Ricky Gervais slammed celebrity cancel culture and said "you don't agree with freedom of speech" if you partake in it.
Biden on Friday revoked a series of executive orders issued by former President Trump, including seeking to establish ...
A federal judge on Monday slapped limits on special counsel John Durham using the inaccuracy of Trump-Russia collusion claims in his prosecution of Democratic lawyer Michael Sussmann.
Explore the geographic distribution and demographics of America's major religious groups.
Florida is lucky to have him as governor and hopefully will again for a second term.
Andrew Neil’s insurgent new TV news channel has more chance of succeeding than its critics believe
The United States could soon see an end to the coronavirus pandemic as Dr. Anthony Fauci said the country is "certainly" out of the "pandemic phase."
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that will provide $1.2 trillion to fund the government past Sept. 30, and will allocate $1.6 billion towards President Donald Trump's border wa
It’s no secret that beliefs lead to actions – so when beliefs are wrong, bad or ill-willed, the consequential actions could be devastating. When it comes to the ideas of liberals and conservatives, it’s obvious which side is morally right. For this reason, it’s only fitting that free speech should only be given to those …
The Ronald McDonald House in Chicago was vandalized during looting early Monday morning while families and their sick children huddled inside, the charity said Tuesday.
Vice President Kamala Harris has come under criticism from Republicans and former Trump officials for not having visited the border in her leading role in dealing with the migrant crisis -- although she visited in 2018 to protest Trump-era policies.
Graham-Cassidy still doesn't have 50 votes.
General Michael Flynn was an American hero who was set up by Obama’s Deep State before he even joined forces with the Trump campaign.  It now looks like the Mueller gang is holding back providing a Form 302 dated the day before the 2017 Trump Inauguration that took place under former President Obama’s watch. The …
Former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday called for a nationwide mask mandate to help fight the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez said she is in therapy as a result of the January 6 Capitol riot, or what she described as an "all-out, attempted coup."
The mainstream media in Canada has a bad track record when it comes to getting stories right, as evidenced by the multiple false claims that were published regarding the "Freedom Convoy." The mainstream media in Canada spread multiple lies about the "Freedom Convoy," something that is being exposed by independent journalists. Holly Doan, owner of [...]
President Obama never used the words "executive action" in public until nearly three years into his presidency. Now announcements of executive actions have become a routine, almost daily occurrence.
President Donald Trump on Wednesday offered an endorsement for the momentum-building Republican...
Rod Thomson A lot of Americans do not like President Trump’s vulgarities, the name-calling, petty Twitter feuds and previous adulteries. But they love the flag-hugging, make-America-great-again, straight-talking President Trump that is presiding over an awful lot of good in the
From police injuries to financial losses from looters, the aftermath from weeks of cross-country protests is bringing some cities to their knees.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) condemned Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for her recent comments likening coronavirus restrictions to the Holocaust…
Mayorkas’ claim that the Board "does not infringe on people’s right of free speech” will end up looking as fake as the claim that Trump colluded with Russia.
Berkeley Patriot pulled out of the Milo Yiannopoulos-backed event.

The Scarcity Scam | National Review

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Despite never coming true, predictions of impending resource exhaustion remain a great, recyclable excuse for massive government intervention.
"Robert, I love you. Rest in peace."