How will it look, for the health of American democracy, if the former President Donald Trump is put in handcuffs next week over charges that he paid ‘hush-hush money’ to the porn star Stormy Daniels?  The man himself seems to be bracing for legal persecution over what he calls ‘The Stormy Horseface Daniels Extortion Plot.’
The Women’s March made me uneasy from the start. First, I wondered where the Jewish leaders were. After all, Jewish women have historically played prominent roles in second-wave feminism. Where wer…
In the last few days, both former Vice President Joe Biden and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer got in some hot water. Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, told a black radio host on Friday that “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or [President] Trump, then you ain’t black.” Whitmer, another […]
On Friday's broadcast of HBO's "Real Time," host Bill Maher argued for a "stand your ground law for cancel culture, so that when the woke mob comes after | Clips
In response to new information surfacing about “malfeasance” at the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Washington Field Office, U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-01), member of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, today will introduce the “FBI Washington Field Office House Arrest…
On Friday, President Donald Trump and his entourage will jet for the third straight weekend to a working getaway at his oceanfront Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida.
The fine folks at Gillette recently decided to take a break from peddling overpriced razors and instead focus on insulting their entire customer base.

Thomas Sowell on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

“Experts are often called in, not to provide factual information or dispassionate analysis for the purpose of decision-making by responsible officials, but to give political cover for decisions already made and based on other considerations entirely.”
People like me have gone years feeling alone and ignored by the popular discussion of gender identity, but Ryan’s book gives us hope and understanding.
A California city has approved liability insurance for gun owners, the first such measure in the US, as it seeks to lower gun violence through stricter rules.
On Monday, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman opened up his intellectual pop-gun on President Trump’s plans to base budget projections on higher numbers. Over the weekend, The Wall Street Journal reported:
Four officers on scene have been fired. They have not yet been officially identified by department officials.
There will be no return to normal as long as Anthony Fauci reigns supreme. Too large a population just wants the government to tell them exactly what to do.
The states of Arizona and West Virginia are leading a group of 25 states urging the Supreme Court to hear a case challenging Maryland's strict firearm's law
BIDEN AND HARRIS BOTH WEAK GOING INTO 2024. President Joe Biden's job approval rating has fallen to 38% in a new poll from the Associated Press and the National Opinion Research Center — close to his lowest rating ever in that poll. Just last month, Biden's rating was 45%, which was as high as it…
A 42-year old man is being charged with blasphemy in Denmark after filming himself burning a Quran. He will be the first person to be charged under Denmark’s antiquated blasphemy law in nearly half a century. The act was committed in December 2015 when the man burned a copy of the 7th century Islamic holy text in his own back yard. He later posted a recording of the burning with two captions: “Yes to freedom - no to Islam" and “Consider your neighbour: it stinks when it burns” to an Islam-critical Facebook page.
The most challenging task is choosing the ten worst embarrassments. The most notable aspect is they all go toward promoting the same narrative.
So, to put it simply, CCP’s police team and the team of the largest surveillance equipment manufacturer were given top prizes at the ImageNet’s competition, and ImageNet was founded by Li Fei-fei.
Andrew Cuomo hasn't taken a question from a reporter in nearly two weeks as accusations of both sexual misconduct and COVID mismanagement mount against him.
His attorney also is arguing that he gave females gifts and wasn't paying for sex.
Parents of kindergarten students in China have been forced to sign a pledge of atheism as a condition for their kids staying in school.
The head of the school’s writing center is trying to rewrite the rules of grammar.
Special counsel Robert Mueller is probing the Trump campaign’s “dealings” with the National Rifle Association as part of his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, a person familiar with the matter said Tuesday. 
CNN anchor Chris Cuomo said late Monday that Antifa should not be equated with white supremacists, arguing that "in a clash between hate and those who oppose it, those who oppose it are on the side of right" even if they resort to "petty viol
Twenty Republican state attorneys general signed a letter denouncing the House Democrats’ controversial election reform bill, HR 1, as unconstitutional.