Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said President Trump is "leading the charge for civil rights today for the little unborn persons in the womb who have a right to live."
It is no Earth-shattering revelation that President Donald Trump and recently re-elected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu get along famously well.
This is BAD for Joe biden. If the media actually covered the race fairly, Joe would have probably dropped out by now. Joe Biden's past is BRUTAL. — Available...
No policy, not matter how damaging to ordinary life, will ever be enough to appease the cult of St Greta
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's surprise political deal with the smaller left-leaning New Democrats will lead to heftier deficits and threatens to upend the Liberal government's promise to rein in runaway inflation, economists said.
JERUSALERM -- The Temple Mount has been utilized by Arab states and Muslim leaders the past few days to spew wild accusations against Israel.
According to multiple reports, actress Lori Loughlin and her husband Mossimo Giannulli are planning to plead ignorance in response to charges related to their college bribery case.
A recent wave of violent crime has roiled the city of Atlanta, amplifying tensions in a community still reeling from the coronavirus pandemic and a debate over policing and race.
Maryland officials will conduct an investigation into all deaths that happened in police custody that were overseen by the state's former chief medical examiner, who testified as a defense witness in the trial for former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.
A court has ruled that a state law giving authorities authority to conduct warrantless trespassing and surveillance on private land is unconstitutional.
Kashuv has earned a reputation as a gun rights warrior.
An economic rebound 'is my big worry,' a former Obama official told Politico, who said the 'level of concern' was 'high, high, high' among party leaders. 
Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.
He's running in the Republican Primary in CD 10, which has a strong Democratic voter base
The lawmakers facing an ethics review are Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich), the longest-serving sitting House member, and Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, as well as a senior aide.
A judge found a father guilty of “family violence” because he referred to his teenage daughter as “she,” rather than her preferred prounouns.
The Trump administration placed an initial $1.95 billion order for 100 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine with Pfizer and can acquire an additional 500 million doses. Pfizer and BioNTech announced in a joint statement that they secured “an agreement with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense to […]
Why 1620 should be considered the year of America’s founding.
Nearly 50 years after Texas was the center of the "Roe versus Wade" Supreme Court decision that legalized ...
Meadows said he has talked to senators, including Graham, in the hours after this morning's failure.
“This is not going to be the country of the xenophobics,” Omar said. “This is not going to be the country of white people.” “This is not going to be the country of the few,” Omar said. “This is the country of the many.” “This is the country that was founded on the history of Native American genocide, on the backs of black slaves but also by immigrants,” Omar said. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/...reated-monsters-terrorizing-jews-and-muslims/ In just a few short months, Omar has repeatedly been called out for her divisive rhetoric. These comments strike me as just that-divisive rhetoric at best, and perhaps racist. And of course, she goes on to blame Trump for her own words. She's the victim you see.
The lack of any accountability for a false NYT story claiming 'repeated' Trump-Russia intelligence contacts just proves that media are utterly corrupt.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's aides reportedly overruled state health officials regarding the release of nursing home data over a span of five months.
OPEC and its allies including Russia decided on Thursday to stick with a schedule of gradual production increases as the U.S. weighs an unprecedented release from its national strategic petroleum reserves in an attempt to bring down gasoline prices.
With Gen. John Kelly moving from head of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to White House Chief of Staff, Texas Rep. Mike McCaul has become the most likely candidate to replace Kelly as DHS head. But if Trump is as serious about border security and illegal immigration as he says he is, he won’t … Continue reading "Dear White House: Don’t Let “No-Wall McCaul” Lead the DHS"