It has been claimed the Scully-Hickses may not have been challenged about their 18-month-old daughter's injuries because it was an attractive idea to have her placed with a gay couple.
'In due time the names are going to start coming out' - The sheer magnitude of the Jeffrey Epstein probably wont be fully comprehended until the full li... | NEON NETTLE
Associate professor Tressie McMillan Cottom is the center of attention today. She claims that all White people are deputized to kill Blacks. How accurate is that? 2018 is the last year in which the completed numbers are ready to tell a tale. In 2016, 234 Blacks were killed by whites and 514 whites killed by...
Some of the worst acts of intolerance are being done in the name of tolerance.
Dominating the convention body by more than two-thirds, the Mises Caucus claims to offer an edgier, more libertarian organization. Foes accuse it of right-wing deviationism and racism.
Environment: This week, thousands of scientists issued a bleak and terrifying "second notice" to mankind about how we will destroy the planet unless we take "urgent" action. If this warning is as reliable as the first notice these scientists issued in 1992, we have nothing to worry about. In an a
The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer, who once vilified Justice Brett Kavanaugh, published an article Monday that was criticized as attempting to rehabilitate the image of former Democratic Sen. Al Franken.
Former Vice President Joe Biden emerged from his bunker again to hold a press conference in Wilmington, Delaware. It was a circus act. First, we had tremendous economic news in
[This is a transcript of a talk given June 17, 2021, at the Mises Institute’s Medical Freedom Summit in Salem, New Hampshire.] On behalf of everyone at the Surgery Center of Oklahoma and the Free Market Medical Association, thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today.
Ethan Klein, a left-wing YouTuber, was suspended by the Google-owned platform on Friday after telling viewers to bomb the NRA meeting, a comment that was immediately followed by the YouTuber walking it back and calling it a "joke."
Sen. Rand Paul says he is confident Republicans in Congress can defund Planned Parenthood prior to the start of the summer recess.
We’re told green energy programs create jobs and will help diversify the economy, but a recent report from the Fraser Institute suggests as many as 75,000 manufacturing jobs have been lost due to the high costs of green energy in Ontario.
Washington Times opinion editor Charles Hurt reacts to the comparison and Johnson's plans for Brexit. #TheStory #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Chann...
Ann Romney and Michelle Obama are teaming up to promote voting this fall on television. 
Vice President Kamala Harris will finally visit the U.S.-Mexican border, 94 days after President Joe Biden appointed her border “czar” and more than five
Kids are getting killed and you have a badge and a gun and you just sit there?For an hour?What the hell?I’m trying to figure out the thought process and I
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday warned congressional Democrats who support impeachment proceedings against President Trump not to “disparage” colleagues who don't, a source familiar with the conversation told Fox News.
Former Secretary of State John Kerry is using some dangerous rhetoric about the 2020 election saying if Trump wins it is because of voter suppression.
Dozens of Republican Senators demanded that Democrat President Joe Biden's administration reverse course on a proposed ATF rule that would "turn millions
Los Angeles police officers responded to the Encino hospital amid reports a suspect stabbed employees inside, police said.
Hillary Clinton is now pointing her finger at the eight years of former President Barack Obama as a reason she couldn't campaign on an "agenda of change" and conceivably win the 2016 election. Obama a
You follow the antics of AOC and the so-called "Squad" of hers and you wonder if the left has lost its mind. Your instincts are correct. And if it's any comfort to the left, it is not alone. In fact, there are even loonier elements loose among the elites.
Protesters in Portland, who have now spent more than 100 nights demonstrating, ostensibly, against racism and police brutality, with burning mattresses, fireworks, and heavy hand-held projectiles, have debuted another tactic in their arsenal: rap music. Sunday night, protesters gathered in a residential area of north Portland for what quickly became a riot, as demonstrators, intent […]
Elected officials in San Francisco will soon decide whether the city should keep spending millions on “safe sleeping villages” for homeless people as its