DALLAS, TX - Local man Tregg Trenton lost his job three weeks ago since it was deemed 'non-essential' by the authorities. Trenton and some ten million other people have lost their employment since the coronavirus began spreading across our country and the government forced the economy to shut down. It seems as though something like this woul ...
Just when we thought full-blown marijuana legalization remained a distant reality, a Republican-led congressional marijuana legalization bill comes along that could end the federal prohibition...
Shortly after the Pennsylvania secretary of state told counties to ignore election law and a SCOTUS ruling, the RNC announced a lawsuit.
MINNEAPOLIS -- Former Maryland governor Martin O'Malley effectively declared war on the Democratic Party leadership here Friday, blasting the party for what ...
Britain announced an immigration policy Wednesday that would prevent unskilled migrants from entering the country, requiring migrants to be English-speaking and have a job.
Hayabusa probe 2: What Japan expects from its fragments of the asteroid Ryugu
California’s coronavirus case rate is twice Florida’s despite mask mandates and recommendations to prevent the spread of the virus.
Austria is looking to ban the use of oil and coal heaters as of next year and then plans to replace old heaters by 2025
WOW! PROTESTERS BREAK THROUGH FENCE AT DNC– Protesters broke through the DNC fence only Fox is showing this CNN's keeping ...
Longtime Republican politico K.T. McFarland said in a radio interview Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team pressured her for “20, 30, 40 hours of hell” to either cop a plea or implicate other Trump associates in crimes, even though she didn’t think she or they did anything wrong.
House Republicans and Democrats are joining retail corporations to ask Robert Lighthizer to reduce tariffs on China.
So, I may not be a legal expert, but Sunny Hostin just went on live TV saying she voted FOR her son and complained about the process of turning in his ballot.
The bus-tour ?optics? concluded today as Hillary Clinton spoke at the AME church, Imani Temple, in Cleveland Ohio.  Several dozen predominately African-American (AME church network) sup…
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has thrown out several complaints from transgender students who alleged that their schools discriminated against them by barring them from using the bathroom of their choice.
The Trump administration on Monday is implementing the long-awaited “public charge” rule that restricts green cards for immigrants deemed likely to be reliant on welfare -- a rule furiously opposed by Democrats, but one that officials argue will protect taxpayers and align with American principles. 
It’s bad enough that it appears we might have a president next year beholden to the Chinese Communist Party. But China’s connections are well beyond even that.
The rising product demand from the cosmetic and personal care industry for use as a bleaching agent in formulations for skin, nail hardening, hair, and oral products is primarily driving the hydrogen peroxide market.
Abortion will be officially protected in three states across the country, as proposals enshrining it in their constitutions passed in the midterm elections.
Pres. Donald Trump (Screenshot) President Donald Trump would "rather have fake news like CNN" than have anyone, even his worst opponents, be censored, Trump told a West Virginia rally on Tuesday.
Twitter apparently considers direct quotes from Bernie Sanders about Castro and Cuba too “sensitive” for some users to handle. A video posted by MRCTV, an arm of the Media Research Center, was censored as “sensitive content” by Twitter on Feb. 24.
ALBANY — Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law aimed at banning the sale of “hate symbols” such as the Confederate Flag or the Swastika on state property — even while adm…
Rep. Jim Jordan had a message for those who pushed the anti-Trump dossier amid recent indictments out of the Durham investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe: “We told you so.”
On Friday's broadcast of the Fox Business Network's "Fox Business Tonight," Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) stated that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has done an | Clips
Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton's running mate, promises to be "real transparent" on NBC's 'Meet The Press.' Clinton claimed this week that she "short-circuited" when she told Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace that FBI director James Comey found her answers on the controversy "truthful" and "consistent." When questioned about whether Clinton lied to the public when she said that she never sent any classified emails, Kaine replied that Clinton has repeatedly admitted she make a mistake. "I've heard her apologize," he said. "We're going to be real transparent, absolutely," he said. "I am not presumptuous enough to start thinking about how I'm going to do things after November. But I know that this is something that she's learned from" CHUCK TODD: You know, in fact, in an interview the other day, you said she told you she's going to do it differently. What does that mean? Are you guys going to be more transparent? What does that mean? TIM KAINE: It's the same thing that she has said. "Look, knowing what I know now, I wouldn't have done the private server in that way." She said it was a mistake. I am not presumptuous enough to start thinking about how I'm going to do things after November. But I know that this is something that she's learned from, and we're going to be real transparent, absolutely. Kaine unable to clarify Clinton's emails: CHUCK TODD: Let me ask you, Senator Kaine. She seems to be conflating the true-- what she said to the F.B.I. and what she said to the American public. Can you conclude here whether or not Secretary Clinton lied to the American public about sending and receiving classified e-mails? TIM KAINE: Chuck, let me just say this. I'm going to jump right to the punch line. I have heard Hillary Clinton say over and over again when I've been sitting next to her and when I've watched her on T.V. that, with respect to the e-mails, "I made a mistake, and I've learned something, and I wouldn't do it again." And I've heard her apologize. I did hear that back and forth. And I think Chris Wallace and Hillary were sort of talking past each other last week. She was saying what Director Comey acknowledged to be true, that, when she spoke to the F.B.I., when she was talking to the F.B.I., the F.B.I. thought her answers in that setting were truthful. Chris might have been asking her a different question. But the bottom line is this. She made a mistake and she said over and over again, "I made a mistake, and I've learned from it, and I'm going to fix it, and I apologize for it."