A subagency of the U.S. Department of Defense reportedly gave $37.5 million to a global nonprofit organization with ties to the virology lab in Wuhan, where some believe the coronavirus might have originated. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is dedicated to counteracting weapons of mas...
The pro-abortion crowd is already developing ways to continue abortions even if Roe v. Wade is overturned.
Rubio’s team decided not to refute charges that he is a reckless spender, has drowned in debt, and has engaged in questionable financial practices.
The American football culture has been impacted and divided over the past week like never before with political factions vying for the moral high ground. In the midst of this "culture war," those in the trenches are the players and there’s no sign that the pressures of the kneeling-as-protest issue will let up anytime soon.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has once again compared border detention facilities to concentration camps, despite facing criticism for invoking the Holocaust by doing so.
CNN’s Don Lemon decried the violent riots that have plagued America’s streets in recent months as he admitted on Tuesday night that it was a serious electoral issue for the Democrat Party. The segment came after CNN’s Chris Cuomo and Lemon mocked conservatives a few weeks back for calling out the rise in violent crime […]
The idea that Biden can be a new FDR or LBJ has always been detached from reality.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul called for executives of social media companies to be held accountable on Sunday after a White 18-year-old allegedly posted a racist 180-page manifesto online before livestreaming a shooting rampage at a supermarket in a predominantly Black Buffalo neighborhood on Saturday afternoon.
Peter denied Jesus three times but Hillary Clinton appears to have a much more difficult task; she is going to have to deny herself at least 45 times. Last Friday, Hillary Clinton's spokesperson, Karen Finney, appeared on CNN's The Lead and exasperated Jake Tapper by continuing to avoid avoid answering the important question as to whether her boss still supports or opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade bill in Congress. Not a good move in the long run because yesterday Tapper struck back by listing in detail with her own quotes 45 times that Hillary pushed the trade bill over the years. First Tapper writes about Hillary's current reluctance to back the trade bill in stark contrast to the many times she strongly supported it in the past:
WASHINGTON – A bipartisan effort to fix Obama​C​are could get a vote in the Senate if President Trump makes clear he’ll sign the legislation, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Sunday. Tru…
The California senator has surged in 2020 polls in the wake of her debate performance, powered in large part by her attack of the former vice president's record on racial issues.
On the day Barack Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, I announced on my national radio show that, “While I did not vote for Barack Obama, he is my president, and I wish him well.” I added that I was delighted a black man had been elected president of the United States, that perhaps this …
The dessert has is linked to 'a vast and ongoing genocide of indigenous people'.
A second pregnancy center in Maryland has been vandalized by pro-abortion activists. The vandals spray painted “if abortions aren’t safe, neither are you” across the front of the Alpha Pregnancy Center in Reisterstown on Saturday. It was strikingly similar to a message that was spray painted by arsonists at a Wisconsin anti-abortion organization’s office earlier […]
The Republican establishment is cracking down on all dissent in the party: The House Republican crackdown has reached a new level of severity. House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason C...
On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, former CEO of NPR Ken Stern came on the show to promote his new book, Republican Like Me. Most of the segment with Stern focused on the book’s themes of political polarization in the U.S. being a distortion of Americans’ true unity as a “moderate country” and Stern’s experiences speaking to Trump voters about their beliefs. However, at the end of the discussion, Stern oddly made the case that while ‘most’ ‘gun control measures’ would not have a ‘major effect’ on gun homicides, he was still ‘fine’ with those very same restrictions on Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
Starbucks Corp on Sunday apologized after an employee at one of its stores in Te...
Kentucky senator Rand Paul and wife Kelley were surrounded by Black Lives Matter activists outside the White House Thursday, who scuffled with police and almost knocked him to the ground.
Mark Robinson, North Carolina's first black Lt. Governor, recently spoke at the North Carolina Repub
Specifically exempts academic instruction from the ban.'
Hillary Clinton has confused two very different things – racial bigotry and institutionalized racism – and in doing so threw out heat when we needed light.
Large numbers of big-government supporting newcomers will inevitably affect nation’s ideological balance ...
The anarchy caused by the Black Lives Matter movement has given Donald Trump's campaign an impetus it had so far lacked
The New York Times won a Pulitzer Prize for their coverage of the coronavirus pandemic despite calling the lab leak theory a "fringe conspiracy theory."