on Monday's episode of "
As President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial starts on Tuesday, the White House unveiled its detailed legal defence as the U.S. Senate gears up to begin President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial .
A 17-year-old from Illinois who is charged with killing two people during a protest in Wisconsin and whose case has become a rallying cry for some conservatives posted $2 million bail Friday and was released from custody.
Ted Cruz introduced a bill that would bring processing centers for illegal immigrants to places such as Martha's Vineyard and other Democrat-led communities.
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