Part one of an exclusive Q&A with the New York Times bestselling author.
Senator Elizabeth Warren refuses to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city, saying the parties still need to “determine the capital.”
NEW YORK (AP) — A former “Apprentice" contestant who accused former President Donald Trump of sexual assault dropped her defamation lawsuit against him Friday. Summer Zervos sued the then-president in New York state court in 2017, saying he damaged her reputation when he said she and other women alleging sexual assault and harassment were making things up.
Some Senate Republicans over the weekend voiced support for Mitch McConnell's reelection as GOP leader while others pushed to delay the leadership vote.
There is one thing that Republicans should be in complete agreement on with Hillary Clinton: President Obama doesn’t get enough credit for the economy. The Democrats, with the assistance of an obliging press, have been so good at promulgating the myth that the economy is a success story that they are bragging about what is, in fact, Obama’s most epic failure. They are bragging about what is, in fact, Obama’s most epic failure. Donald Trump, if he wants to become president, should recite the true tale of Obama’s economic failure and pin it directly on the rumps of both these Democratic donkeys. The tale begins with the woe that is the centerpiece of any story about the economy: the amount of money average people have in their pockets. Politics is not really just about “the economy, stupid” — the famous line Bill Clinton campaign staffers repeated to each other during his victorious 1992 campaign. Within that, it’s about how much money average
Former President Jimmy Carter has some sage advice for Democrats: Don't try to impeach President Trump.
Fox News announced Friday that they will host a town hall with President Donald Trump next week. 
(FOX NEWS) -- Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Thursday that her staff informed her in November 2019 about a botched police raid that happened nine months earlier – thus revising her office’s Tuesday claim that she hadn’t learned about the February 2019 raid until this week. The mayor stood by her claim that she hadn’t…
The elevating urbanization levels and the hectic schedules of the consumers are some of the primary factors driving the cup noodles market.
” That was a lie. There is no way on this earth that he did not remember every detail because at that time he was doing everything he could to get Hillary Clinton elected as President and prevent a Republican from being elected. And when he got this horrendous news from his standpoint that his candidate, that his friend Hillary Clinton, had compromised the United States intelligence information, had compromised the United States Obama administration, there is no way Larry, he doesn’t remember that..there’s no way.”
Lawyers for Covington Catholic High School senior Nick Sandmann reportedly will file lawsuits against five additional media companies this week for smearing Sandmann last year. Sandmann’s lawyers submitted a status report with the U.S. District Court in Covington last week that showed that “they intend to file complaints against Gannett, ABC, CBS, The New York […]
More than 600 people died from drug overdoses in San Francisco.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) responsible for recruiting and supporting Democrat candidates for the House of Representatives released its "2021 Year Out Memo" — albeit a week late —
Rev. Al Sharpton’s charity nearly doubled his compensation and also shelled out close to $300,000 for private jets so that he and other bigwigs could attend “important gatherings.”…
In the wake of critical reports, the deputy attorney general told officials to reduce or decline to renew deals with contractors.
On a 2018 visit to China, we were enjoying a cruise on the Yangtze River. The only English-speaking channel we could view from our cabin was CNN. When trying to
Commentary Had enough yet? Have you figured it out yet? Has the absurd panic over the COVID “pandemic” ...
The Supreme Court on Tuesday denied former president Donald Trump’s request to block the release of his tax records to a congressional committee,
Islamic extremism is infesting British prisons, and often goes unchallenged thanks to a culture of political correctness, a Government report has warned.
During a speech about the abortion case before the Supreme Court on Wednesday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated to Supreme Court | Clips During a speech about the abortion case before the Supreme Court on Wednesday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated to Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, "you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you, if you go forward with these awful decisions."
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is currently urging President Trump to submit two controversial deals, the Iran Nuclear Deal and the Paris Climate Accord, to the Senate for approval; the president
Rebuking the Biden administration, Florida’s Republican-controlled Legislature on Wednesday passed a measure that seeks to prevent workers from being required to get vaccinated against COVID-19.