A U.S. federal judge in Texas ruled on Friday that the Affordable Care Act, comm...
Tucked inside House Democrats’ new coronavirus bill is language that would create a loophole in states’ voter ID requirements, allowing people to cast ballots without having to prove who they are.
A Democratic House lawmaker and the NAACP sued former President Trump and others in federal court on Tuesday, seeking money damages for putting the lawmaker in fear of his life during the riot by Trump supporters at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
The Biden administration will send medical teams to six states to assist overcrowded hospitals and medical professionals as they take on the burdens associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
@mtaibbi: 1. TWITTER FILES #17 New Knowledge, the Global Engagement Center, and State-Sponsored Blacklists 2. On June 8, 2021, an analyst at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab wrote to Twitter: “Hi ...…
The new secretary called U.S. troops and intelligence personnel “sentinels and guardians of our nation.”
In a somewhat combative interview on two Sunday morning newsmaker shows, President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani used sarcasm to make a point about the special counsel’s ongoing Trump-Russia investigation.
The evidence continues to grow.
After years of never-ending attacks on Trump, reporters are now praising Biden for playing video games and going to bed early.
Fauci is trying to paint himself as a victim, while he is to blame for the destruction of his own credibility.
“I’m proud of the American record on culture and economic integration of not only our Muslim communities but African communities, Asian communities, Hispanic communities,” Biden said. The key to preventing young people from gravitating towards extremism is to form coalitions to ensure that “every child in every minority community in America — particularly now in the Muslim-American community — is able to feel like we see them,” Biden said. There’s been a constant, unrelenting stream of immigration. Fewer than 50 percent of the people in America, from then and on, will be white European stock.
Everyone send CNN positive vibes they were perplexed Friday afternoon over how coronavirus cases were declining as more states begin to reopen their economies. Put another way, this drove a dagger through the heart of CNN’s campaign of apocalyptic rhetoric, indefinitely lockdowns, and Trump hate. During the second of two segments on the topic in the 1:00 p.m. Eastern hour, one could sense their disappointment in this chyron: “Coronavirus Pandemic; Why Are Cases Declining as Nearly All U.S. States Reopen?”
U.S. - Reports from across the nation Thursday indicated that every conservative uncle in the whole country said, 'Boy, we sure could use some of that global warming about now!' amid cold temperatures.'Boy, we sure could use some of that global warming about now!' quipped Uncle Marty in Alabama as he shoveled snow, triggering eye-rolls ...
Prosecutors are needlessly risking acquittal by filing inappropriate charges.
Democrats and their votaries essentially ask that question in the wake of Tucker Carlson Tonight revealing security video withheld from the American people for over two years from inside of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
    Oops, he did it again. Donald Trump set the Left aflame Friday afternoon, with a simple tweet of a simple structure: He submitted a cartoon representation of the country’s “beautiful” upcoming wall. It wasn’t the first time the President has characterized the wall as such (see here), but it was the first representation of its kind, so far as I know, that he’s | Read More »
ATLANTA, GA—CNN is refusing to air President Trump's press briefings, calling them propaganda and fake news. Instead, the station will be broadcasting the far more fair, balanced, and accurate daily takes by President Xi Jinping."We don't want to broadcast Trump's propaganda, so we'll turn to a far more accurate source," said Br …
"What the new study from Northern Jutland shows is that an extreme form of lockdown didn’t work in one of the most law-abiding societies in the world. Why, then, should we expect lockdowns to be effective anywhere else?" ~ Joakim Book & Christian Bjørnskov
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Santa Clara County deployed a variety of surveillance techniques on congregants of a local church that met during COVID-19, including tracking phone location data and parking a car in a nearby lot to observe behavior, court documents reported by independent journalist David Zweig reveal. Inspectors from the county’s COVID-19 Business Compliance Unit spent a total […]
In Tel Aviv and Jerusalem activists show solidarity.
The U.S. government shutdown has divided hundreds of thousands of workers into t...
Stacey Abrams has another distinction to add to her resume — she is among the most preposterous potential vice-presidential candidates ever. Her attempt to leverage a failed Georgia gubernatorial b…
ABC News rose to be the No. 2 app in Australia from a previous ranking in the high 400s
Rep. Matt Gaetz's, R-Fla., ex-girlfriend was granted immunity by prosecutors before her testimony in front of a federal grand jury last week.