The bill is expected to receive royal assent later tonight.
A black conservative student attending a liberal arts college in upstate New York faced scorn for attending a vigil memorializing Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old woman
As The Daily Wire has reported numerous times, anti-Semitism in Sweden has been on the rise for years.
All players competing in the first game of the NBA restart took a knee and locked arms during a recording of the national anthem Thursday night at ESPN Wide World of Sports.
In reaching its most momentous free-speech decision ever, Facebook made it up on the fly.
NYPD said a shooting happened at a Brooklyn subway station.
UPDATE AT END, DEFIANT VICTIM SPEAKS OUT. A grey-haired woman holding a large American flag was attacked in Boston Saturday ...
While the Left suggests forgoing children to save the climate and argues for abortion up to (and slightly after) the moment of birth, conservatives appear to be taking up the slack.
Before a coronavirus news briefing in Harrisburg on Tuesday, Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rachel Levine responded to a series of transphobic attacks directed against her. “While these individuals …
A publicly funded charter school in Nevada created a hostile environment for students by instructing them to associate aspects of their identity with oppression, a new lawsuit alleges.
Amid a legal challenge by Florida and other states, federal officials announced Wednesday that travelers will continue to be required to wear masks
Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal has been removed from her committee assignments.
A local newspaper in South Bend, Ind., on Monday published a report pointing out the number of extended absences Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) has had as he travels across the country in his 2020 presidential bi
Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," former Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams accused President Donald Trump of  "doing his best to actually steal the vote." | Clips
Venezuela’s socialist President Nicolas Maduro is hoping to win concessions from Washington now that Democrats control the White House, but the Biden administration is being warned not to weaken the U.S.-led pressure campaign that former President Trump built against Caracas.
Florida doctors soon will be barred from performing abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, as Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday signed a measure that closely resembles a Mississippi law under review by the U.S. Supreme Court. 
Yesterday Nancy Pelosi granted an interview to a San Francisco television station, and the first ninety seconds are something to behold. She repeated her request that the National Park Service deny a permit to an alleged “alt-right demonstration” called Patriot Prayer. Pelosi said “not allow these elements to use a national park to spew forth their venom.” She then said that “protecting people” was the Park Service’s “first responsibility.” When the interviewer, Pam Moore, pressed Pelosi to consider Patriot Prayer’s First Amendment rights, Pelosi responded, “The Constitution does not say that a person can yell wolf in a crowded theater ...
Some congressional Democrats are determined to find a reason to impeach President Donald Trump, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appears to have become the voice of reason in the party.
MacKenzie Scott donated to groups that support enabling late-term abortions, abolishing police and prisons, and teaching schoolchildren to be activists for LGBTQ causes.
Joe Biden was all geared up to go out last week and boast about the one million jobs the economy had added in April. But then the actual numbers came out, and . . . psych! Only 266,000 new jobs, 73 percent fewer than Biden was planning to brag about! But not to worry, Joe: The New York Times has got your back!
New York Democrat Laura Curran has a message for her party – a party she believes has lost its way. Curran, who ran in 2021 against a Republican and lost, thinks the Democrat Party is the party of “weakness” right now, and she’s laying the blame at Joe Biden’s shaky old feet. Literally. We’ve said […]
Okay, so you might not have realized that the MTV Video Music Awards were tonight or, really, that MTV still exists (it doesn't, exactly — the video music awards pretty much only honor YouTube stars nowadays), but whatever was left of the network decided tonight's awards show should be dedicated
Senator Lindsey Graham has shown great loyalty to President Donald Trump over the past two years or so, particularly in what critics see as a shameless and diametric rhetorical difference from what the South Carolina senator said of then-candidate Trump during the GOP primaries. During a Wednesday evening on Hannity however, Graham appeared to go further than he had gone before in defending President Trump, likening two years of the investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller as a "political rectal exam." Graham's curious turn of phrase was in response to host Sean Hannity's questioning the "justifiable reason" for the broad mandate that Mueller investigation enjoyed. Sen. Graham clarified that in his opinion Mueller's job was to find out if candidate Trump colluded with Russia, or "Did our president, when he was running for office, win the election because the Russians helped him?" After Hannity added that Mueller "has the authority to expand out" his investigation, Graham
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When asked what words he had for Americans worried about climbing fuel prices, Biden said a better-educated workforce is the answer.